Wednesday, September 15, 2021



The recall election result of Mr. Newsome was easy to predict due to the fact that the State of California is run by Democrats and the greater population for California resides in Southern California where the people for the most part, are democrats, and uphold the Democrat’s ideology.  We saw the same upholding of Democrat’s ideology in the last presidential election; we should not be surprised.  What now?  What can possibly be expected?

          What now?  Should a person, or family, leave California thinking that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, or state line.  That is a distinct and possibly a very good solution to what possibly can be expected.  It is a good decision if a person does their studies to ensure that wherever they go they are not changing one thing for another.  Let’s look deeper!

          Are there examples that shows what possibly might be expected?  A person does not have to look any further than down under in Australia and New Zealand.  I spoke to a young lady at the Sundial Bridge one day recently who was from Australia and attending a school here in Redding and I heard all about Australia and she quickly stated how grateful she was to be in the United States due to all the lockdown, government control over people, where it is now a totalitarian country and the freedom for the people is all but gone.  Who thought that any nation would become so totalitarian and smacks of George Orwell’s book: 1984.  If you had not read it, I suggest that you do so that you can be forewarned of the possibility that we might expect.  Look at other nations beyond Australia and New Zealand to some of the European countries, and other nations that are becoming more and more totalitarian.

          There are two choices: 1.  You can leave the state.  2.  You can stay and fight!  This is your choice and neither one if not done cannot be used to accuse you: we do have free choice!  I am reminded that the American people no matter what difference they may have between themselves have one thing that cannot be taken away from them and that is the willingness to fight for freedom and independence.  Some may be asleep and have fallen into complacency but that will end when the government attempts to take away their freedom and independence; and may not look like that the moment but history tells us a different story.

          The men and women of 1776 fought against the tyranny of Great Britain and fought for freedom and independence against a mighty army and they were only farmers, some gentlemen, and a small militia, through snow, frozen rivers, smallpox, lack of food, even a lack of clothing, stood firm against this tyranny who wanted to make them as servants to their country.  They fought and won, furthermore they wrote the greatest document for any government and nation and that was the Bill of Rights, and our Constitution.  Today, even here in the United States, in our state of California, there is an onslaught by those who wish to destroy what was fought and won by our forefathers.  The push to require a vaccination or lose your rights cannot be upheld by our constitution and can be only upheld if you do not stand fight whether you stay in California or whether or not you leave.  The fight is national.  Of course, a husband and wife with children have a responsibility to protect their children at all costs.  And if this means to leave the state; leave!

          What now?  The Democrats who have rule upon the state of California have not attempted to improve our infrastructure, and to remove the homeless who are infecting our cities, allowing criminals to be freed, and allowing illegals to enter our state.  Businesses have failed, schools have been allowed to teach theories against our Constitution will continue if we do not fight.  I am not speaking of an armed rebellion, necessarily, only about that it is the last resort and we’re far from that at the moment but we can fight by voting properly for freedom and independence and for the removal of those whose ideology is totalitarian, socialism, and even possibly Communism.  Teach your children the truth about our nation and our freedoms and independence.  Be involved both in your local communities, our state and even our nation, show them what it means to be a citizen of the State of California in this case, and our nation.

          We have been forewarned, the book of 1984, an important read, and we have the examples of New Zealand and Australia and even some nations in the European continent.  Complacency, lethargy, apathy, have no place in your life because we are in a fight for our lives and for the lives of our progeny, our neighbors, our citizens of the United States.  If you don’t think it can’t happen here, just look around.

          What now?  That is up to you!  What can you possibly expect?  You know the answer to that question!

Thursday, September 9, 2021


Wrath of God: A Mystery

Who can stand before His indignation?

Who can endure His anger?

His wrath is poured out like fire,

The rocks are broken asunder by Him.

(Nahum 1:6)

          People are prone to dwell upon passages that seem to conform to their views and predilections.  Christians often disregard the harsh words of God, His grave threats, His relentless commands and His words of doom; Christians would rather stand for the virtues of God, especially those virtues we would like to see in human beings.  To avoid these harsh words, those passages in regards to the anger of God, some Christians recoil, and some treat those harsh words allegorical, some are repelled by those words.  To use allegory or a metonymy in regards God’s wrath as a synonym for punishment, is to misread authentic meaning, to misrepresent Biblical thought.  To experience God’s anger and believing you were provoked by God is to make an attempt to adjust, or to shift, to evade the true nature of God’s wrath.  The passions of anger, or wrath is often pictured as sinister, a malignant passion, or an evil force, and must be suppressed under all circumstances.  The truth, is that those features, extraneous solution and exuberance an overflowing and your enjoyment or approval, are not the essence of God.  In regards to man can be a blessing, but more often is fatal, especially reprehensible when it is associated with malice, and fraught with danger.  Anger can cause a person to surrender and capitulate unrestrained, and will end in disaster.  On the other hand, the absence of anger deprives a person of their strength or efficiency making them useless or worthless as to their moral sensibility.  Patients, equality of holiness, apathy, activity in the practice of virtue in the soul if it is not associated with righteous indignation, will have a poor outcome.  Therefore, if the anger is to be a blessing it must be a righteous anger, righteous indignation:

