And I saw the dead, small and great,
stand before God; and the books were opened:
and another book was opened,which is the book of life:
and the dead were judged out of those things
which were written in the books, according to
their works. And the sea gave up the dead which
were in it; and death and hell delivered up the
dead which were in them: and they were judged
according to their works.
Revelation 20:12-13
Question: Would our world be better if our system of morality, our lives, were based on the Bible standards instead of being devised by the world culture and cultural Christians? We soon forget: all laws are made of and from morality! take the time to examine the laws: i.e., speed laws for instance; and you will see that those laws meet the standard that Jesus set forth: "....and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" (Matthew 19:19b). We have a second witness: "Love worketh no ill to his neighbor: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law" (Romans 13:10). There is a civil responsibility of all citizens of the United States and to the state in which they live, and furthermore, as a Christian we have a responsibility to God. We are to deny ourselves, those pleasures that we just want to have in our lives. (Secret: I love fast cars too: those muscle cars: but no matter that my speedometer goes to 140: I as a Christian as good citizens: must obey the law and that law has as its foundation the law of God. A moral law)! There is this paradox, that is a contradiction: we say we love God: we say we follow God: But we do not follow the laws of the land as though God is not looking, that He will not judge us according to all we say or do (Opening verses).
This is a serious matter, and a danger that this paradox presents that speaks of our inadequate faith. These are eternal issues and the stakes are high.
God is eternal: God is everywhere with no boundaries: God does not live in time: and God is all knowing. Yes: God is love but God is also just. God does demand that we follow after His laws and we will one day have to give an answer with what God has given to us. We are to be the stewards of the laws of God: first in are lives; then towards our fellowman, our homes, our cities, our states, and even our nation. Do you want the love of God in your life? Do you want blessing from God? Good! Then become an Authentic Christian and apply Authentic Christian Faith in your lives. Example: Drive to fast, over the speed limit, you are not only in jeopardy to get a speeding ticket and if you do you are spending money that could go towards you family: they lost. Maybe you are speeding and get into a wreck because you were not able to stop due to your speed: People are hurt, maybe die, maybe only a wrinkle in the car: nonetheless you are not following the will of God towards your neighbor.
I have noticed and maybe you too: people, especially the young know the words to songs, they can sing them, recite them; but when it comes to knowledge of the Bible they are not able to recall verses, maybe the ones that they have heard over and over: Jesus loves the little children, or John 3:16, but they have little knowledge of what the Bible actually reveals for us in this life. People are not taking advantage to learn the truths of the Bible, the truths as how to be an Authentic Christian. They listen to sermons on Sunday only to go about the rest of the week living like the world. I wonder: What does God thing about our voluntary ignorance?
It is true: understanding Christianity is not something that comes without effort. Almost every example in the natural world teaches us this principle. We must make an effort, especially when It comes to God, as to what He has declared to us in His word. I have two hobbies: 1. oil painting and I must take the time the effort to learn about brushes, color, and techniques so that I might make a painting that I would be proud to show others and for myself. 2. I play the guitar: I must and do take time and effort to learn some music theory, the notes and how to play them, and if electronic to learn about how to use it, all takes time and effort and I am willing to take the time and effort so that I can enjoy all the good. God has given us what we can have for joy in this life, and He has provided us with many lessons for us to learn and to enjoy the freedom that comes by following what He is teaching. Here is the crux: YOU MUST WANT IT! This requires effort! The wealth of this knowledge will never be mastered without diligent effort: And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; and to knowledge patience; and to patience godliness" (2Peter 1:5-6).
The greatest gift is the Bible, a gift from God to mankind. This gift tells us of the greatest of gifts mankind has sought throughout the centuries. That gift so sought after by men and women in every land even though so often off track of the truth, they still sought after this gift and that gift was and is: JESUS CHRIST! Jesus is the light, the light of and for the world, and this light brings freedom, freedom from darkness and slavery that this world imposes upon all who follow after their doctrines and ideologies, and philosophies, a light that is Good News, news about God's love that He so love the world that He came to become a babe, to live as a man, God in the Second Person, still God, but fully man, just to save, yes to pay the debt owed to Him that no man can pay: but more: He came to apply that sacrifice and payment to all who will believe upon the Savior: Jesus Christ! The early Church valued this message and received it with joy and overflowing gratitude. Question: will you?
He hath shewed thee, O man,
what is good; and what doth
the LORD require fo thee, but
to do justly, and to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with they God?
Micah 6:8
What hold your highest priority?
Richard L. Crumb
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