Monday, August 17, 2015

How to Determine Heresy And False Teaching

Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ
by the will of God,
according to the promise of life
which is in Christ Jesus, to Timothy,
my dearly beloved son; grace, mercy,
and peace, for God the Father and
Christ Jesus our Lord.
2Timothy 1:1-2

     Paul writes to Timothy again undoubtedly from his imprisonment in Rome, although there is some who would dispute this but from other internal evidence this is most likely when this letter was penned. Why Paul would write this letter had the design to apprise Timothy of his condition in prison and his desire for Timothy to come to him. Paul was not sure that he would live to see Timothy therefore in this letter he gave advice, charges, and encouragement for Timothy to continue in his discharge of duties, his ministerial functions. Paul was forthcoming in his instructions as they were forcible, firm and in keeping with sound doctrine. 
     Timothy was one of Paul's intimate friends and this letter written to his friend while under the condemnation of death exhibits his temper and character and contains convincing proof that Paul believed in the doctrine he preached. Paul was writing commands to leave with Timothy after his death. Do not mistake this just to be a personal letter to Timothy. The Holy Spirit speaks to the children of God through everyday circumstances that need to be addressed and this is done by answering problems that existed in the Church and that those problems were not so unique for that time only but problems that would arise over and over in time until the return of Jesus Christ. Therefore, that letter is for you and me as well as for Timothy. History testifies to this fact: heresies, false teaching have attempting to derail Authentic Christianity since the beginning of the Church and God has raised up many men to confront those heresies and false teachings. 
     Knowing how to confront heresies, or to know if a teaching is heretic is a must if one is not to be duped by such men. Heretics make use of testimonies derived form divine Scripture. They make use of them vigorously as they search through Scripture, every single book, through the writings of others, in conversations, in any way possible to adduce any argument to prove their theological ideologies and philosophies. Many proof texts are forwarded all in an effort to camouflage their heretical teachings. By this approach to their teachings that are heretical they cause fear to those unfamiliar with Authentic Christianity and they follow and even believe this spinning of errors. This venomous poison that seems to have a sweet smelling perfume is nothing more than harmful liquor and causes a person to not even look for an antidote. 
   Jesus Christ called out: "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves" (Matthew 7:15). What does this mean: "Sheep's clothing?" It is the preaching of the prophets and Apostles with which they covered themselves as fleeces with the guilelessness of sheep, for that "spotless Lamb" "But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot" (1Peter 1:19). What does "ravening wolves mean?" These are those wild and rabid opinions of the heretics who are continually harassing the unsuspecting sheep and do this by laying aside their wolfish guise, by keeping their wolfish fierceness in check by wrapping themselves in the pronouncements of divine law like fleeces, so that when the softness of the  wool is felt by anyone, he may not fear the sting of the fangs. 
     We have the words of Jesus Christ that we will and can know them by their fruits. This is done for when they begin to tout the divine words and then attempt to expound on them, to flaunt them, they interpret them to meet their heresies or false teachings. When those teachings are put under the microscope of the Bible those heresies of some new innovation will by seen, seen as that which is to cut down true Authentic Christian Faith, an attempt to cut down the Church into pieces and then to reassemble those broken pieces into a new novelty that smacks of truth with in fact it is leading people into the depths of hell. 
     Paul then, writing to Timothy, those words inspired by the Holy Spirit were to be read and followed by Authentic Christians to aid them to be able to confront false prophets of false teachers, to lead them to a proper understanding of Scripture. It was necessary in Timothy's day, and is necessary in our present day. Satan will use whatever means to introduce error into the Church, to disguise himself and those who follow him as though they are servants of righteousness. Many have succumbed to heresies, and follow false teachings. So, as we study this second letter to Timothy let us find what we need to know so that we too can stand against the wiles of the devil: "Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil" (Ephesians 6:11).

For they vex you with their wiles,
    wherewith they have beguiled 
you in the matter of Peor, and
    in the matter of Cozbi, the daughter
of a prince of Midian, their sister, which
    was slain in the day of the plague
for Peor's sake.
           Numbers 25:18

Examine all things: or you will be duped

Richard L. Crumb


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