“He who follows righteousness and mercy

Finds life, righteousness, and honor.”

(Proverbs 21:21)

God’s anger cannot be accounted to be unpredictable or irrational.  God’s anger is never a spontaneous outburst, but a reaction occasioned by the conduct of man.  The love of God in His relation to man is not indiscriminate an outpouring of good, given by the condition and merit of the recipient, rather it is an intimate sensibility, manifesting itself in His sensitive and manifold reactions.  God is a righteous judge, and righteous indignation is part of Him:

“God is a righteous Judge,

a God Who has indignation everyday.”

(Psalm 7:11).

          The anger of man has only one view in the end; vindictiveness, vengeance, and to prove their rightness.  It is not that there is not the cause for anger but that anger must be held in check if it is not righteous indignation for that anger.  God’s wrath in anger has one end in view; redemption and salvation.

          In our world today, especially here in the United States it is easy to become full of anger due to poor governmental decisions and mandates.  It is easy to desire that your anger be satisfied, and cause you to act in ways that may seem a right answer to your anger, only to have another poor government to be in charge over you.  It is OK to be angry, or mad, but that anger or madness must be held in check by a righteous indignation causing you to make ways to overcome the evil that you see against the citizens of the United States.  Your anger must be better than just for you to be satisfied.  God’s anger was His desire for His people to return to Him.  Are you not satisfied with our government?  If so, become active and intentional to rectify this problem of poor government.  You have representatives, those that you hired to do work for you, to contact and in today’s world it is easy with e-mail.  There are town meetings, or even with local government there are meetings at City Hall that you should be aware of or attend.  When the time comes to vote, this is a time for you to make a change.  We do not take up arms and go to physical warfare with bullets and bombs and hand grenades, no, that was necessary in 1776, but it is not necessary today because our fight is within ourselves not against another government.  The time for talk is over!  The time for action is now!  Will you allow God with His righteous indignation leads you so that your anger in wrath has a basis of righteous indignation and are using God’s law, principals, commands, that tell us how we are to satisfy our danger and our wrath.  Beware of others who wish to fight, not with words, but with military armor.  We’re not pacifist, but we are followers of Jesus Christ, He is our leader, and if the person who is leading you not a true follower of Jesus Christ, get away from that leader.  Christians make up the majority religion in the United States, therefore, let is join together in prayer, in worship, in legal action.

“Again proclaim, saying, ‘Thus says Jehovah, of hosts:

‘My cities shall again spread out through prosperity;

Jehovah will again comfort Zion,

And will again choose Jerusalem.’”

(Zechariah 1:17)

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

 Anisha BK’s Story

Many of Nepali men work in a foreign country due to not having enough labor available for them in their homeland. Anisha’s dad unfortunately was unable to find work in Nepal, so he went to work abroad in Saudi Arabia for over eight years.

Anisha’s father had a terrible situation since he was not paid as he was promised from the company in Saudi Arabia. Anisha’s mother managed her household, but they barely survived due to the lack of funds within the household. Sadly, Anisha’s dad died in Saudi Arabia due to unknown causes and circumstances. Full of hope, Anisha’s anticipation of her father’s return home slowly disappeared over time. Typically, when a child’s father passes away, Hindus blame his death on the child as a type of karmic retribution for her past life; thus, Anisha’s community blamed her for her father’s death.

After her father died, her mother found supporting Anisha difficult on the money that she made working in people’s homes on an irregular basis. Vulnerable children like Anisha who receive no help end up being sold to brothels. Fortunately, CRM has provided support to Anisha, so she can continue to live with her mother in Chitwan and attend school, where she is currently in Grade 7. “I was hoping that my dad would bring gifts when he returned home, but this was in vain. I lost all hope and couldn’t trust anyone, especially any foreigner. But the CRM social worker helped me bounce back. I now have hope and the expectation that life is more than this.”

