... for you are still carnal. For where there
are in me, strife,
and divisions among you,
are you not carnal
and behaving like mere man?
1 Corinthians 3: 3
I say then: Walk in
the Spirit,
and you shall not
fulfill the lust
of the flesh.
Galatians 5: 16
I began this blog by returning for
a moment to an earlier Scripture written by Paul to remind us that we have
remaining carnality even though God had chosen us to be one of his children.
Therefore, there is a necessity to ensure that what we believe and teach is Scriptural. There are many books,
sermons, and teachings, that have the tickling sound that scratches our itching
ears. On the surface they seem to be
good and true, and often that is exactly what they are, but often they are not
following Scripture and leading people into a: "Sloppy Agape."
Due to the fact this, "Sloppy
Agape" feeds our emotions and even causes us to feel godly, when
the fact is, as Paul has written under inspiration, that no natural man knows
anything about carnality. Because of
this fact, that the original sin has caused our souls to not desire God,
or godly things, we often seek for things that will fill that void. When God has freely given us faith
(Ephesians 2: 8 -- 9) so that we can decide, that is make a decision that we
could not make without that free gift of faith, then we will do that thing that
God has commanded us to do: "Test
all things; hold fast what is a good" (1 Thessalonians 5: 21). This is a fact that no one should dismiss as
not being true: the flesh lusts against the Spirit that has regenerated the
children of God. It is also a fact that
the Spirit opposes the flesh, and then carnality produces a warring, one
thing against another; unless we walk in the Spirit then we will fulfill the
lust of the flesh, but when we walk in the Spirit carnality will
disappear. This is a problem that is
evident in the Corinthian church. By
allowing the wisdom of this world, and its culture, to infest the thinking and
teaching, then the carnality that desires to be godly produces things that
are not godly. Yes some of the things
produced seemed to have the ring of truth as though what is being done or
said is scriptural. When examined it is
found that the scriptural aspect is nothing more than a twisting and redefining
Scripture to meet certain philosophies, ideologies, and developing a theology
that is in contradiction to the Word of God correctly interpreted. That is why Paul has instructed us to test
all things and to hold on to that which is good. Therefore there is a question, are you testing all things? If not then you are willingly, or even
tacitly accepting what ever taught. I
recommend, but you even test every thing that I write or say and if you find
that which is not scriptural then please make a comment. The goal is to change from the Inside/Out,
so that we are carrying out the command of God for us to be ambassadors for
Jesus Christ pointed out to us that we are in the world even though we
are legally already in heaven, therefore, we are subject to the problems of
this world which produces contentions and causes us to be troubled over
trifles. Paul has connected
contentions, and troubles, to that which is carnality. What so often happens when we read the Word
of God is that there are truths in the Bible that awakens our petulance. This is proof that you are carnal. if sanctification is being worked out, as so
often done by certain theological beliefs that we find in such organizations as
the Bethel Church of Redding, California, and in other churches who teach and
believe in revelatory inspiration that stands outside of the Bible, then all
that has been done is to remove any trace of Scriptural truth. However, if you, not fulfilling the lust of
the flesh, and walking in the Spirit then you are working out sanctification, then there
is no trace of the Spirit of carnality left in you as you grow in your
How then can we have proof that carnality has gone? Let us not forget this, and never deceive
yourself. It is unimaginable that all
carnality is gone, for until Jesus comes and we are removed from all sin and
are in the present God and His Son being led by the Holy Spirit, we will always
be subject to carnality in one form or another. As we grow in our sanctification our carnality is being
reduced and our faith increasing, and our everyday living is demonstrative of
the true faith of God. God will give
you any number of opportunities to prove to yourself the marvels of His grace. We will never cease to be a natural person
while we remain on this earth, but we can be the most amazing person on earth
at what God has done for you on the inside, and how you are then demonstrating
that which is inside through your outward life.
A reminder of the last two verses of 1 Corinthians 6: 19 -- 20:
"Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is
in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore
glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are God’s."
Here is a great ministry and marvelous thing: God freely by his own
will came to earth, lived as a true man, yet not subject to our original sin,
to die upon a cross just purchase you and to give you eternal life. This should bring us great joy and a desire
to not live as carnal persons.
Written by Oswald Chambers:
"We cannot
kindle when we will
fire which is in our heart resides,
The Spirit bloweth
and is still,
In ministry our soul
But tasks in hours of insight will’d
can be through hours of gloom
Rest in the
promises of God
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