Wednesday, August 31, 2016

What Does It Mean To Be In Poverty And To Be A Blasphemer?

I know thy tribulation, and poverty, 
(but thou are rich) and I know the blasphemy
of them which say they are Jews, and are not, 
but are the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 2:9 

     The opening verse is short compared to other open verses and this is by design. God knows your trials, your poverty and if, and He does know this, then you can be assured that you can overcome them if you allow Him to lead you and this leading is found in His word. The word "poverty" has a greater meaning than to be without money or means. It does mean to be destitute and by being destitute it may mean to be without money or means, to lack in things, a lack in substance. It means to be devoid and from the Latin word, "destituere" it means to abandon, to be deprived of support. Jesus Christ experienced poverty and this on our behalf (2Corinthians 8:9). Destitution was experienced by the Christian as to their condition in Judea (2Corinthians 8:2). This was also the condition of the Church in Symrna. One thing we know from this letter to Symrna was that they were facing persecutions, tribulations, and poverty. Poverty could be a lack of life's needs, or a lack of true Gospel and this due to those who were and are today, blasphemers. What is a blasphemer? It is one that speaks impiously, or to speak evil. Blaspheme is to use speech to bring down another's value, honor, due-respect, and to injure another's reputation. How does a blasphemer do this? This is done by speaking of non-Scriptural doctrine: i.e., speaking in gibberish tongues and calling it true when Scripture does not even allude to this without twisting Scripture, words, to prove your belief. These blasphemers were of the Church, as it is today in some Churches, who held and taught doctrines of man, as it was with the Gnostics, the Judiazers, the Nicolaitans, the neo-platonists, and others who were teaching a gospel that was not and is not Gospel. Those who teach false teaching and are blasphemers are of the synagogue of Satan. Run from them, leave a Church that teaches this even if it means leaving behind friends, even family who will not leave. What is more important to you? Is it how you feel or is to become morphed into the Image of Jesus Christ? If you run from such you are an overcomer and you have the crown of life and you will not be hurt by the second death. 
     We have many examples of those who ran from sin. We have Moses who forsake the pleasure of being and adopted son of Pharoah and all the pleasurable things that come to a ruler, he forsake the love of pleasure. Micaiah refused to prophecy things to king Ahab even though he knew he would be persecuted if he spoke the truth. Micaiah overcame the fear of a life of ease and acceptance. Daniel refused to give praying even though he knew that the den of lions would be where he would go due to his refusal, so Daniel overcame the fear of death. Matthew as a tax collector and the riches that came to one who handled this money and could receive for his wages some of that collection, overcame the love of money. Peter stood boldly before the council and shows to us that it is possible to overcome the fear of man.  Saul gave up being a Pharisee and the praise that would come to him for doing the work of protection for the Pharisees, he over came the love of man's praise. 
     How could they do this? The secret of their victory: their faith. They believed Jesus to be the promised Savior, not in name only as there are nominal Christians in our world today claiming what they are not, no, the believed, converted to Jesus Christ and forsook all else and in their tribulations they were rich as was the Church in Smyrna. You too are rich all you have to do is live the life of Jesus Christ and allow yourself to become in His image. By the grace of God you can be an overcomer.
     In the Churches, at least in many, there is so much fighting among themselves, against other Churches of a different denomination, all this fighting and there is no sign that they are fighting the cause of Jesus Christ. Their victory if they have one is a shallow victory. Their victory is to become at peace with their enemies. Jesus never did this! They have no quarrel with sin: and this we see in Churches where homosexuals are allowed and abortion is allowed, and even more non-Scriptural practices. This is not Authentic Christianity and it is not the way to heaven. 
     Be an overcomer and you will have the crown of life, eternal life, a life that you cannot begin to imagine. A new body, incorruptible, immutable, and not sign of sin that can draw you away from God and all that He has prepared for His children. He that that has an ear: let him/her, hear! 

Yet ye have forsaken Me, and served
     other gods: wherefore I will deliver
you no more. God and cry unto the gods
    which ye have chosen; let them deliver
you in the time of your tribulation. And the
    children of Israel said unto the LORD,
We have sinned: do thou unto us whatsoever
    seemeth good unto thee; deliver us only,
we pray thee, this day.
                           Judges 10:13-15

Be thou faithful unto death

Richard L. Crumb

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Looking At The Church In Smyrna: How It Teaches Us Today

And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write; 
These things saith the first and the last,
 which was dead, and is alive; I know 
thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, 
(but thou are rich) and I know the 
blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, 
and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Fear none of those things which thou 
shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast 
some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; 
and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be 
thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee 
a crown of life. He that hath an ear, let him 
hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.
Revelation 2:8-11 

