O Timothy, keep that which is committed
to thy trust, avoiding profane and rash
babblings, and oppositions of science
falsely so called: which some professing
have erred concerning the faith.
Grace be with thee. Amen.
1Timothy 6:20-21
We have come to the end of this first letter to Timothy by Paul and just because it is the end there is much to learn from what Paul wrote to Timothy as he ended this letter. We do not want to take just those verses that are easy to the ears, have much to say that pleases us, and then forget that Paul was writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in all verses.
The word "science" used in the King James Version is used as "theories of falsely named knowledge" so we must understand this word so that we do not get mislead into that which is not meant for us: The Greek word: ψευδωνύμου γνώσεως: means falsely named knowledge, in other words: "under a false name," and is said of the knowledge professed by the propagandists of various heretical cults. This is done especially by those cults that are teaching heresy and using Scripture to prove their point by arranging those Scriptures to fit their theology. This is wrong: Scripture is not fitted to our theology, no, our theology is fitted to Scripture. Heretics appeal to Scripture and this is confusing to those ignorant of Scripture and the correct manner to translate and interpret Scripture. Heretics use our testimonies derived from Holy Scripture and this they do vigorously, and this they do by scampering through the books of the Bible. They teach what they take from Scripture that is used to prove that they are right that they have the truth and this is done in private, in public, in books and all their arguments are adduced as though they have Scriptural proof. Many proof texts are presented to prove their theology. What is fact is that they use Scripture with a false knowledge, naming what they teach, albeit false, as though by this mountainous proofs they are correct. What these heretics do is to sprinkle their listeners with the perfume of some heavenly saying in order to easily turn their error into that which is easily digested. This secret manner to approach people to win them over to their heretical teachings and the stench that accompanies there false knowledge and teaching is covered or veiled with some perfume of knowledge that many take as fact and truth. With the ears of the unlearned tickled there is a lose of bitter taste because this poison is smeared with honey and then the unsuspecting have no fear of what is being taught even though heresy. I hear, and probably you too, those preachers who teach that they have the antidote for almost everything, they teach about the Second Coming and use all sorts of metaphors and anecdotal stories that resemble the truth but are nothing more than incidental theories rather than a systematic evaluation of Scripture. this anecdotal method may seem amusing in its nature but is only honey smeared upon false knowledge.
Jesus Christ cried out: "Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves" (Matthew 7:15). These heretics shrouded in sheep clothing are only covering themselves as guilelessness ass though they are spotless like the Spotless Lamb (1Peter 1:19). These heretics are ravening wolves, never satisfied with killing just once, no they are tearing to bits the flock of Jesus Christ and this upon unsuspecting sheep. These heretics creep in stealthily and lay aside their wolfish guise, though keeping their wolfish fierceness, and they wrap themselves in the pronouncements of divine law like fleeces, so that when the softness of the wool is felt by anyone, he may not fear the sting of the fangs.
What did Jesus Christ say? "By their fruits you will know them" (Matthew 7:15). These heretics flaunt these words they teach as truth and to expound on them, and to interpret them, and by this they attempt to take away the bitterness, the acerbity, that rage may be understood; then that poison of these innovations will be exhaled, and the godless novelties appear, the boundary posts will be moved farther and farther away from the truth and Authentic Christian Faith be cut down, the doctrines given to the Church be torn to pieces. Paul makes mention of the heretics in his letter to the Corinthian Church: "For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ" (2Corinthians 11:13). These heretics who are improperly interpreting Scripture, who have contrived all sorts of theology, devices of the devil who is all about stopping the truth, the truth about Jesus Christ and what Authentic Christians are to believe and apply in their lives so as to please and glorify God: "And no wonder, for Satan himself disguises himself into an angel of light. So it is not strange if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness" (2Corinthians 11:14-15). These pretenders of righteousness, of truth, are to not only be shunned, but run away from them as fast as you can. How? Pray that God will aid you in your studies of Scripture, and when reading, even mine, those writings about others, look for references, look for the context from which a truth is drawn. You are, as was Timothy keepers of the truth, you hold this trust, therefore avoid empty babblings, and those theories in error, false knowledge as portrayed as true knowledge. Keep the faith, Authentic Christian Faith.
Forsake the foolish, and live;
and go in the way of understanding.
Proverbs 9:6
Examine what you believe is truth
Richard L. Crumb
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