Friday, August 19, 2016

Here Are The Answers To The Right Hand, Angels, Stars, And Candlesticks

And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. 
And He laid His right hand upon me, 
saying unto me, Fear not: I am the first and the last; 
I am He that liveth, and was dead; and behold,
 I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have
 the keys of hell and of death. Write the things 
which thou hast seen, and the things 
which are, and the things which shall
 be hereafter; the mystery of the 
seven stars which thou sawest 
in My right hand, and the seven 
golden candlesticks. The seven stars are 
the angels of the seven churches: 
and the seven candlesticks which thou 
sawest are the seven churches.
Revelation 1:17-20 

     The question from yesterday was how can we know and understand the symbols in the Bible and the answer was that we must know if there are coinciding symbols, or objects that are of that symbol, how they were used, why, and how does it pertain to the present day according to their use historically. We must always maintain and attitude that will not allow speculation and it is hard for me, and probably for you. So in these verse we get some answers to those symbols, the stars, the angels, the candlesticks, therefore once again the Bible interprets the Bible. 
     In Jewish life the right hand was considered clean and the left hand dirty. We can see an illustration of this at the Last supper where they reclined at the table in such a way that they ate with the right hand. They leaned on the left side and when Jesus fed a morsel of bread dipped into the dish to give to Judas Jesus would take His right hand dip the bread and give it backwards to Judas so he could eat of it. The right hand always in Scripture represents cleanness (Mathew 26:20-26). The right hand was considered to be the strong hand so when Jesus laid His hand upon John John would feel the strength and be comforted. We too can have the right hand of Jesus upon us, not as John did, but as the Holy Spirit impresses upon us the Gospel, how we are to live and the Holy Spirit is not something that was created by Jesus, but is God, the Third Person of the Trinity. Jesus once again reminds us that He is the first, the last, and who was dead, and this reminds us of His death on the cross, and alive, for He rose from the dead on the third day and now as the incarnated God through His Wisdom Who became flesh, this propitiation for sin is forever. 
     Jesus says that He has the keys of Hades and of death. There is so much said about Hades, even Dante's Inferno gives an allegory of Hades, so there is much speculation about this word. Hades is not Gehenna! Hades is the Greek word for the Hebrew word Sheol. Sheol, and Hades is the place where the dead go until Jesus comes again. Only Jesus can unlock Hades for He has the keys, the keys that not only unlocks Hades but renders death that comes in this life done for He is the living One who created all things, controls all things and has paid the price of death that original sin that plagues mankind and this world in whole. When you rise to meet Jesus you will not ever face death again for you are of His elect that have eternal life. If you are not of His elect you have Gehenna awaiting you and from Gehenna there is no escape for Hades is thrown into Gehenna (Revelation 20: 14-15).
     This word mystery is not as we use the word for it means not only something mysterious, it means that you cannot understand it and it is a mystery to you and you can only understand it if you have been given the meaning. The angels are sometimes spiritual beings but more often as the Greek word denotes it means messenger. Those angels of the Churches are the messengers of the Churches. The candlesticks are the Churches. We now have the mystery solved as to angels, stars, candlesticks, the right hand. There is no need to speculate for the answer is from Scripture and needs no speculation. 
     Revelation is not easy to understand but it can be if we do diligent work by study and prayer, and when we are not clear on a matter, pray, study, and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you and do not run ahead of the Holy Spirit. Some have done so and often to gain followers and income, to profit from their speculations. Do not be captured by those false teachers. The first thing you must know is that you must believe with your whole heart, mind, and soul that Jesus is God, that Jesus is the Savior and most important: you must know that you are a sinner and in need of salvation. Become Authentic and not Agnostic, or nominal, be a real Christian by converting to Him and following His commands. Then read the Bible and even a book such as Revelation with all its symbols and then allow the mystery to unfold. You will be blessed! Others will be blessed! Those who will not believe will have no axe to grind with you, you too will be an "angel" a messenger of God. 

Then Mordecai commanded Esther, 
     Think not with thyself that thou 
shalt escape in the king's house, 
     more than all the Jews. For if thou
altogether holdest thy peace at this time,
      then shall there enlargement and 
deliverance arise to the Jews from another place;
      but thou and thy father's house shall
 be destroyed: and who knoweth whether 
     thou are come to the kingdom for 
such a time as this?
                    Esther 4:13-14

Study God's word so that you are not fooled

Richard L. Crumb

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