They that forsake the law praise the wicked:
but such as keep the law contend with them.
Evil men understand not judgment: but they
that seek the LORD understand all things.
Proverbs 28:4-5
Throughout my writings I have used Authentic Christians, Authentic Christian Faith and yet there is many faulty ideas regarding the importance of Authentic Christian Faith. For some "good" people and those against "bad" things believe their faith is adequate. The fact is: this only may mean that you are a moral person; even those who do not believe in a God can be moral. In my years (in March 75 years) I have seen changes within Christian Churches as many Churches have adopted the culture of this world, or some of it, of this world and have little understanding what constitutes Authentic Christian Faith, or Authentic Christianity. It is not that they do not know basic facts about Christianity, it is that they have no idea as to how those facts should be applied in their lives.
The term "cultural Christianity" is one such term that I have used for those Christians that have adopted some if not most of this world's culture. A cultural Christian is one that do not make Authentic Christian Faith as important, to have a priority, they do not take time to teach their children as to what it is that they believe and why believe it? Often a great education has greater importance rather teaching them to learn about God. Parents are often embarrassed because their children do not possess a higher education, but they are not embarrassed if their children do not know God. Often children are left to learn about God on their own. If a child becomes a Christian or at least accepts some Christian doctrine or have some knowledge about the Gospel it is because they came to learn on their own and have come to some point whereby by intellectual conviction they chose Christianity but not due to family training. Unfortunately this intellectual conviction is not based upon true and authentic knowledge about God, but they believe that they have a "foot" in the door because their family is Christian, so they believe that they too are Christian. If a person believes that they are a Christian because they come from a Christian family, they are wrong, for Authentic Christian Faith cannot be inherited. Intellectual learning, or education may not be all bad, but the question is: Who is teaching them, and what are they learning? If education is not of Authentic Christian Faith many questions may not be answered according to the Bible. This leads many to question Christianity, to question the truth of Christianity and when they are challenged they often abort their Christian Faith, or they begin to associate with non-Christians. When you cannot defend your faith, not to be able to respond to questions about your faith, when confronted, either by peers, or professors, etc. and then it becomes easy to shrink back in fear, or to join the opposing group.
I have great concern for the future of Authentic Christianity for we live in a time when Christianity is being confronted by laws, by people who want to live autonomously, or by false teachers reaping financially while "sheering " the sheep. The climate in which we live as Christians today, a climate whereby worldly culture and education propagates an anti-Christian message should shake us out of our apathy. Our Christianity is being successfully attacked, marginalized by these anti-Christian groups because the majority of Christians cannot properly defend their faith, those augments that are deeply flawed. We should be alarmed that instruction in Authentic Faith has and is being neglected, if not complete, at least eliminated as we can see how this is played out in our schools, and universities.
Do you want Authentic Christianity? Are you willing to take the time to study about this issue? If so, stay tuned as I will be writing about the difference between Authentic Christianity and cultural Christianity. If then there is seen some defect in your understanding, then a change from the inside/out is necessary.
Whosoever therefore shall confess
Me before men, him will I confess
also before My Father which is in heaven.
But whosoever shall deny Me before men,
him will I also deny before My Father
which is in heaven.
Matthew 10:23-33
There is work to do: put on your spiritual gloves
Richard L. Crumb
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