Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Authentic Christian Faith Hint Of The Day

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed 
about with so great a cloud of witnesses, 
let us lay aside every weight, and the sin 
which doth so easily beset us, and let us 
run with patience the race that is set before us, 
looking unto Jesus the author and finisher 
of our faith; who for the joy that was 
set before Him endured the cross, despising
the shame, and is set down at the 
right hand of God.
Hebrews 12:1-2
      The Bible clearly teaches what it means to be an Authentic Christian.  Furthermore, the Bible teaches us that we are to examine all the things and to hold fast to that which is good (1 Thessalonians 5: 21).  The Greek word for "test" is in the imperative, therefore we are to begin doing something we may not have been doing and it is not a suggestion that it is a command.  Without this testing how can a person come to know whether or not that which they believe is "true faith" or is simply a shallow substitute?  Authentic Christians are not afraid to study the Bible and to also study that which has been told to them that may not be of the Bible, in fact, it may be another gospel.  You cannot know unless you examine one thing over another or against another and this is something that is good research.
      Men and women, even children, are inclined when they do this testing, or research into the absorbed in their own predispositions and this looks out over your inquiry.  In fact if you are looking at her so you will think better of yourself than the facts actually warrant.  It is a problem, it's not impossible, it just takes some work so that you will not become self deceived.  Earlier in this study in regarding Authentic Christianity we learned about our fault and nature and we can certainly see the fallen nature of men by means of selfishness for that is at the root of the problem.  In fact, this is why Communism or Socialism will not work; greed the outworking of selfishness is always a work in Man and there are always those who want more and are even willing to take it from others.  Due to our selfishness it is difficult to avoid acknowledging the truth about ourselves, our selfishness.  So word ego seems to have a negative connotation but that's not true simply can't be at times a problem used wrongly, but it is not as it is by our egos that we attempt to defend ourselves.  This is a problem because of this trust is us not to scrutinize ourselves and the result is that we tend to overrate our positive qualities and overlook or negative qualities.  Therefore, we must be careful in our self evaluation and always take into consideration the nature of the selfish ego because it does not always give us the ability to clearly evaluate even our own morality.
     What do we do?  First, we need to see our true state as God sees it.  If this is not done and you will not arrive at the truth and in fact you will carry on in your life and become less and less an Authentic Christian. you and I both have this problem so these words are not only view that date are especially for me as I write them so that I do not fool myself cause me not to grow in the grace and sanctification of our Lord Jesus Christ.  We must see ourselves against the purity of God and always remember that he has the ability to know what's better than we know ourselves.  God is God!  God does not live in time for He sees everything from its beginning even unto it's end;so who better to teach us how to self evaluate and this He has done for He has revealed what we need in Scripture. God already knows about our problems, He knows about our failures,  even before we barely recognize, that is if the even do recognize, our problems and failures.  We have a built-in defense system that defense system is always attempting to protect us, that can be both good and bad all depends on how we are using that defense system.  If we misuse this defense system or not recognize its importance as to how we see things this defense system will begin to lose its effectiveness and we will become dull and the convictions of our acts and attitudes of the contrary to the will of God and His Holiness.  I believe that at times, at least for the most of us, we have been remorseful and during this time we often turn to faint recognition, yet, God still knows all about those actions.  Think of the implications of this observation by God for the person who has never had an Authentic encounter with Jesus Christ, or who has never embraced the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross that is the payment for sin, and that's sin of man is death, and also by that debt being paid for all who put their faith in Jesus Christ their sins can be remitted.  Do not be confused, this remission will only be complete when you reach heaven and on till then the consequences do not go away. We must remember this: consequences of fact both you and others and often last throughout many generations.  Is this serious?  Yes!  Think about this: a person who is not embraced Jesus Christ by their repentance and belief upon him will, just like you, have to appear before the judgment seat (Revelation 20: 11 -- 15).  Here is a great joy for once you have as an Authentic Christian searched out the truth from the Bible, not from some man-made doctrine, or creed, but that which is actually said in Scripture and have come to the knowledge that it is Jesus Christ people need to know, then you have the joy and responsibility to bring back the Gospel to every one.we will all appear before the judgment seat and all that we have said and done and have committed will be revealed in His presence. In some ways I look forward to the time because that means that God has ended this world and all its sin and is now making the final judgment removing all sin and those who have believed upon his son whom he sent to save and to pay that debt owed to him for the joy of everlasting life.  But, we will see ourselves as God sees us, not only as previously sinners, for we see ourselves redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ.
     Here is a hint of the day: self evaluation by using the word of God to show what we are and what we can become.
Praise be to the LORD my Rock,
    Who trains in my hands for war,
my fingers for battle.  He is my
    loving God and my fortress,
my stronghold and my deliverer,
    my shield, in whom I take refuge,
who subdues peoples under me.
This is true of Jesus and can be true for you
Richard L. Crumb

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