...write in a book; and send it
unto the seven churches....
Revelation 1:11b
Write the things which thou sawest
and the thing which are about to take
place after these.
Revelation 1:19
Yes, I am spending a great deal of time on these verses and this is by design. If we do not get what is being said and how to apply what is written then we will miss the greater point as to why the Holy Spirit had John write these letters. Those seven Churches represent complete Christianity so they apply to us and we must learn from them so we can become Authentic Christians. Too many people want to dwell on the "juicy" parts of Revelation, those things that have sprung many theories, and are only speculations, but they are "fun" to think about and to apply. We will get to them as soon as we learn from the beginning of this letter what we must know and understand and not just pass over them lightly.
Jesus said: "I know thy works," and He does and we should be humbled that He knows everything about me, and you, but He also makes a promise for all who will overcome. To each of the seven Churches Jesus give great promises, each different, but those promises give forth consolation and are always addressed to Christians who overcome. What does it mean to overcome?
When you come to the place where you are just sick of your life, those sins and blemishes and you feel that you are discouraged, well, we all are at times but there is great encouragement to be found in these letters to those seven Churches. To overcome something you must know what it is that needs to be overcome. The first thing is to recognize that you are a sinner and in need of a savior, that you cannot overcome your lack of ability to stop that which you know is contrary to the will of God. That must come first, that you know that you need help and you want that help. This is the point in time that your new life will begin, that is, you know your failures and by hearing the word of God faith has come to you (Romans 10:17) and you accept that Jesus is the One who can save you from what you cannot change, those sins and failures. Having then, accepted Jesus as Savior you begin your new life and it is not all "roses and cherries," but you begin, you study His word, you pray for strength and you take time to meditate upon His word. Let me encourage you! Jesus sees the beauty as well as the ugly, and no matter how little the beauty may be, He sees your beauty, your effort, and your conscientious desire to please Him. God sees your tears: "Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book? When I cry unto Thee, then shall mine enemies turn back: this I know; for God is for me" (Psalm 56:8-9). When you do good to others, when you care for your brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, Jesus sees this beautiful thing and He does not forget your labor of love.
Jesus will honor the work of His Spirit in you and will pass over your frailties and will chastise you back to repentance if need it. Jesus will see your faith, your faith in action, not just words, but active faith. Jesus sees your feeble efforts to please and serve Him and He will bless you in ways that you may not even know that you are being blessed. Active faith was outlined for us by Jesus when questioned: "Lord, when saw we Thee an hungered, and fed Thee, or thirsty, and gave Thee drink: When saw we Thee a stranger, and took Thee in? Or naked, and clothed Thee? Or when saw we Thee sick or in prison, and come unto Thee" (Matthew 25:37-39)? Jesus sees your works!
So then, to be an overcome, first you repent of your sins and convert to Jesus Christ and that conversion is evidenced by your works and by your works you manifest that you are one who overcomes and then those promises are to you, one who overcomes. Notice that in these letters to those seven Churches the words: "to him that ovecometh," or "he that overcometh."
Who are you? What does it mean for you to be a Christian? You are a soldier for Jesus Christ to be used in His service and that service is to bring the Gospel to the world, to care for those in need starting at your home, you Church and to your neighbors. As a Christian you are bound to fight Christ's battle against sin and you when you were baptized stated that you are willing to be a soldier for Jesus Christ. This baptism was you outward manifestation or your vow to Him. You cannot break this vow and if you do you will receive from Jesus Christ chastisement and even more you will lose what you gained (Hebrews 10:26). This public recognition is that you are now a soldier for Jesus Christ and you want to be recognized as such. Paul stated that we are to put on the full armor of God: "Take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.' "Above all, take the shield of faith' (Ephesians 6:13-17), and with your leader, your General who leads you you will be a conqueror for you have all the provisions you need to be the light of the world, the water of life, and glory of God. This is a great privilege to be a soldier of Jesus Christ and your works, no matter how big or small, they are seen by Jesus and you will be the recipient of those promises that we can read as we read about those seven Churches in Revelation.
The fear of the LORD is to
hate evil: pride, and arrogance,
and the evil way, and the froward
mouth, do I hate.
Proverbs 8:13
Today: fight the good fight
Richard L. Crumb
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