Charge them that are rich in this world,
that they be not highminded, nor trust
in uncertain riches, but in the living
God, who giveth us richly all things
to enjoy; that they do good, that they
be rich in good works, ready to distribute,
willing to communicate; laying up
in store for themselves a good foundation
against the time to come, that they
may lay hold on eternal life.
1Timothy 6:17-19
Being rich is not wrong, in fact many people who become believes in Jesus Christ are already rich. There is no requirements that they must give away their riches to become poor as if this is godly. It is not! What is wrong is that if a rich person will not share in the needs of others and trust only in their riches as if their riches gives to them some superiority over others, as though they are special and horde what God has allowed them to have: riches. Now they are to use those riches in the service of the Gospel, in the service towards others who are in Christ that are needy. As Paul wrote: "willing to communicate; ready to distribute." An Authentic Christian does not put their trust in riches, no, they put their trust in Jesus Christ. There is nothing more uncertain than the wealth of this world. Rich today: poor tomorrow: some of know this for a fact. Money does speak: it says: "bye, bye." Are your rich in this worlds economy and have much in the way of goods, money, etc.? If so, where is you heart? Is it in riches or in Jesus Christ, towards your brothers and sisters in Christ? There is a certain fact about riches: You cannot take them with you at your death. Oh, you say: "I am saving up for my children." Good! But is this not just hording your riches under the guise of this saying? Will your children use your money wisely, or will they just spend it quickly until it is gone? You do not know for sure.
What world are you thinking about when it comes to your ability to make money, to have success? Is it this world or the world to come. Are you laying a foundation for the new world? You cannot work to be saved, but as saved you have work to do and to use whatever means you have to further the Gospel, and what better way to use your means than to aid those in need in your congregations, or in lands where missionaries have little and struggle while you swim in your swimming pool sucking on some cool drink. In all we do we are to seek for the glory, honor, and immortality, and eternal life for this is the end for all we do and who we are.
All Authentic Christians have a trust to keep and that trust is the truths of God, His ordinances, His commandments. Do not seek treasures of this world. Yes, it is good that a person work hard at their work and to enjoy a raise, a new and higher position, to enjoy what this world can offer in the way of entertainment, and in all its wonders to be seen, but all this is not to have priority. It is obedience that must have the priority in your life. Do not become self-indulgent, coveteous (that is for those who do not have much as well), and do not hold ungodly men and women upon a pedestal, not, become one who is busy in well-doing.
The end of all things is eternal life. This is true for Christians, and it is true for non-Christians. The difference is the final outcome. Your outcome is secure, your eternal life is secure with God, to live with Him eternally, and that outcome has already started when you converted and believed upon the Lord Jesus Christ. Are you living as though this is true? Lay now a foundation that is pleasing to God, and not just for some blessing, you are already blessed, what more do you want? Here is joy, peace, living according to God's will and being obedient to Him.
A faithful man shall abound
with blessings: but he that
maketh haste to be rich shall
not be innocent.
Proverbs 28:20
Seek to whom you can be of help
Richard L. Crumb
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