Now these things,
I have figuratively
to myself and Apollos
for your sakes,
that you may learn in
us not to think
beyond what is
written, that none of you
maybe puffed up on
behalf one against the other.
1 Corinthians 4: 6
There is amazement,
or rather a matter of concern that even after reading and hearing the word of
God so many turn to other doctrines and false teachings. Adding to this concern and amazement is the
fact that within the churches the influx of the wisdom of this world and its
culture has turned many churches to teach what seems by the ear so good and yet
it is not Scriptural: "O foolish
Galatians! Who has been with you that
you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly
portrayed among you as crucified? This
only I want to learn from you: Did you receive the spirit by the works of the
law, or by the hearing of faith? Are
you so foolish? Having begun in the
Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh" (Galatians 3: 1 --
2)? Paul was writing directly to
the churches in Galatia as well as the church in Corinth and other
churches. There was a moving away from
the truth as it was preached and taught to them for what could be seen in some
cases was a senseless moving away from more important things to minor matters,
in that they began in a spiritual manner but now approached in any fleshly
manner. There was a turning aside from
the depths of the truth in a striving after the higher things stating that they
can either be accused of a stupidity by which they cannot distinguish the
spirit of the law and the letter of the law.
Furthermore, they were being misled by defect so that they were becoming
unteachable, mad, and quite sluggish in respect of wisdom. The Greek word that is translated bewitched:
"έβάσκανεν" carries the meaning to fascinate by false representations
primarily a means to slander, and to bring evil on a person by feigned praise,
or mislead by an evil eye, so as to charm. This done in many churches today by
men who are preaching a message that is simply a misleading even though what is
being said sounds so good. Nothing has
changed from the days of Paul and the early church for sin is sin.Those things
dividing and leading Christians away from true faith is the same things that
are happening in our church today. Men
are going beyond that which is written and as I pointed out in my last blog
there are what may be best said as those books that are pretending to be
scripture when they are nothing more than a paraphrase. Best use may be to give
some thoughts but are not to be used as a teaching tool.
In Chapter
4 of 1 Corinthians Paul is taking a moment of trying to tell the Corinthian
church that they are following the wisdom of the world and becoming
divisive. The Christians pointing to
various differences and if they are only a difference of indifference: i.e.,
should one celebrate the Lord's supper every Sunday or once a month, or use
wine, or use grape juice, should it be shaped this way for the building, so on
and so on and so on: well, those difference or of little importance. This is not true if the division has to do
with things that are of difference according to Scripture: the differences are
matters of importance. It seemed as
though among the Christians there in Corinth one group was pointing to their
differences as being more godly than another churches differences: "For
who makes you differ from another? And
what do you have that you did not receive?
Now if you did indeed receive it, why do you post as if you had not received
it? You are already full! You are already rich! You have reigned as kings without us -- --
and indeed I could wish you did reign, that we also might reign with you"
(1 Corinthians 4: 7 -- 8)! As Paul spoke to the Galatians about being
foolish because Paul had preached to them the truth and they heard about what
it means to have proof they and this faith was truly experienced. Now, by becoming in the presence of the
Messiah Jesus Christ and there also came the Holy Spirit and the fact that
there in invitation to faith with new, the presence of the Holy Spirit was
manifested with sensible miracles as recorded in acts chapter 2:4; 10:40 4 --
46; 13:9 -- 11; 19:1 -- 6; and other Scripture. The Corinthian church has taken what the Holy Spirit had in part
to them in the way of gifts and began to misuse them as will be seen as we
continue this study in this letter. Now
some came to subvert the Corinthian church, such men as the Judaizers that were
demanding circumcision and Paul had to address that to the Galatian
churches. Now Paul was also had to
address the subversion that had come into the Corinthian church. This is very important: if your salvation
were in the works of the law, and or works without true faith, the Holy Spirit
would not be granted to you. If you are
not following Scripture how then could one expect to have the Holy Spirit speak
to them and showed them what they are not looking for or are willing to follow?
These are
hard words and not easy to read or to hear but this does not eliminate the need
to have them spoken and written. Paul
along with other apostles and most importantly Jesus Christ packed that which
was in error, false teaching, and those things that were in fact being
Christians and leading them to practices and beliefs that were not
Scripture. We are to examine what we
are being taught and we are to hold fast to that which is true. Are you willing to do so? I pray that that is true!
Your testimonies are wonderful;
my soul keeps them.
The entrance of Your words gives light;
it gives
understanding to the simple.
Psalm 119: 129 -- 130
True wisdom is from God: snatch it!
Richard L. Crumb
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