     Revisiting what we have studied and learned is important for us so that we understand certain things: i.e., seven is the number for completeness; therefore those seven Churches represent all of Christendom, and that Jesus sees all our works, and that those who overcome will inherit the blessings of Jesus Christ. Furthermore, we have come to know that we are soldiers, soldiers of Jesus Christ and that we are victorious soldiers. We as His soldiers are bound to fight the fight of Jesus Christ and that means to fight sin, the world, and the devil. If you are not fighting this fight you are tacitly renouncing your Christianity. God has given to us all the protection we need to fight this fight (Ephesians 6:13-17) so we do not have to fear for we are the conquerors and are overcomers. This is our distinguishing mark as Authentic Christians: we are numbered as a soldier in the ranks of Jesus' Christ' army. 
     Let this one thing be clear: If you have any right to any of the promises of Jesus Christ you must fight this good fight in the cause and for the cause of Jesus Christ, and in this fight you will be the conqueror. Victory is the evidence that you have Authentic Christianity Faith, a saving faith. This fight may include, and does, your time in reading the Bible, praying, and going to Church, which is all good: But, how goes the battle? Are you fighting the battle? Are overcoming the love of the world with all its delicate, euphoric and delicious invitation to be involved in what they offer and you overcoming the fear of man? What about your passions, tempers, and lusts of your own heart: are you fighting this fight and are you overcoming? Let us get this: you must either serve sin and the devil and the world, to rule over all that is offered to you or not. There is no middle ground, in fact, if you are walking the fence, in time, both sides will be throwing rotten eggs at you. You must either conquer or be lost.     
     The letter to the angel of the Church in Smyrna gives this warning and promise: "...He that ovecometh shall not be hurt or the second death" (Revelation 2:11b). The second death is Gehenna, not hell, Gehenna. Gehenna is the Greek word for the Valley of Hinnom where sulphur and brimstone, burned day and night and destroyed all that was thrown into it, even those vile people not deserving of a burial. As this letter reminds us; we have men and women who are blaspheming and are of the Devil. These vile men are drawing people away from the truth and causing them to not be Authentic Christians. Much trial and tribulations come to one who follow them due to those promises and speculations of these vile men and women not coming true. You must be faithful unto death. There are no shortcuts here as some seem to teach, those who rely on experiences rather than on the cross of Jesus Christ. It cost Jesus Christ His life on the horrible cross, a painful death: just for you. Jesus did not have to do this; He is God and is in need of nothing so His death was a vicarious death and what His death did was to destroy Satan's power and in time will destroy Satan. It is by way of the cross that you become an Authentic Christian, no other way. Sin, the world and the devil must be mortified in you, resisted by you and overcome by you. God will not do it for you: you must do it. 
     John wrote that those opposer will only last 10 days, and 10 is used for the world and that by stating a number then the world has a limit of time in which it will oppose and contradict and blaspheme God, and you. You must choose! Choose wisely! Either by an Authentic Christian or not! Either be an overcomer or not! Be one that will be thrown into Gehenna or not! He that hath an ear, let him/her hear!

And if it seem evil unto you
     to serve the LORD, choose you
this day whom ye will serve; whether
     the gods which your fathers served
that were on the other side of the flood, 
    or the gods of he Amorites, in whose
land ye dwell: but as for me and my house,
    we will serve the LORD.
                       Joshua 24:15

Gear up: The battle needs you

Richard L. Crumb

Monday, August 29, 2016

Learning To Follow Our Captian, Our General And That We Are HIs Soldiers

...write in a book; and send it
 unto the seven churches....
Revelation 1:11b
Write the things which thou sawest
 and the thing which are about to take 
place after these.
Revelation 1:19

