Friday, October 30, 2020


           "Having gone, disciple all the nations, baptizing them in                       the name of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit" 
                                        Matthew 28:19     

You and I are the means God uses to bring the Gospel to the world and this only happens if you take the initiative to do what God requires of His children. Children Rescue Mission has taken the initiative and are doing great work but they cannot do this alone: they need you! How can you help? First: pray, pray for workers for the harvest is ripe: "And He told them, 'The harvest is in indeed plentiful, but the workmen are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest, that He may send out workmen into His harvest" Luke 10:22. Another way you can help is aiding them both in money and supplies, it does not take much but it takes something: will you? In this day of COVID-19 it is almost impossible to go to Nepal but times change and soon it will be possible to go yourself with this mission and help: what a blessing you will receive. Aid others who feel the call of God for them to go and work with this mission: failure only occurs when no one is willing to go the extra mile. Will you? Contact the mission: the phone number and contact information is at the bottom. Looking forward for workers and seeing the needs of the Nepalese people  fulfilled.                   

                                   BUILDING CHURCHES

Children Rescue Mission has built 13 churches, just like the one in the picture below, in the remote villages of Nepal.  This winter from February to May we are hoping to build 3 more churches just like the one in the picture. 

It will cost $6,000 for CRM’s portion.  Total cost for this kind of church in the villages will be $10,000 but as always, we like the village church congregation participate financially and by volunteering their time to reduce the cost of building the church. 

You might be wondering why we are advocating building churches.   Here’s why: A church is the physical place where we meet, pray, fellowship, teach and worship.   When we go in the remote villages to help rescue children or help families we need a base of operations. If we don’t have a church,  there is literally no place to work from.   Churches also provide a physical presence for Christianity that people can identify with.   Churches attract people because it is where we work and combat the horror of human trafficking.

From the church with the help of pastors and church members we bring the hope we find in Christ.   As you know, each year 10,000 to 20,000 children are trafficked from Nepal to India for the purpose of sex slavery.  Children Rescue Mission has established missions in 30 villages to prevent child trafficking.   When we go to the villages we help children financially so that they stay home and attend school.  Being at home and in school decreases the risk of them being trafficked.  If the family is very poor we also help them start small micro business opportunities. 

When we go to the villages we like to work with local churches.   Many new village fellowships are without local churches and have nowhere to meet which slows down our efforts.  The projected building cost to complete 3 remote village churches is $18,000 or $6,000 for each church.   To date, we have only raised $1,200.  We would like to start this 3 church project in February and finish in May 2017.    You could adopt a church and perhaps one day, visit what you helped build!  Thank you for your partnering with us.   If we you would like your name be memorialize please send your contribution with your name along with your favorite scripture.  Your name will be painted on a wall of the church with other donor names.

P.S. Please forward this information to your friends and families and to your church.   Encourage them to join you in saving lives.

Yours for the un-reached in Nepal,

Gyan Pantha, Children Rescue Mission

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PO Box 492947 Redding, CA 96049   Tel 530 941 8588


Monday, October 26, 2020

This year Christmas is hard, very tough with the COVID-19 pandemic, yet, they need you to help them because without support, your support their Christmas will be worse than ever. Jesus made it very clear that we are to help those in need: "And the King (this is referring to Jesus) will answer them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did it to Me." (Matthew 25:40). It does not take much but it takes something. We care for them in two ways: first they have physical needs that include emotional needs that arise out of poverty not knowing what will they have to eat or dress, even if they will be able to not sell their children just to have something, and they have spiritual needs and this is where the Children Rescue Mission comes to play: they treat both but they need help. Will you consider helping? 

We are delighted to report to you that we were able to celebrate Christmas with a distribution of socks, notebook, and caps for the poorest of the poor children.  We were also able to distribute jackets to the slum children. 

Our prayers for Nepal are that many will come to a saving knowledge of Christ. Children Rescue Mission (CRM) would not be able to grow, becoming a message of hope to thousands of un-reached people, without your generosity. Picture above of this letter is from our recent distribution of Christmas gift to Children.  We reach remote villages of Nepal with solution to resolve crisis of extreme poverty. 

Thank you for your prayers for these little ones.  Please join us in praying that all of the children who came to our event and received a gift from us will be saved.  Many of these children received the Gospel message for the  first time in their lives. I am glad, we were able to travel to remote villages with our Gospel Outreach event. 

In Nepal, Christianity is unknown to over 28 million Hindus. We introduce Christianity with our love from the Lord.  This love is shows itself in many various ways, such as presenting a life saving supply of rice for a widow or helping one of the many impoverished orphan children. There has been an estimation of Nepal’s Christians’ growth to about 3%.  Praise the Lord for this increase.    


Yours for the un-reached in Nepal,

Gyan Pantha, Children Rescue Mission

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  PO Box 492947 Redding, CA 96049   Tel 530 941 8588