Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Sowing To The Spirit

Let him that is taught in the word communicate 
unto Him who teacheth in all good things. 
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: 
for whatever a man soeth, that shall he also reap. 
For he that soweth to his flesh shall
 of the flesh reap corruption; but he 
that soweth to the Spirit shall of 
the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us 
not be weary in well doing: for in due season 
we shall reap, if we faint not. As we 
have therefore opportunity, let us do
 good unto all men, especially unto 
them who are of the household of faith.
Galatians 6:6-10

     Paul in writing to the Ephesians under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit is writing words that are applicable to us.  The first thing in the above scriptures that we must noticed is the word "communicate" and get a real good understanding is what does it mean in the original Greek for it expands our thinking that it is not just speaking or thinking, it is to be sharing that is the Greek word so we are to share what we are being taught from the word for this word is from God who teaches us all good things.  It is interesting to note that if this is not what we are doing then there is a great probability factor here and that is that we are mocking God.  This is serious!  Therefore as Authentic Christian and as a parent's we have the responsibility to teach each other, that is our spouses, and especially our children who are going to grow up into a world that in every way attempts to turn them aside from Authentic Christian Faith.  I know from my own experience that what we reap is what these sow.   The consequences from most things that we did that were either immoral, or just simply not according to God's will, has not brought us benefits rather it's cost us great harm both mentally, and personally, especially among those of our children.  We all need to understand that that which we sow must be things of the Spirit for it is by this that we can reap eternal life.  Furthermore by living and Authentic Christian life we will be doing that which is considered to be well doing and furthermore by living by the Spirit we will not become weary, and integrate this means that we are not going to lose heart, and we will not think from the work that God has given us to do.  That work extends not only from our Christian brothers and sisters but also to others who are not of the faith .
    A problem that often it exists in our Christian family is that children grow up the benefits of a prosperous parents and unfortunate oftentimes those prosperous parents are simply cultural Christians.  A great concern in the Church today is that many of our young people are not coming to church or maintaining their faith in Jesus Christ.  The Christian message that they are receiving is either one of such a liberal and cultural Christianity, or is the influence of this world that the instruction that is being given to them is not an instruction from God who teaches us all good things.  Take your example a young person who has some idea of Christianity even has read the Bible, and maybe even has accepted Jesus Christ as his savior and then goes to other lands that do not hold to Christianity causing themselves to be further away from the faith.  It doesn't take long before that influence begins to "drive a whole" and to the heart in understanding of that person causing them to become a person who is negative towards Christianity.  It is not that they don't have some understanding of the Bible they have not yet learned to compare what the Holy Spirit has taught with that which the world teaches.  Here's another problem: those who have fallen prey to the cultural attitude of both some Christian churches and the world find themselves to have a faulty sense of intellectual that causes them to think of themselves as different and coming to knowledge making them more superior than Authentic Christians.
     To fall away from the church and Premier Christian upbringing begins very early and has a slow progression, a steady progression and end time down becomes more fixed in the mind but not a good type of doubt, rather a twisted doubt.  Ultimately, doubt overtakes all resistance and controls the mind in matters of faith. It doesn't always go this way but in general, this is the genesis of unbelief.  It's skepticism rather than critical thinking that is driving a person to drift away in unbelief and I am sure, as I have, as seen in this occur.
     Knowing the problem is to know the answer, or at least the answer is right at hand, and the answer to the above problems that were listed is to teach our children the truth of Scripture, not doctrine, not decrease, nondenominational beliefs and ideologies, but the Scripture only and buy in this they can come to a clear understanding of what it means to be a "real" person.  It is true the Bible teaches that if you teach a young person that when he grows old and he will not turn away from what you have taught it, in every case but it is a general rule and its probability factor rises as to how and what you teach your children.  Get a handle on their understanding by asking questions and listen to the answers before you answer, and take some time to do some extensive research as to the facts of Christianity for yourself so you can import it to your children. 
     The question is: is it more important to you that your children be successful in this world or successful in an Authentic Christian life? well Paul told us and no uncertain terms that eternal life is at the heart of the matter so it is better for them to learn to sow according to Spirit.  There is in a person can have a wonderful life no matter what the circumstances and it is good to grab a firm handle on life starting when you're young to let you will not be led away as you grow older.  This is our responsibility and we should do it to the best of our abilities.  Yes some will hear, and some will not hear, that does not matter we continued to teach so that God will not be mocked.

 For the day of the LORD is near
     upon all the heathen: as thou hast done,
it shall be done on to thee: thy reward
    shall return upon thine own head.
               Obadiah 15

 Study so to be able to aid others

Richard L. Crumb

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