Monday, March 10, 2014

Learning To Become The Guardians Of Truth

Moreover it is required in stewards
that one be found faithful.
But with me it is a very small thing
that I should be judged by you or
by a human court.  In fact,
I do not even judged myself.
For I know of nothing against myself,
yet I am not justified by this;
but He who judges me
is the Lord.
1 Corinthians 4: 2 -- 4

            Paul who was assigned to preach to the Gentiles the Gospel had to deal with many false teachings and doctrines that were in fasting the church and was in need to be corrected, Corinthians being one such church that has allowed many false practices to become the norm as though they were signs of true Christianity.  Paul in writing to Timothy in his first letter to Timothy who was also facing many heavy burdens and great responsibility in the church at Ephesus had great need to meet the challenges of the false teachings and doctrines that were attempting in many ways to turn Christians always from the faith.  Paul was helping Timothy and reminding him that he had the responsibility to meet this challenge: "O Timothy!  Guard what was committed to your trust, avoiding the profane and idle babblings and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge-- by professing it some have strayed concerning the faith.  Grace be with you.  Amen" (1 Timothy 6: 20 -- 21).  Paul given by Jesus Christ the gift of sacred grace and even if it does not please anyone and they condemn him, they would also then be condemning the whole Church of Christ, his teachers, apostles, and prophets.  As Paul instructs Timothy to be on guard for false teaching that command and instruction is for all Christians even you today: "But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed" (Galatians 1: 8).  How often it is that men want the glamour of being a celebrity and wish to be judged by how they say or act and not by the truth of Holy Scripture.  It is not that they do not quote from the Bible, that is if they use a Bible that actually is interpreted from the many texts that have shown to us that God's providential he reserves his word, and uses such things as the Message Bible, or some other paraphrase: example: Men such as Max Lucado quote from the Message Bible:
Message Bible

John 3:16 — “This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life.”
King James Version
John 3:16 — “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

This is the only an attempt to take the inspired word of God and put it in some contemporary translation and all that has been done is to produce a non-literal translation and setting aside the original languages of the Bible.  Notice the difference as the Message Bible and put a twist on John 3:16 to make the words of Jesus be palatable and yet has not spoken to a reader as to what Jesus actually said.  Yes God loves the world, did he not create a world?  Do you not say that the world and all that he created was good?  And did not God destroy the existing world and people by the Great flood?  The question then which will be answered as I continue this blog as to the Greek word "κόσμος"  In its various meanings, but for now I wish to address that God not only loved the world but he did not just give His Son, He gave His Only Begotten Son.  If Jesus said to be only a Son then this begs the question as to the relationship of Jesus to God.  The Greek word is: "μονογενή"  And can only be translated as: μονο: only: γενή: be gotten: therefore there is no question that Jesus is the only begotten of God and is of the same substance as God and not just His only Son.  God the father did not just call him: His Son as though He were speaking of a separate person or if this was true then the word "μονογενή"  Would not have been spoken by Jesus.  Then this paraphrase speaks that because that God loved the world and that He gave his only Son no one need be destroyed is not found in the manuscripts for it is not that no one need not be destroyed for only those who are believing in Him who will be saved.  The Greek word for believes is in the present and participle and is to be understood as those who are presently believing will be saved.  Furthermore, our belief is no assurance that we will have a whole life in this world. We will not have a lasting life if we have not truly converted and are presently believing in all times upon our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for if we are not believing in this manner we will perish but for those who are doing so by believing upon him have the whole and promise of an everlasting life.
            This is an important fact; we are to be the guardians of the reserved word of God and to guard it with our lives.  When we are teaching and preaching the truth of God's Word we should not be judge by any man or by any human court.  Paul was not here telling us that we are not to judge false teaching for, was doing in this letter to the Corinthian church.  What we are to judge is whether or not a person is being faithful and true to the Word of God or preaching some other form of Christianity derived from such dumbed down paraphrase.  Too many churches today are using such corrupted translations just to make it be your ticket leaned by using contemporary language.  The use of contemporary language is not altogether wrong, it is whether or not a person is preaching from the actual translated words from the reserved texts that we have in number in the thousands.
            What Bible are you using to learn about God?  This is an important question for by the answer that is given will tell how you believe God to be and what He is doing for His children, furthermore this influences you pragmatically.  I pray that you are using the correct translation and coming to a correct understanding of our God and Savior Jesus Christ.

You are my portion, O LORD;
            I have said that I would keep
Your words.  I entreated Your favor
            with my whole heart; be merciful
to me according to Your word.  I thought about
            my ways, and turned my feet
to Your testimonies.  I made haste, and did not
            delay to keep Your commandments.
                                    Psalm 119: 57 -- 60

Praise God for He has preserved His word

Richard L. Crumb

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