There is a way that seemeth right unto a man,
but the end thereof are the ways of death.
Proverbs 16:25
A post this statement by Leah Remini to remind or to inform those who do not know; all cults do the same thing: they brainwash their adherents and this by teaching them to read only what the organization writes or what they say to be truth and to avoid another writings or speakings. Those involved in a cult are soon cut off from family and friends who will not believe as they are being taught. While this is true about cults it can also be true of Orthodox Christianity, that is, false teaching slips in slyly often from those who have come to believe differently, and this slow change in doctrine is done easily when the congregants do not take time to examine what they are being taught. The Bible clearly warns us about this laxity as it in the least gives tacit approval to false teaching. It is our responsibility to ensure what we are hearing and reading and to do this we should be reading "outside the box" more than just our denominational writings. We are told to study, to learn, to add knowledge, to be prepared, and this takes study and not just reading one denominations output of theological thought. You might find that what you are hearing and learning and reading when compared to Scripture is the truth and now you know, your faith has changed from the inside/out, you are ready to be a warrior for God dispensing truth.
Brainwashing by Cults
This was the statement by Leah Remini whether or not
Scientology is a cult and if the church brainwashed her and this is her answer.
I find this true of any cult.
Yes, Scientology is a brainwashing proposition from
the very first book tht you read in [church doctrine] Dianetics, where
L. Ron Hubbard positions himself as a college-educated person, which he wasn’t;
a nuclear physicist, which he wasn’t, and a decorated military man, which he
wasn’t. Also important is that he claims that Scientology and Dianetics is a
proven science. So when you’re indoctrinated when you’re very young, as I was,
and all the information that you receive from is from Scientology, and you’re
not allowed to look at other things because you’re penalized for doing that,
yes, that is the way cults work. They cut you off from information from the
outside world and they start to sequester you by saying everybody else is
enemy. That is another way that cults work. It satisfies all the checkmarks for
what a cult is and what brainwashing is. (I apologize, I did not get the website for this and when I went back to get it I could not find this exact statement but there is much more if you take the time to look up what has been written about this so-called church).
We are examining the nature of man as a beginning to understand sin, how sin is allowed, how mankind is affected by sin, and how God views mankind.
Evidence about the nature of man can be seen in our children. We see, even in Christian homes the difficulties when we attempt to correct our children when they rebel against us in attitude and action. In fact we can see how even newborn babies show their dislike, their temper, their desire to get things their way. We may think it funny, cute, and it is in some way but human nature is displayed even in such young children.
Here is a major problem with human nature: how the most twisted variety there is about the truth of the Bible and how this twisted theological thought has caused the most hideous purposes. The name Jesus Christ has been used, even vilified, as an excuse for cruelty and persecution. We must be very careful in our search for the truth to distinguish between twisted zeal from Authentic Christianity, and Authentic Christian Faith. We must not forget that it is His Authority over our lives: "For Him we live, and move, and have our being; (Acts 17:28a). We must first accept, yes, acknowledge, and to have faith, in His provision and the blessings from God, we live, we exist, we have much to enjoy in this life even with all its harshness at times, we have the blessing of eternal life no matter what occurs, all provided to those who truly repent of their sins, not because they have been caught in sin, because they have come to know how their nature is so opposed to a Holy God who came and died for them on the cross. We cannot allow our fallen nature to become the authority in our lives, to become cold and uncaring about Him in our hearts.
We are learning about us so that we can make any changes necessary to change us from the inside/out so that our faith becomes Authentic Christian Faith, and our exercise of that faith is done for the right reason. We have much to praise God for and allowing us to learn about us, and what God desires. Keep reading the Bible, pray for guidance, read literature, men of early times, etc., here is a good website:; hit browse, and then authors and pick a letter and you will find many men's writings. Oh, hit read on line at the bottom.
In my distress I cried unto the LORD,
and He heard me.
Deliver my soul, O LORD, from lying lips,
and from a deceitful tongue.
Psalm 120 1-2
Do stress out: learn
Richard L. Crumb
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