     Yes, I am spending a great deal of time on these verses and this is by design. If we do not get what is being said and how to apply what is written then we will miss the greater point as to why the Holy Spirit had John write these letters. Those seven Churches represent complete Christianity so they apply to us and we must learn from them so we can become Authentic Christians. Too many people want to dwell on the "juicy" parts of Revelation, those things that have sprung many theories, and are only speculations, but they are "fun" to think about and to apply. We will get to them as soon as we learn from the beginning of this letter what we must know and understand and not just pass over them lightly. 
     Jesus said: "I know thy works," and He does and we should be humbled that He knows everything about me, and you, but He also makes a promise for all who will overcome. To each of the seven Churches Jesus give great promises, each different, but those promises give forth consolation and are always addressed to Christians who overcome. What does it mean to overcome? 
     When you come to the place where you are just sick of your life, those sins and blemishes and you feel that you are discouraged, well, we all are at times but there is great encouragement to be found in these letters to those seven Churches. To overcome something you must know what it is that needs to be overcome. The first thing is to recognize that you are a sinner and in need of a savior, that you cannot overcome your lack of ability to stop that which you know is contrary to the will of God. That must come first, that you know that you need help and you want that help. This is the point in time that your new life will begin, that is, you know your failures and by hearing the word of God faith has come to you (Romans 10:17) and you accept that Jesus is the One who can save you from what you cannot change, those sins and failures. Having then, accepted Jesus as Savior you begin your new life and it is not all "roses and cherries," but you begin, you study His word, you pray for strength and you take time to meditate upon His word. Let me encourage you! Jesus sees the beauty as well as the ugly, and no matter how little the beauty may be, He sees your beauty, your effort, and your conscientious desire to please Him. God sees your tears: "Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book? When I cry unto Thee, then shall mine enemies turn back: this I know; for God is for me" (Psalm 56:8-9). When you do good to others, when you care for your brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, Jesus sees this beautiful thing and He does not forget your labor of love. 
     Jesus will honor the work of His Spirit in you and will pass over your frailties and will chastise you back to repentance if need it. Jesus will see your faith, your faith in action, not just words, but active faith. Jesus sees your feeble efforts to please and serve Him and He will bless you in ways that you may not even know that you are being blessed. Active faith was outlined for us by Jesus when questioned: "Lord, when saw we Thee an hungered, and fed Thee, or thirsty, and gave Thee drink: When saw we Thee a stranger, and took Thee in? Or naked, and clothed Thee? Or when saw we Thee sick or in prison, and come unto Thee" (Matthew 25:37-39)? Jesus sees your works! 
     So then, to be an overcome, first you repent of your sins and convert to Jesus Christ and that conversion is evidenced by your works and by your works you manifest that you are one who overcomes and then those promises are to you, one who overcomes. Notice that in these letters to those seven Churches the words: "to him that ovecometh," or "he that overcometh." 
     Who are you? What does it mean for you to be a Christian? You are a soldier for Jesus Christ to be used in His service and that service is to bring the Gospel to the world, to care for those in need starting at your home, you Church and to your neighbors. As a Christian you are bound to fight Christ's battle against sin and you when you were baptized stated that you are willing to be a soldier for Jesus Christ. This baptism was you outward manifestation or your vow to Him. You cannot break this vow and if you do you will receive from Jesus Christ chastisement and even more you will lose what you gained (Hebrews 10:26). This public recognition is that you are now a soldier for Jesus Christ and you want to be recognized as such. Paul stated that we are to put on the full armor of God: "Take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.' "Above all, take the shield of faith' (Ephesians 6:13-17), and with your leader, your General who leads you you will be a conqueror for you have all the provisions you need to be the light of the world, the water of life, and glory of God. This is a great privilege to be a soldier of Jesus Christ and your works, no matter how big or small, they are seen by Jesus and you will be the recipient of those promises that we can read as we read about those seven Churches in Revelation. 

The fear of the LORD is to 
     hate evil: pride, and arrogance,
and the evil way, and the froward
    mouth, do I hate.
                   Proverbs 8:13

Today: fight the good fight

Richard L. Crumb

Friday, August 26, 2016

What Does It Mean To Have Works?

Was not Abraham our father justified by works,
 when he had offered Isaac his son upon
 the altar? Seest thou how faith wrought 
with his works, and by works was faith 
made perfect? And the scripture was 
fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, 
and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: 
and he was called the friend of God. Ye see 
then how that by works a man is justified,
 and not by faith only. Likewise also was 
not Rahab the harlot justified by works,
 when she had received the messengers, 
and had sent them out another way?
James 2:21-25

     As we study the seven Churches in Revelation it is noticed that in every epistle Jesus says, 'I know they works.' It is very striking that this expression is told about those seven Churches. Jesus does not say: 'I know your profession, your desires, your resolutions, your wishes,' but says: 'I know your works.' Therefore works is very important and if one is to be an Authentic Christian they will be manifested in your  life. Works cannot and does not justify you or wipe out your sins, or deliver you from the wrath of God. Just because they cannot save you does not diminish their importance. If you think that they do, then you are deceiving yourself. Each person claiming to be a Christian must earnestly contend for the faith and that contending is the evidence of a person's religion. This was certainly true of Abraham, and Rahab for by their faith came works, their faith was proved by their works. Many say that they know God, and by this profession they have come to believe that they are godly. They may be living a moral life but they are not manifesting their faith by this alone, their profession alone is not enough in fact they may be denying Jesus Christ: "They profess that they know God; but in works they deny Him, being abominable and disobedient,and unto every good work reprobate" (Titus 1:16). Jesus stated: "For every tree is known by his own fruit....." (Luke 6:16a).
     Whatever you are doing, saying, all things about you are known by Jesus Christ, therefore your works as a professing Christian are known by God. Jesus hears all, even your whispers, every letter you may have written, every thought you have had and will have: there is no secret with God about you that you have that He does not know, all things are manifest before Him. Jesus, as we will read and study later in Revelation, will judge the wicked when the books are opened and this 'according to their works.' Jesus knows the works of His people and will reward then and will weigh them, "Talk no more so exceeding proudly; let not arrogancy come out of your mouth: for the LORD is a God of knowledge, and by Him actions are weighed" (1Samuel 2:3). Your works will follow you: "And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them" (Revelation 14:3). Paul wrote: "Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labor" (1Corinthians 3:8). 
     Is this not a solemn warning? Yes! There is a warning to all worldly people, to all hypocrites, those professors of religion. Jesus says: 'I know they works.' You cannot deceive Jesus Christ and He will expose you on the last day: Unless: you REPENT! Oh how sorry it is to have the name Christian and to not have the reality. Remember: your sins will find you out. Yet by the mercy of God He send out a word of warning: 'I know thy works.' 

And it shall be said in that day,
    Lo, this is our God; we have
waited for Him, and He will save us:
    this is the LORD; we have waited
for Him, we will be glad and rejoice
    in His salvation.
                      Isaiah 25:9

What works will you do today for the Gospel?

