It has been written for, I will destroy
the wisdom of the wise, and the understanding
of the understanding ones I will set aside.
Where [is the] wise? where [the] scribe? were
[the] disputer of this age? did not make
foolish God the wisdom of the world?
1Corinthians 1:19-20
(literal translation of the Greek)
The wisdom of the world is no match for the wisdom of God even though mankind throughout the ages have attempted to be wiser than God the Creator, God the Sustainer, and God the Saviour. Man has and even in this day, made gods to worship and not to hold fast to the true God Jehovah. Man made gods allowed for atrocities, those atrocities that we can see from all the artifacts and documents. Evil reigns in the world and we often only see evil of the sort that pagan religions have propagated so that we too often overlook the evil of our day. Yet, if we take the time to focus from the ancient to our modern day we find the same condition: man is evil, and the nature of man is towards the doing of evil. An American historian describe this in the following way:
"It is a compound of pride, and indolence, and selfishness, and cunning, and cruelty; full of a revenge that nothing could satiate, of a ferocity that nothing could soften; strangers to the most amiable sensibilities of nature. They appear incapable of conjugal affection, or parental fondness, or filial reverence, or social attachments, uniting too with their state of barbarism, many of the vices and weaknesses of polished society. there horrid treatment of captives taken in war, on whose bodies they feasted, after putting them to death by the most cruel tortures, is so well known, that we may spare the disgusting recital. No commendable qualities relieve this gloomy picture, except fortitude, and perseverance, and zeal for the welfare of their little community, if this last quality, exercised and directed as it was, can be thought deserving of commendation". (William Robertson's History of America: italics mine). We can see that this is true even of the most civilized nations, the truth of the fallen nature of humanity.
Here is a fact that we too often overlook or not say enough about: In some of the nations were Christianity has survived, Christianity has raised the bar and has improved the character and comforts of society. Christianity has brought with it blessing for many even though many of the people deny the truth of the Bible, and will not accept its authority. Yet even with the influence of Christianity in nations, we may still see so many example of human depravity.
Christian influence when it has revealed the nature of man, a nation were Christian influence held sway, depravity becomes so obvious as not be known, even if ignored. Laws are of a moral nature, designed to restrain evil forces of human nature. Yet, when those laws are removed, or violated then we can see the most hideous and atrocious crimes perpetrated, not in the dark, but in the light. Example: Roe vs Wade: the right for a woman to have an abortion. This right stands against the moral law and direct law of God that holds life in the highest position, not to be violated, He has laid out laws to protect humanity. This law is thrown into the face of this law, and millions of little unborn humans have died, died a horrible, painful death. This atrocity, abortion, in a land where once Christianity had great influence shows how far the depravity of man's fallen nature, is how God's laws are ignored.
Christianity through Bible teaching shows the superiority of God's laws, that we are to hold morality in the highest priority, and that we are to be obedient to God's laws. Remember: God has told us that we will be held accountable for our actions. A person may say: "I do not believe the Bible", and feel that they will not be held for their actions even if seen to be contrary to God. Show me, show me, how not keeping God's law is better than not keeping God's law. Cannot a thinking person see that when God's laws are not follow then humanity is subject to many atrocities. Look at the lands where paganism has reigned, i.e., India for instance, Hinduism, Buddhism, and see the way people live, the poverty, the abduction of girls, little girls to become prostitutes, the life that ends far to early due to this atrocity. It seems that there is this rule: people are willing to suffer negative consequences of vice that take advantage of the blessings of living a life of Christian obedience.
We here in the United States suffer the wrongs precipitated upon people because there are those who will not adhere to morality except the morality that they want to have ignoring the cost to others due to the desire to fill their lusts. Some will say: "I am moral", yet they do not practice what they preach. Furthermore, in the Church the world's culture has infected Authentic Christian Faith to the point where prosperity has hardened the hearts, to have unlimited power, a power that abuses, bad habits are excused away and virtue is not developed leaving a person to not develop one's life and conduct to moral and ethical principles, there is no moral excellence: there is a lack of chastity, virginity: i.e., the high divorce rate among people, even so with Christians.
Yes, this points out negativity and it is hard to read, to accept for man loves to be entertained, to hear words that tickle the ears. Yet, before we can find and accept a solution we must first understand the problem and this is what I am doing now, but the time will come in this blogging, that we will see the solution and understand that it is the solution to our fallen human condition. Stay tuned!
With my soul have I desired thee
in the night; yea, with my spirit
within me will I seek thee early:
for when thy judgments are in
the earth, the inhabitants of the
world will learn righteousness.
Isaiah 26:9
Seek God: not experience
Richard L. Crumb
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