Do you not know that
you are
the Temple of God and
that the
Spirit of God dwells
in you?
If anyone defiles a
temple of God,
God will destroy
him. For the
Temple of God is
holy, which Temple
you are. Let no one deceive himself.
If anyone among you
seems to be wise
in this age, let him
become a fool
that he may become
For the wisdom of
this world is
foolishness with the
God. For it is written,
"He catches
the wise in their own craftiness;"
and again, "The
LORD knows the thoughts
of the wise, that
they are futile."
1 Corinthians 3:15 --
cf. Job 5:13; Psalm 94:11
The opening
scriptures were a bit lengthy for what I would normally post. I am reminding us
that we are no longer what we were before in our conversion to our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ. We have become the temple of God. As the temple of God then we have the responsibility to do the
things that God has commanded us to do.
We are able to do those things that God commanded for He did not leave
us destitute to our own wisdom. God indwells all of His children enabling them to be the ambassador's that He has
commanded us to be. We are not to
become wise in our own eyes. That type
of wisdom is only the wisdom of this world and that would be foolishness in the
sight of God. The world will see us as
foolish for they will see us through their wisdom of this world, but we are to
become fools for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. God is not going to let the wisdom of this world to continue
forever for He has promised to catch them in their craftiness that has the
foundation of being lies. The wisdom of
this world is futile even though they do not see it as futility. This is what the Corinthian church was
allowing to embed into their thinking, and practice as Christians. This is only a carry over into the church
the wisdom in futility of this world.
One of the things that Paul has begun to address in this latter was
that: "Therefore let no one boast in
men. For all things are yours: whether
Paul or Apollos or Cephas, or of the world of life or death, of things present
or things to come -- all things are yours.
And you are Christ's, and Christ is God's" (1 Corinthians 3: 21 --
23). In the next letter that we
have from Paul to the Corinthian church and we are reminded: "Do you look at things according to
the outward appearance? If anyone is
convinced in himself that he is Christ's, let him again consider this in
himself, that just as he is Christ's, even so we are Christ's. For even if I should boast something more
about our authority, which the Lord gave us for edification and not for your
distruction, I shall not be ashamed -- lest I seemed to terrify you by the
letters" (2 Corinthians 10: 7 -- 9).
It is not that we don't hold men of learning with some esteem and
recognize their authority. What we do
know is we inspect what we expect from such men and we do our inspection by
comparing what is said to us, or preach to us, by the Holy Scriptures. This means that we must take time to not
just listen to a sermon, or to some teaching, and then go about our business
forgetting that which we have just heard.
It would be like looking into the mirror and seeing yourself, and then
walking away forgetting what you look like: is this not foolishness? We are to examine all things: "Test all things; hold fast what is
good" (1 Thessalonians 5: 21); "Finally, brethren, whatever things
are true, what ever things are noble, what ever things are just, whatever
things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are a good report,
if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy -- meditate on
these things" (Philippians 4:8).
How are we to do these things that we are asked to do, that is, to
examine things to see whether they are of those things that were just quoted
from Paul? The question we must ask
ourselves is this: "Am I willing to set aside time so that I can study the
Holy Scriptures and meditate upon them allowing the Holy Spirit to teach
me?" Another question is this:
"Am I willing to set time aside to speak with and pray with my spouse, and
my children?" A question that we
must ask all of ourselves is: "Am I making God the priority of my life, or
am I allowing the things of this world to detract from studying and praying to
God?" It seems as though
Christians have become more involved with the wisdom of this world, and with
the many things that even while being good, are not teaching and leading
ourselves or our children to make God in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the
priority of our lives. I've said this
before I will say it again; to be a Christian you must be courageous, you must
hold and not vacillate in regard to your convictions about our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ. Do you believe that the Holy
Bible is actually the inspired word of God, in errant, and infallible, and
preserved by the providence of God? The
answer to that question will determine your character in how you exercise your
Christianity. When we allow the
doctrines of men no matter how good they sound to lead us in ways that are not
outlined for us in the Scripture then we are being led by any wisdom of the
them the wisdom of God. This all will
require a change from the inside/out.
This will require that we set time aside from our daily activities by
setting as a priority to spend time with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and
allow the Holy Spirit to teach us so that we are living as what we are: a child
of God.
It is good to give
thanks to the LORD,
in to sing praises to Your name.
O Most High. To declare Your lovingkindness
in the morning, and your
every night.
Psalm 92: 1 -- 2
We have much to be
thankful for
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