Richard L. Crumb 

Thursday, August 25, 2016

How We Should View The Ordinances, Ceremonies, And Sacraments Of The Church

For I have not shunned to declare unto you all 
the counsel of God. Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which He hath purchased with His own blood. For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves 
enter in among you, not sparing the flock.
 Also of your own selves shall men arise, 
speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. therefore watch, and remember, 
that by the space of three years I ceased not 
to warn every one night and day with tears. 
And now brethren, I commend you to God,
 and to the word of His grace, which is able 
to build you up, and to give you an inheritance 
among all them which are sanctified. I have
 coveted no man's silver, or gold, or apparel. 
Yea, ye yourselves know, that these hands have 
ministered unto my necessities, and to them that 
were with me. I have shewed you all things. 
how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak,
 and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, 
how He said, it is more blessed to give than to receive.
Acts 20:27-35

     It may seem strange that I am writing from the book of Acts and not from Revelation. It is not! For as I began yesterday I must continue to address what I said when I spoke about the fact that Jesus did not mention, baptism, or the Lord's Supper, or apostolic succession of ministers, and about Churches that hold far hard on liturgy, and sacraments and hold them as the first business for the minister as they minister to their Church. It would seem that I have a problems with them but that is far from the truth. Paul, as in the opening verses shows his feeling, and mine that important, and they are important if their observances, ceremonies, and forms are built upon faith, repentance and holiness. Paul definitely spoke about Church being administered by him and the importance of this ministry. Notice this, Paul did not say one word about the sacraments, and Church government and is not a time to do so,  yet he did not. 
     Why not hold those things above as a first importance? I do not preach the bishops, and the Prayer Book, or ordinances more that I do is not that I do not hold that they do not have value, they do. I value them, and am thankful for them, as you so should do. But, I and others, believe that repentance towards God, faith towards our Saviour Jesus Christ and holy conversation are more important as subjects for without them no man can be saved. These things are the most important, the weighty matters and on these we should spend our time, thoughts, and meditation. I am urging you to not rest on Church membership and Church privileges and be satisfied because you showed up and Church on Sunday, or that you participated in the Lord's Supper. You are not an Authentic Christian due to outward appearances or works, you must be "born again," and have faith that works in you to love, and you must demonstrate by your life that you are a "new creation: all this by the power of the Holy Spirit. We must have the mind of Jesus Christ. This Jesus did when John wrote to those seven Churches in Revelation and if we hold to those things we will not err. 
     Some Churches rely on feelings, emotions, but it matters little what you feel and about your view on the sacraments, ordinances, baptism, and Church government. What matters is you do not try yourself by your feelings. You must belong to the true visible ecclesiastical Church. No matter, though, how ecclesiastical your Church is and sound it may be, the final truth is whether or not you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, this personal faith in Jesus Christ and your repentance between you and God and your communion with the Holy Spirit in your soul. No Church, that is you, all members of your Church, those who attend your Church will flourish unless there is repentance, faith, conversion, and that the work of the Holy Spirit are the main subjects of those ministering. Too many Churches are more of an emotional release station, one in which a person loses themselves in euphoric emotion and the Gospel is lost on them and no matter what good work they do, it has as it motives themselves and not to God. Ministers must preach the Gospel, not what the Church has as its Constitution.
      The next blog I will return to Revelation and those seven Churches and examine them to see what Jesus has for us in His inspiration to John.

Every day Iwill bless thee;
     and I will praise thy name
for ever and ever.
                     Psalm 145:2

Examine your motives for your worship

Richard L. Crumb

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

How To Apply The Letters To The Seven Churches Of Revelation

Write the things which thou sawest 
and the things which are, and the things 
which are to take place after these. 
The mystery of the seven stars which thou
 sawest in my right hand, and the 
seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars 
are the angels of the seven Churches:
 and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest 
are the seven Churches.
Revelation 1:19-20