~ Anisha

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Yours for the un-reached in Nepal,

Gyan Pantha, Children Rescue Mission

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Tuesday, September 7, 2021


Turning The Tide!

Why are people so ready to be obedient, to be attentive to an excessive or servile degree?  Why are people so ready to the call of those who govern them?  Is it because they venerate those who command might, and are convinced that it is by force that men prevail?  Is it splendor, and pride shown by those who are governing them that blind people?  Is it that the governor’s word is right, that is that of a god, and cannot be changed?  These are the thoughts of ancient men, even the thoughts of present men, and they can be seen from Mesopotamia where they said: “The command of the palace, like the command of Anu (a Chaldean god), cannot be altered.  These things were like that of god; cannot be changed!” This was never taught by the prophets of old or anywhere else in the Bible; prophet Habakkuk stated: “…  They are guilty; their own strength is your god.” (Habakkuk 1:1b).  Jeremiah further stated: “Their course is evil, their might is not right” (Jeremiah 23:10).

The purpose of public authority is to realize the moral law and even though knowledge and understanding and the position of power are indispensable means, those in charge must not have a tendency for conceit.  It is easy to see, and that is if one is looking to see, that many men in the positions of power and governing knows no satiety, their appetite grows on what it feeds: in other words, they come to not only believe their lies they themselves become the lie.  Those who are wielding power and might themselves become incapable to yield to any transcendent judgment; and as Zephaniah stated: “She has not obeyed His voice, She has not receive correction, She has not trusted in the LORD, She has not drawn near to her God” (Zephaniah 3:2): in other words, they listen to no voice.  The government that desires to control people believe that they can do so by material forces and then by material force alone they can keep the peace; in other words, give them from the government to appease them in some way: i.e., stimulus package.  This is not speaking about defending from a foreign enemy, rather that the government is using material force to control its own people.

It must be noticed that this control over people is not just a war, that is, when the nation seeks to destroy another nation rather it is by cheating, cunning, and humiliation which the government attempt to destroy freedom and independence pursued discreetly hoping to hurt no one’s feeling, and that they will consciously except that they are a victim without believing that they are a victim.  The secret crimes that are committed remain in quiet.  These evil men believe that they are untouchable but Micah reminds us: “Woe to those who devise wickedness and work evil upon their beds!  When the morning dawns, they perform it, because it is in the power of their hand.  They covet fields, and seize them; and houses, and take them away, they oppress a man in his house, a man and his inheritance” (Micah 2:1-2). 

These men who are in power in government spread not only grief and destruction, but also moral corruption.  The Prophet Isaiah states that the root of all evil is man’s false sense of sovereignty and stemming from it, man’s pride, arrogance, and presumption.  Today, the man who sits in the president’s seat of United States is full of arrogance, and presumption that what he said is, or mandates, must be followed because he is acting like a god.  To do this in secret that is not to be hidden in a back room rather it is to deflect by holding other issues more important than the issue that just occurred in Afghanistan.  To hide this blunder that is being called an evacuation is nothing more than a retreat leaving behind enemy lines, American citizen and those Afghans who are legally able to come to America.  Furthermore, to leave behind some 85 billion sophisticated armors, clothing, planes, even the names of those who assisted in the past and if history tells us anything about the medieval thugs who now control Afghanistan, those left behind people will be killed or in the least, used as pawns for their gain.  What is needed is a man who will stand strong for the United States, a man we once had in our government and Presidential office.  It was by many who became believers in a socialistic ideology that our freedom and our independence, our Constitution, our culture came under fire of destruction.  While that may be true, there are many more people who believe in our freedom and our independence, in our culture and believe that we need a man who will lead us as our president should lead. Isaiah told is about such a man: “This is the man to whom I will look, he that is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word….  For thus saith the high and the lofty One who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: I dwell in the high and lofty place, and also with him who is contrite in humble spirit, to reviving the spirit of the humble, to revise the heart of the contrite…  Zion shall be redeemed by justice, and those in her who repent by righteousness” (Isaiah 56:2; 57:15; 1:27).

What is needed is a priority for Christians to repent and become contrite and humble in spirit and if so, God will redeem by His justice and if you demonstrate that justice and you repent through righteousness God will hear your prayer, and God will act upon your prayer.  There is no other way, not even the might of force, even though it may be needed to defend our country, it is only by the intervention of God can we expect to return to freedom and independence. Only you and others like you who see the need to return first to God, His Savior Jesus Christ, and to our Constitution will the tide of evil be thwarted.