Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The Fields Are Ripe: We Need Workers!

Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any 
of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing 
from the living God. But exhort one another 
daily, while it is called Today; lest any of you 
be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. 
For we are made partakers of Christ, 
if we hold the beginning our our confidence, 
steadfast unto the end; while it is said, Today 
if ye will hear His voice, harden not your hearts, 
as in the provocation. For some, when they 
had heard, did provoke; howbeit not all that 
came out of Egypt by Moses. 
Hebrews 3:12-16

     Yesterday was spent getting ready and having another medical procedure...retirement has its benefits....ha!
     This series of blogs focused on what it means to be an Authentic Christian and to have Authentic Christian Faith compared with Cultural Christianity, or liberal Christianity. These blogs clearly and as plainly as I could show the great chasm between the two theologies. Furthermore, the practices and worship are wide apart and one to be more about a person, rather than The Person Jesus Christ. It has been shown that Cultural Christianity is an insult to God, to our Savior Jesus Christ and that Cultural Christians do not have the grounds or warrant for their departure from the truth. The writer of Hebrews wrote: "How shall we escape if we ignore such a great salvation" (Hebrews 2:3)? Half-believers are not believers at all, in fact they are only attempting to walk the fence, and in time both sides will be throwing rotten eggs at them: this is an untenable approach to Christianity. 
     In this day and age, this present time, there is no excuse for living in spiritual ignorance. We have at our disposal, for our reading, for our knowledge, more evidence in favor of Authentic Christianity than ever before: but we must make the most of it for it does nothing for a person to not take advantage of all that we have for spiritual growth into Authentic Christians. Do you need more information as to the claims about Jesus Christ? Well....there are many good scholars, many manuscripts written by Christian men throughout the history of the Church for you to read (ccel.org) for one, Strong's Dictionary, Strong's or Young's exhaustive concordances, and more, so there is no excuse for not knowing. 
     For those of you who have and do posses Authentic Christian Faith in Jesus Christ and are committed to the teachings of the Bible, much of these blogs already have application for you and your lives. This is the time that the world needs you, you, who are Authentic Christians, and it is imperative to act now, to become intentional to spread the Gospel, the truth of the Bible. This is not the time to sit back and wait out the coming of Jesus Christ. This is the time to improve on your Authentic Christian Faith by growing in your relationship to Jesus Christ. Do you want this country to change from its course into Socialism, its course to defame Jesus Christ? Well, if this is true then get up and get busy. There is no need to become socially acceptable, to be successful over the need to be successful in spreading the Good News, the Gospel. People need you and are looking for the truth and if you truly believe you have the truth: take it to someone(s). Restore the influence that Christianity once had over this nation ensuring that peace, and security would continue as written in our Constitution and by those Christian men who put their lives on the line to sign the Constitution. Only you can raise the level of morality to its rightful place. 
     WAKE UP! GET GOING! Deny yourself those things that would hinder your witness. Take a positive stance and track to be the messenger, the angel sent by God to bring the Good News to all who will receive this news. Who are they? Do not know, but I know this: we will only know if we are searching out those who are seeking the truth. Quit bickering over the non-essentials, allow them if they are not heresy. Show the world that you have the riches they really need. Pray faithfully that God will give you success and again bring the joy of living with vital Authentic Christian Faith. 
     We live in very difficult times, with hate groups causing havoc, fighting, burning building, blocking roadways, hating all that Christians beleive. You might think that you cannot really make a difference. You can! One person at a time. Taking time to be visible about your faith. To aid those in need, to aid those who are struggling with addiction, or with some disease or ailment. There is much to do and much for the servants of God to serve Him, to serve the world. God favors and blesses the land of the righteous (Proverbs 3:33). You are the right person for this task. Will you pick up your Bibles and go taking the truth as to what it means to be saved, and what it means to be an Authentic Christian, to have Authentic Christian Faith. Only you can answer that question.

O Israel, return unto the LORD thy God;
     for thou hast fallen by thine iniquity.
Take with you words, and turn to the LORD:
    say unto Him, Take away all iniquity, 
and receive us graciously: so will we render
    the calves of our lips.
                         Hosea 14:1-2

Get Ready: set...Go.....!

Richard L. Crumb


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