     I stated when I began this study that I would take time to carefully examine the Scriptures to ensure that I would not miss out on the richness of these words, and that I would not succumb to any speculation or false interpretation. So then, I am rewriting those verses because it is important to understand that they were written by the last living of the twelve disciples of Jesus. John writing on the island of Patmos was at least 100 years old. I believe then that we must take those words of John to be very important as he writes the final conclusion in regards to God and His people, and about those who are not It important that we know whether or not our Church is built upon the Rock, Jesus Christ. It is probable true that those who read this blog are members of some visible Church. It is also true, I suppose that you attend the public worship of some visible Church, that which is made of professing Christians. 
     Due to this letter being the last letter inspired to be written and is written in much symbolic language we must take time to pay special attention to the verse of Scripture because what is written are words that concern you, and are for your learning. So then the words of Jesus are this: "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches" (Revelation 3:22). Those words are repeated seven times in the second and third chapters of Revelation. 
     God is all and is in need of nothing and all that He does is perfect in all His works and does nothing by chance. Yes man has caused imperfection due to sin but God makes lemonade out of lemons. He had this letter written so that we may know His dealing, to be able to trace His design, His purpose, and plan. There is design and purpose for every verse in the Bible and a design for every repetition of a verse as in Revelation 3:22). They all have meaning and that meaning is for to observe to know what God has intended. The fact that those verses were written to those seven Churches then we as Authentic Christian believers are take particular notice of the things that were spoken to and about those seven Churches in Revelation. In those words are leading truths which they teach, truths for all time, for the time we live in, and truths for days to come, those latter times. All this would be good for us to know and better for us if we do.
     First, we must notice that Jesus speaks of nothing but matters of doctrine, practice, warning, and promise. There in those seven letters to those seven Churches it is to be found that Jesus finds fault with false doctrines and ungodly inconsistent practices and has sharp rebuke towards them. Also it is true that Jesus at times praises faith, patience, work, labour, perseverance and bestows on these graces high commendation. It is also true that Jesus admonishes true Christians to return to their first love. At times Jesus enjoins repentance and a renewed application to Himself and all that He has taught. 
     Now, it is also very important that we understand that Jesus did not give specific instructions about Church government or ceremonies. Jesus says nothing about them the sacraments, or ordinances, liturgies, or forms, or baptism, or the Lord's Supper, or apostolical succession of ministers. The sacramental system is not forwarded to any of the seven Churches. Why speak about this? Because many of the Churches today, those professing Christianity, would have us believe these things mentioned above are of first, of cardinal, of paramount importance. Many of those Churches hold to a belief that no Church can be without a bishop, and there can be no godliness without a liturgy. This they say is the first work of the minister and gives them the ability to keep their Church together so it is the first business of the minister. 
     Why dwell on this? We cannot come to truth without understanding how it applies. Before anything about the future is written Jesus addresses the Church, those seven Churches that represent all of Christianity. Therefore it is of first and foremost important to all who strive to live Authentic Christian lives. I will continue this conversation in the next blogs. Read these verses, read them and pray over them, meditate upon them, and be blessed as you are led to the truth by the Holy Spirit that indwells in you.

He will regard the prayer of the destitute,
    and not despise their prayer. 
This shall be written for the generation
    to come: and the people which shall
be created shall praise the LORD.
         Psalm 102:17-18

Blessing come when you study His word

Richard L. Crumb


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

What Does It Mean: Lose Your First Love: And Who Are The Nicolaitans?

Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, 
because thou hast left thy first love. 
Remember therefore from whence 
thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works;
 or else I will come unto thee quickly, 
and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, 
except thou repent. But this thou hast, that 
thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, 
which I also hate. He that hath an ear, 
let him hear what the Spirit saith unto
 the churches; to him that overcometh will I give 
to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst 
of the paradise of God.
Revelation 2:4-7 

      The Church at Ephesus was doing good things, in fact they had good works, patience, and they labored, that is they detested evil, those evil men who called themselves apostles but taught another gospel. All this was done in the name of Jesus so on the surface it seemed all was good, that they were a faithful Church. Yet, there was something wrong: they left their first love. What is meant: "first love?" Speaking to the Church at Ephesus we are led to the Garden of Eden where there was the Tree of Life in the middle of the Garden so we then look at that narrative in the garden to understand "first love." Adam and Eve lived a pure and simplistic life, they walked and talked with God in the garden and yet they left their first love, that love for God that all of God's children are to have and practice. Eve, then Adam were beguiled by Satan by just slanting ever so slightly the words spoken by God and by this they left their "first love." "First love," is demonstrated to us by the illustration of a man and woman who are married, their love for one another, to have an unselfish love without thought for another, a response of love to love. This love is self-denying, to be abandoned, committed to the one they love. 
     Adam and Eve lost their first love and by this loss they were cast out of the Garden of Eden, this pure and simplistic life to a life of hard work, just to be able to live. God cast them aside. This should be a warning to us that if we leave our first love that God will remove that candlestick, the Church from His presence. We might even understand that this "first love" has meaning for a man and a woman, married and are under vow to each other. When divorce occurs it means that one or the other has left their love for the other to give to another this love that was to be committed to just their spouse. God will not bless that new union. Some rely on the Scriptures that give a right to a divorce when the other has committed adultery. Paul adds to this reason to have the right to have another spouse is the non-believer leaves and has not intention of coming back to the marriage. Too many have used these verse to divorce another but there is no command that a person should do so, in fact the offended one has the right to forgive the offender and if the offender has repented, not just feel sorry, but truly has repented then that marriage is to continue. The offender must overcome this lack of purity and simplicity and return to their first love, their spouse, and better yet their first love for Jesus Christ. He is our true "first love," that is if we are Authentic in our Christian Faith. If Adam and Eve had overcome their fallen act they would have remained in the Garden of Eden and would have then tasted what the tree of life would give to them. If we would overcome and return to our "First Love," that love for Jesus in all its purity and simplicity and not rely on our works, programs, meeting, or other acts of works that we place ahead of our simple love for Jesus, the Gospel, then w too will overcome and have God give to us the ability to eat of the tree of life, this tree of life that is in paradise with God. 
     Who are the Nicolaitans? Much debate and theories have arisen over this name, so, I will give what will at least aid you to understand why God and the Church at Ephesus hated the Nicolaitans. Jesus spoke about the chief priests and even the temple officials that they had corrupted the truth of God with the doctrines of men. These false teachers were blinding the minds of men and making them their converts. This is apparently what the Nicolaitans were doing by their false man-made doctrines. The word Nicolaitans is derived from three Greek words: Nikos, Laos, and Ton. Nikos means "a conquest, victory, triumph, the conquered and by implication to have domination over the defeated. Laos means people, and Ton means which is the genitive case plural in all genders. The apostle Peter give us this: "The elders who are among you I exhort, I who am a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed:  Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly; NOR AS BEING LORDS OVER THOSE ENTRUSTED TO YOU, but being examples to the flock" (1Peter 5:1 - 3).
     There are those who believe that the original Nicolas was Nimrod who conquered people and who put himself in the place of God (Genesis 10:8-12). Others thing that Nicolas mentioned in Revelation is the man called Nicolas a proselyte from Antioch who was ordained as a deacon (Acts 6:1-6). Writing from that time state that he later came to follow Gnostic teachings and became an ascetic causing many to follow his doctrines. 
     We have many Nicolaitans in our world today, in some of our so-called "Christian" Churches who are teaching false doctrine and conquering the minds and souls of those who listen to him. We are to hate them, to teach against them, to expose them in all the things they do that are contrary to our "first love." This the Church of Ephesus were doing, but they too were cooling off, so to speak, and allowing in their Church what should never be allowed and this was causing them to lose their "first love," the love for the truth, the Gospel. Do not allow this in your Church for you too will cool off and if not stopped there is a great chance that you will be misled into a doctrine of man and lose your true pure and simplistic love of God, for our Savior Jesus Christ.

