For I indeed, as
absent in body
but present in the
have already judged
(as though I were present)
him who has done this
In the name of our
Lord Jesus Christ,
when you are gathered
along with my spirit,
with the power
of our Lord Jesus
deliver such a one to
Satan for the destruction
for destruction of
the flesh, that his spirit
may be saved in the
day of the Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 5: 3 --
This situation was a most flagrant abuse and as I pointed
out in the last blog Roman law specifically spoke to this problem and spoke
against such licentious exercise between people. Just because something done, by others does not give excuse for
others to do the same thing when it is immorality. We can look back even into history to such things as the law of
Hammurabi which also spoke in contradiction to this type of practice and the
practice of divorce. It is even
possible that this man while abusing by incest his father's wife and is most
likely that this man was yet alive:"
Therefore, although I wrote to you, I did not do it for the sake of him who had
done them wrong, nor for the sake of him who suffered wrong, but that our care
for you in the sight of God might appear to you" (2 Corinthians 7: 12). There is an apparent wrongdoing by three
parties: (1) The man who was doing the actual act of incest. (2) The father of the man, who allowed this
act between his wife, and his son. (3)
The Corinthian church who was allowing this practice to continue. Although even the Gentiles knew that this
was a licentious act, a scandalous and wickedness, the Corinthian church was
allowing this to continue without censure.
The Corinthian church became conceited in regards to the gifts of the
Spirit, gifts that were needed until the completion of the Holy Bible so that
the Gospel might be preached and taught. It was
almost as though they had a party spirit and had false notions about Christian
liberty. If this was not true then they
would have taken action and removed those persons from their midst, keeping the
congregation cleansed. They were not
rightly disposed, or if they had been so, they would have separated such a
character from their congregation. Paul
charges the Corinthians in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that
when they came together they were to discuss this matter and take action to
enforce the law and sentence that the Lord Jesus Christ had already given upon such
individuals. This was not to be done in
hatred, or for the rule of such a person rather that it would bring that
person to repentance and for the mortification of his/her fleshly lusts. A major problem was spiritual pride, and
false doctrine, that allow for the introduction into the church such scandals. Human passions, so would abuse, and given
over to passions problem whereby correct passions would have no influence and
there would be no revival of pure religion.
The effects of sin are dreadful, and allow for the devil to reign due to
the fact that Jesus Christ no longer reigns.
yourself this question: "When was
the last time you have seen or heard due to a persons sin were
excommunicated?" Another
question that you might ask yourself is:
"Are there people in your congregation known to be living in sin and are
in need of repentance and allowed to remain in the congregation and even to
hold positions of teaching, or leading a group?" Paul certainly did not give allowance for
this and even reprimanded the Corinthian for not handling this properly. They were glorying in the gifts of such
things as speaking in tongues, even though they may be gibberish, as though by doing such
things they are godly. Sometimes,
Christians think that they are okay even when they do things that are not
Scriptural, and feel as though all they must do is to repent and all things
will be okay. Is this true? A writer to Hebrews answers this question
succinctly: "For if we sin willfully
after we have received the knowledge of the truth, they're no longer remains a
sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery
indignation which will devour the adversaries" (Hebrews 10: 26 -- 27). Just because a person is doing good things
does not mean that they are living according to Scripture when they actually
know that there is sin in his/her life that is continuing and not handed over to
our Lord Jesus Christ. They feel as though they are saved and everything
is okay. Liberality of the church is
allowed for this kind of attitude and actions among Christians. There are many excuses and reasons given
that may on the surface sound good but in the end there is no longer any
sacrifice for them: "Your glorying
is not good. Do you not know that a
little leaven leavens the whole lump?
Therefore purge out (έκκαθάρατε: it means to cleanse out; θάρατε: a word
for catharsis English) the old leaven, that you may be a new one, since you
truly are on the leaven. For indeed
Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us.
Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, nor with the
leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and
truth"(Corinthians 5: 6 – 8).
Here is courage and holding fast to
the truth and our convictions, totally committed to our Lord Jesus Christ and His
love, άγαπη, spiritual Godly love. An
important question: "Am I willing to be so courageous and
For behold, the day
is coming,
burning the like an oven,
and all the proud,
yes, all who do
wickedly will be stubble.
And the day which
is coming shall
burn them up, says the LORD of hosts,
that will leave
them neither root nor branch.
Malachi 4: 1
Fear God: Remember
His law
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