And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air,
and there came a great voice out of the temple
of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.
And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not
since men were upon the earth, so mighty an
earthquake, and so great. And the great city
was divided into three parts, and the cities of
the nations fell: and great Babylon came in
remembrance before God, to give to unto here
the cup of the wine of the fierceness of His wrath.
And every island fled away, and the mountains
were not found. And there fell upon men a great
hail out of heaven, every stone bout the weight
of a talent: and men blasphemed God because
of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof
was exceeding great.
Revelation 16:17-21
Are you getting the point yet? Or, are you so enamored by speculation, even false interpretation, and for some a false gospel that you will not see the plain fact of Scripture. Seven is a number of completeness and God sent forth seven angels to complete upon the sinful His wrath. Also, God has given to all who will simply allow Scripture to interpret Scripture so that God has reveal not only His wrath but His salvation. Every part of earth, the sky, the mountains, the rivers, the cities, men are all affected by the wrath of God. This wrath being proclaimed so that anyone who will take the time to read His word will see the majesty, the glory, God and His mercy to the overcomers, the victorious. No one has an excuse! When the seven vials have been poured out God says: It Is Done! Remember the words of Jesus on the cross? He said: "It Is Finished!" The work of Jesus to be the Savior was done, finished and now all who are to become in the image of God has a job as well and that is to bring the Gospel to the world. This Gospel brings upon then ungodly wrath, fear, pain and even though the truth was presented they would and will only curse God. Oh! There is a gospel that seems to be truth and is presented as truth. This false gospel has people doing all sorts of things that seem godly making them pious, things such as teaching that man can become perfect in this life. This is not true, but man will become perfect when he/she receives their new body, their incorruptible body, their immutable body and a renewing of the soul so that they will worship God in truth. Yet, not only those pagans will receive wrath from God but those who teach a false gospel: i.e., speaking in some gibberish babble, to go about believing that they can heal (oh, they may say it is God that heals, and it is, but they only believe that they have the power to aid God in the healing process) and those who believe in such heresies and the Sozo Movement, the restoration theology, and the five-fold ministry. These voices are being heard and misleading many but God hears those voices and like a great earthquake, an awakening to those false teachers, and lightnings that seem like a like from God when it is only light from the storm that is coming upon false teaching. Remember the flood, man was sinful, man was following after their own beliefs, fornication, and a hating of God felt the great earth shake as the waters from heaven and from under the earth caused earthquakes, volcanoes, but this earthquake, those vials of wrath is greater in affect than the Great Flood.
Babylon, the seat of false teaching, of false religions is now facing the remembrance of God. God had not forgotten them, rather God has called this to mind, to be mindful and He reminds Himself of the past, the present and the future how sinful is Babylon and all that they have done to blaspheme His name. God is mindful and God gives to Babylon wine which represents His wrath. As Babylon is seen to fall men flee, represented in the dividing of the city, the island fled, and the mountains, which represent those men who believe that they are as a mountain, strong, big, and powerful are removed and not to be found. The hail which is the fury of God's wrath is so large, so big, so heavy is cast down upon sinful man and even while this is happening, these sinful men will not give glory to God, rather they furthermore blaspheme His name.
Are you getting the point? You either receive the blessings of God or His wrath. God does not choose, you do! Some will say that God chooses, no, God only chooses or elects to have eternal life those who believe upon the Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, some will fight this and say that this is Arminianism, well maybe, but God is not unjust, He allowed Adam to fall knowing full well that all of Adam's progeny would suffer so why give only to Adam to right to choose? Did not God set forth the law to Adam? Yes! Did not God give to Adam a promise? Yes! God has laid down His law to you and me and He has given to us a promise. Which will you choose? Will you fall back on the fact that God probably did not choose before you were born to have eternal life, or did God give to you His revelation so that you can choose Him? Yes, He did this and in this book, Revelation God is showing to you those things that will come upon both the godly and the ungodly. Why show this if you are already destined to die sinful? He shows this so that we can choose Him and have our faith grow strong. Choose well!
And God saw that the wickedness
of man was great in the earth,
and that every imagination of the
thoughts of his heart was only
evil continually. And it repented
the LORD that He had made man
on the earth, and it grieved Him
His heart......But Noah found
grace in the eyes of the LORD.
Genesis 6:5-6;8
Spread the Good News: Jesus Saves
Richard L. Crumb
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