Moreover all the chief of the priest, 
   and the people, transgressed very much
after all the abominations of the heathen;
     and polluted the house of the LORD
which He had hallowed in Jerusalem. 
     And the LORD God of their fathers sent
to them by His messengers, rising up betime,
    and sending; because He had compassion
on His people, and on His dwelling place: but
   they mocked the messengers of God, and 
despised His words, and misused His prophets,
    until the wrath of the LORD arose against
His people, till there was no remedy.
                                 IIChronicles 36:14-16

Do not lose your "First Love."

Richard L. Crumb

Monday, August 22, 2016

False Apostles Are In Your Midst: How Can You Know Them?

Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; 
These things saith He that holdeth the 
seven stars in His right hand, Who walketh 
 in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks: 
I know thy works, and thy labour and thy patience, 
and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: 
and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, 
and are not, and hast found them liars: and hast borne, 
and hast patience, and for My name's sake hast labored, and hast not fainted
 Revelation 2:1-3

     The messenger (angel) to the church at Ephesus received a message from the One who walks in the midst of candlesticks, the Church, and Who holds the stars, the elders or leaders of the Church in His right hand, the hand considered to be clean, even sacred. This One Who walks among the Churches knows their works and all their labor even their patience. God knows all things and we cannot do anything that He does not know. Did God wait until we did it to know? No! God is eternal and sees things eternally, that is all that will happen is already known by God. God Who created all things Who does not live in time knows our time, our future, our past, our now, God knows and as God this must be true of Him for if not then God is limited. If God is limited then we would have no sure hope of ever pleasing Him for we do not know what is limiting Him. Our hope for eternal life, for salvation then could never be sure and we would be living a hopeless life. This is not of God! Why would He then send His Wisdom to become flesh to die for sin if He was limited? Some may say that He did this to settle His question as to how He could have a people who will live with Him forever. This is foolish for God does have need of anything. At God's good pleasure He does whatever He does and for His reason's and His reason's only. God knows your works, your labor or lack of labor and your patience or lack of patience. You cannot hide from God. God is Spirit and has no boundaries and cannot be measured or known outside of Him revealing something we need to know about Him. God gives us only what we need, when, why, and how, and what and all of this is to be found in His Revelation throughout all those who wrote what He inspired men to write. Those men were not recording just history, albeit, they were writing historical events, but there were many events and those recorded were the ones that God inspired to be written so that we could come to know Him and His requirements. 
     Yet, many men and women have overreached in their attempt to teach something about God and how we are to worship Him, or to live and in their attempt they teach false doctrine. It is this overreaching that many of us have done so that we can make some sense out of those hard things to understand like symbols. We far too often make those symbols mean something that we can grasp onto, as to those objects that have some resemblance to the symbol. Maybe they do, but maybe they do not so how are we to know the difference? We study Scripture as I have previously pointed out that by our knowledge of history we can come to a conclusion, not based on what sounds good to us, but has a foundation in Scripture. God has given us history to reveal to us Him and by our study of the Scriptures we can come to know Him. Those who will not study Scriptures or have come to dismiss God will never know Him and often come to false conclusions. 
     This was happening in the early Church, false apostles who are declared to be evil and require much patience on our part to define them, to address them, to teach about them and then to avoid them. We do this for the sake of the name of Jesus. Not His name as in Bill or John, no His name that tells us about Him, His attributes, and His requirements set forth for His bride. The literal name has no power, but the name that describes Jesus has all the power in the world. We have many false preachers, teachers, professors, and others who are teaching speculative theories, and good sounding representatives of symbols and many have succumbed to them as they do not learn what is the truth and have succumbed to the overreaching by false teachers.
     Do you belong to such a church? Do you and are you following speculation and good sounding words? Are you taking time to study what is being taught and said by Scripture and Scripture alone. Is this so important to you that you will do all, that is labor so that your works are the true works of God. You will do what you hold as important. 

