It is a faithful saying:
For if we be dead with Him:
if we suffer, we shall also
reign with Him: if we deny Him,
He also will deny us: if we
believe not, yet he abideth
faithful: He cannot deny Himself.
2Timothy 2:11-13
Let me break down this verse so we can gain a better and more thorough understanding. The Greek is explicitly clear that if the word is faithful, and that, as the Greek word denotes: "If we died together with (Him)" and how is this possible for we, at least the chances are very slim, that we would die on a cross with Him for He has already died on the cross, so, the meaning is this: that we must have converted to Jesus Christ and be living as an image of Him by denying ourselves as though we are already dead, at least we would be dead to this world and its culture. Next, If this is our life, then, we have an eternal life to live with Him as He has promised. Now, for the word "suffer," the Greek means to remain, to bear up under, to endure, suffer patiently. Furthermore it means to remain constant, to persevere. We are not to be idle, to passively sit aside believing that all that occurs while having been recorded that it would happen and use this as an excuse for not following Scripture when it clearly teaches that we are to be active, active in bringing the Gospel to the world. Some are active only in seeking a Church where they can find some sort of sentimentality or euphoric experience which is very narcistic. Bob Marely in his song "Redemption Song," speaks of such who would use such an excuse and then do nothing, or very little. If we remain, persevere and this is necessary for this world is in opposition to Jesus Christ, to Christians, Authentic Christians, for why would they openly oppose those who call themselves Christian and yet do not follow Scripture and make all kinds of excuses for why they have allowed the world's culture to permeate their Church, and their doctrine. If we expect to live together with Jesus Christ then we must be ready to deny ourselves and to deny ourselves is to remove from us this world's culture and follow obediently Scripture. No matter whether or not we or anyone is faithful, or has become unfaithful Jesus remains the same, Faithful for Jesus Christ cannot deny Himself. Why? He is God! God cannot deny Himself! God is God! Jesus is the Second Person in the Godhead! Jesus became man but He also is God for God by means of the Holy Spirit placed Himself, the Word, His Wisdom into the virgin Mary so that by this act God could satisfy the debt man could not pay Himself. Jesus is faithful, so, why are we not faithful? If we say we are Christian then we must live as a Christian and remove from us the stench of this world. Yes, we will have to persevere, yes, we will have to endure, or suffer in our endurance as we follow Him and not some other doctrine that is not the Gospel. Do not fear him who could kill the body, fear Him who can kill both body and soul (Matthew 10:28).
Let us not forget: By means of Jesus Christ, His death, resurrection and ascension into heaven, death is, not will be, but is abolished. The power of death is abolished, the sting of death is abolished for the Authentic Christian. Death has become the friend of an Authentic Christian for it is the gate into heaven, to eternal life which no man can take away, even God has promised not to take away this eternal life. Jesus Christ has opened up another world a world whereby happiness resides and that happiness is eternal. We have nothing to fear for then can no longer triumph. We must entrust our souls, our lives, our eternal interests to Jesus Christ who is our deposit, our surety that we have all that He has stated that His bride would have upon their leaving this world and entering into heaven.
We must commit to Jesus Christ. Commit what? The salvation of our souls, and that they are preserved to be in the heavenly kingdom, and He is faithful so that what we will keep: He will keep. There is coming a day in which we will give an account to God for our lives, this is a solemn and dreadful day. Will God find you faithful to His cause? To whom are you offering your life, your soul? Is God or Satan? The answer is in your, mine, obedience, and active obedient faith, denial of oneself and a commitment to Jesus Christ. Our hope is an assured hope for Jesus Christ rose from the dead, sits at the right hand of the Father and makes intercession eternally for all that God has given to Him. We have now learned more about the meaning of the opening Scripture and have a better understanding so we now know and understand the value and the dangers of our souls. We who have committed to Jesus Christ also know and have experienced the truth about Jesus Christ, what is expected and the truth that Jesus Christ is compassionate and will answer our prayers, prayers that are not just about our needs, but prayer that is worship to our God, our Great King Jesus Christ. Our Lord Jesus Christ, and I am persuaded and hope this is true of you, that He will preserve us to His heavenly kingdom. This world is not my home, I am just a passing through, my treasures lay up somewhere in the blue.
In whose hand is the soul of
every living thing, and the
breath of all mankind. Doth
not the ear try words?
and the mouth taste his meat?
With the ancient is wisdom;
and in length of days understanding.
With Him is wisdom and strength,
He hath counsel and understanding.
Job 12:10-13
Obedience: the sign of authenticity
Richard L. Crumb
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