My soul, wait thou only upon God;
     for my expectation is from Him.
He only is my rock and my salvation:
     He is my defence: I shall not be moved.
In God is my salvation and my glory: 
    the rock of my strength, and my refuge,
is only in God.
                    Psalm 61:5-7

Inspect what you expect: trust with caution'

Richard L. Crumb 

Friday, August 19, 2016

Here Are The Answers To The Right Hand, Angels, Stars, And Candlesticks

And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. 
And He laid His right hand upon me, 
saying unto me, Fear not: I am the first and the last; 
I am He that liveth, and was dead; and behold,
 I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have
 the keys of hell and of death. Write the things 
which thou hast seen, and the things 
which are, and the things which shall
 be hereafter; the mystery of the 
seven stars which thou sawest 
in My right hand, and the seven 
golden candlesticks. The seven stars are 
the angels of the seven churches: 
and the seven candlesticks which thou 
sawest are the seven churches.
Revelation 1:17-20 

     The question from yesterday was how can we know and understand the symbols in the Bible and the answer was that we must know if there are coinciding symbols, or objects that are of that symbol, how they were used, why, and how does it pertain to the present day according to their use historically. We must always maintain and attitude that will not allow speculation and it is hard for me, and probably for you. So in these verse we get some answers to those symbols, the stars, the angels, the candlesticks, therefore once again the Bible interprets the Bible. 
     In Jewish life the right hand was considered clean and the left hand dirty. We can see an illustration of this at the Last supper where they reclined at the table in such a way that they ate with the right hand. They leaned on the left side and when Jesus fed a morsel of bread dipped into the dish to give to Judas Jesus would take His right hand dip the bread and give it backwards to Judas so he could eat of it. The right hand always in Scripture represents cleanness (Mathew 26:20-26). The right hand was considered to be the strong hand so when Jesus laid His hand upon John John would feel the strength and be comforted. We too can have the right hand of Jesus upon us, not as John did, but as the Holy Spirit impresses upon us the Gospel, how we are to live and the Holy Spirit is not something that was created by Jesus, but is God, the Third Person of the Trinity. Jesus once again reminds us that He is the first, the last, and who was dead, and this reminds us of His death on the cross, and alive, for He rose from the dead on the third day and now as the incarnated God through His Wisdom Who became flesh, this propitiation for sin is forever. 
     Jesus says that He has the keys of Hades and of death. There is so much said about Hades, even Dante's Inferno gives an allegory of Hades, so there is much speculation about this word. Hades is not Gehenna! Hades is the Greek word for the Hebrew word Sheol. Sheol, and Hades is the place where the dead go until Jesus comes again. Only Jesus can unlock Hades for He has the keys, the keys that not only unlocks Hades but renders death that comes in this life done for He is the living One who created all things, controls all things and has paid the price of death that original sin that plagues mankind and this world in whole. When you rise to meet Jesus you will not ever face death again for you are of His elect that have eternal life. If you are not of His elect you have Gehenna awaiting you and from Gehenna there is no escape for Hades is thrown into Gehenna (Revelation 20: 14-15).
     This word mystery is not as we use the word for it means not only something mysterious, it means that you cannot understand it and it is a mystery to you and you can only understand it if you have been given the meaning. The angels are sometimes spiritual beings but more often as the Greek word denotes it means messenger. Those angels of the Churches are the messengers of the Churches. The candlesticks are the Churches. We now have the mystery solved as to angels, stars, candlesticks, the right hand. There is no need to speculate for the answer is from Scripture and needs no speculation. 
     Revelation is not easy to understand but it can be if we do diligent work by study and prayer, and when we are not clear on a matter, pray, study, and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you and do not run ahead of the Holy Spirit. Some have done so and often to gain followers and income, to profit from their speculations. Do not be captured by those false teachers. The first thing you must know is that you must believe with your whole heart, mind, and soul that Jesus is God, that Jesus is the Savior and most important: you must know that you are a sinner and in need of salvation. Become Authentic and not Agnostic, or nominal, be a real Christian by converting to Him and following His commands. Then read the Bible and even a book such as Revelation with all its symbols and then allow the mystery to unfold. You will be blessed! Others will be blessed! Those who will not believe will have no axe to grind with you, you too will be an "angel" a messenger of God. 

Then Mordecai commanded Esther, 
     Think not with thyself that thou 
shalt escape in the king's house, 
     more than all the Jews. For if thou
altogether holdest thy peace at this time,
      then shall there enlargement and 
deliverance arise to the Jews from another place;
      but thou and thy father's house shall
 be destroyed: and who knoweth whether 
     thou are come to the kingdom for 
such a time as this?
                    Esther 4:13-14

Study God's word so that you are not fooled

Richard L. Crumb

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Symbols, Symbols, Symbols, How Can We Understand Them?

 And I turned to see the voice that spake with me, 
and being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks; 
and in the midst of the seven candlesticks one
 like unto the son of man, clothed with a 
garment down to the foot, and girt about 
the paps with a golden girdle. His head 
and his hairs were white like wool, as 
white as snow; and his eyes were as a 
flame of fire; and his feet like unto fine brass,
 as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice 
as the sound of many waters. And he had in 
his right hand seven stars: and out
 of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword: 
and his countenance was as the sun shineth 
in his strength.
Revelation 1:12-16

     Symbolism is always hard to understand and we must come to an understanding as to why it is hard to understand and how we can understand them without falseness. History will aid us, and taking time to study about those who are teaching various ideas about a symbol, or symbolism will guide us so that we do not follow after that which the Bible never teaches. Scripture interprets Scripture but also we must understand why Scripture was written the way it was and how we are to understand Scripture. First, and foremost, we are the product of our environment, what has been taught to us, all developing our ideas and understanding. What you read, what you hear, will lead you more than you think and often what we read or hear is taking for granted that it is not harmful, or is the truth, when in fact it may not be truthful and is harmful. 
     For instance: the early men of the Church held to different views about Jesus Christ, God, the Holy Spirit. In Alexandria a school of Neo-Platonism was founded and this school attempted to bring together Platoism, Judaism, and Christianity. Arius, the bishop that taught Jesus was a created being came under that influence as well as Origen who is noted as being one that used allegory in his writing and held to a belief that God while is immutable Jesus Christ is not, and that Jesus Christ is the creator of the Holy Spirit, and that there are two gods. Some Churches today, the Coptic Catholic Churches for one follow Origen, the Jehovah Witnesses follow Arius, and the Mormons follow both and add even more about God, and Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. The NIV Bible is translated much from the Sinaticus which is a product of Alexandrian and Alexandrian thought. Some Churches use only a part of those old teachings, such as supernatural healing, for Arius is said to have been healed from a wound he got while working as a cobbler. The Alexandrian School of Theology held closely to mysticism, which we find in those Churches in Greece and other European Churches. So when we read or hear a person teaching about a symbol we need to know from what school of theology he is from and what he believes as truth. All this has led to much speculation about symbols and we must dig through this to get to the truth. So then let us look at those symbols and come to what the Bible teaches and why they were included in this vision of John.
     Seven candlesticks should make us think historically as to why this symbol was used here in Revelation. We know from our study that seven was a number referring to completeness, but what about candlesticks. There is an allusion to the seven lamps in the candlestick that was in the sanctuary (Exodus 25:37). These lamps hold light but do not generate light from themselves but only shine forth the light put into them, so this can represent the Churches who have no light in themselves but that which is put into them and is the Gospel of Jesus Christ which dispels darkness and is the means to enlighten sinners and give light to the saints a light by which they, you, walk and work, and are by this light ministers of it, you who are to be the light of the world. At one time this historical candlestick represented one nation, the Jewish nation, but now according to verse 20 this candlestick represents all of Christendom. 
     This voice, the voice of Jesus Christ was robed down to His feet, and this can mean that He is the High Priest filled with righteousness and is the Mediator. We can think of the robes of the priests, especially the High Priest of ancient Israel, his role as a mediator that once a year went into the most Holy to repent for Israel to have their sins removed. Jesus does not have to go into a man-made temple for He is in the highest of temples for He is in heaven and there represents all who believe on Him every moment of every day. 
     God is considered to be a most precious metal and Jesus was girded by a golden girdle and this could then mean and denoted of His love and affection for His bride, held together firm and solid is His love for His bride. Hair that was so white, white as snow, and as that old hymn states we are washed in the blood of the lamp and we are whiter than snow. this whiteness represents purity, majesty and His eyes like flame of fire could then represent His knowledge of the secrets of all hearts. As a flame purifies, it can also reveal the innermost and Jesus can see your innermost thoughts. Jesus has feet like fine brass, and brass that has been tempered in fire which denotes firmness and that His proceeding are excellent. His voice of many waters that sound loud and clear represents the power of His word, to be able to remove or destroy. This Jesus will do, for He will remove His bride before He destroys this world and all sin. Those seven stars that represent the ministers of those seven Churches and by extension to all representatives of all Authentic Christian Churches to whom He upholds and directs. the Sword, this two-edged sword represents His justice, His word, and His dividing asunder the soul and the spirit (Hebrews 4:12). 
     Jesus shines bright as the sun, clearly, and powerfully, so bright that we as mortals cannot look upon this brightness. John could not look upon it. We have such a symbolism that when understood in light of Scripture without making Scripture to conform to what we believe, rather to allow Scripture to tell us what to believe, to look at how symbols are and have been used by God's people will keep us from following after those who are trying their best to mislead us and to profit from our lack of understanding. May we then obey the word of God and give ourselves wholly to Him for it is He that will, if we allow Him to do so, direct all things and if He directs all things then those things will be a blessing and not a curse to us.

And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness, 
    and all kings thy glory: and thou shalt 
be called by a new name, which the mouth
     of the LORD shall name.
                         Isaiah 62:2

Be wary of what is said: test all things

Richard L. Crumb