Behold, He cometh with clouds; and every
eye shall see Him, and they also which
pierced Him: and all kindreds of the
earth shall wail because of Him.
Even so, Amen. I am Alpha and Omega,
the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord,
which is, and which was, and
which is to come, the Almighty.
Revelation 1:7-8
Once again we are told that Jesus is in clouds, once when He went into Heaven and now when He comes again. What is meant by clouds? Many have given all sorts of speculative ideas as to what this means, but what does it really mean according to Scripture? The Israelites as they traveled through the desert after leaving Egypt had a cloud, and even had a cloud at the Red Sea so that they were not perceptive to the rushing of the Egyptian Army. Here the clouds were a protection (1Corinthians 1:1-2). On the Mount of Transfiguration once again we read of a cloud (Mathew 17: 1-8). In this account we read that those present heard a voice out of the cloud, those there those three apostles were covered by a cloud. All the Authentic Christian who have converted to Jesus Christ will rise to meet Him in a cloud. The unbelievers are said to by stormy clouds who are reserved for darkness forever (2Peter 2:17). Jude states the same thing (Jude 12). And of course here in Revelation we read of clouds once again. Therefore, clouds have specific meaning and we must reach that meaning so that we can understand why clouds were used to reveal the will of God for His people and for those who are not His people. The Greek word: νεφελω̃ν, here used as a genitive plural so it is speaking of clouds has two possibilities, one literal, the other metaphorically. We must decide which of the two meanings is the meaning in any verse where it is used, as in the case of the clouds covering the Israelites it then is literal. When it is used, as it does, speaking of evil doers as clouds then it is metaphorical.
How then are we to understand the word clouds here in these verses of Revelation. First, He comes with the clouds and the Greek word for with is present here so it is with clouds that He comes, and furthermore, every eye shall see Him. Now, here is where much speculation finds fodder. As always we return to the Greek for our help. The Greek word: ὸφθαλημόςcan mean the physical eye or by implication vision, and is from the root word that means penetration, sharpness. It is used for the unity of God, the Trinity, a singleness of motive, and can even mean an instrument of evil, or the eyes of the heart as a means of knowledge. Furthermore, every eye will see Him. If this is so then if He is in a clouds or comes with the clouds then how can one see physically Him? Or does the word "clouds" mean something different from a physical cloud? Even those who killed Jesus at the cross will see Him. How can they who have been dead for all these years see Him, or is this speaking only of Israel as a whole? Every tribe, that is, every person will be able to see Him. How? Some speculate that due to our technology, the internet, this is very possible as to how all can see Him. Well, this may be true but what about those who do not have a computer? Will God wait until all have access to the Internet before He comes? Or, does the coming with the clouds mean that He comes when all will know of Him, and have the opportunity to convert and believe upon Him, but some will not, and does this knowledge about Him mean that those dead will know Who He is and why they are in light or darkness? Here is what I know: Jesus is coming and when He does He will judge all people and that knowledge exercised by faith will give a positive answer and life eternal or there will be a negative answer that leads to life. To speculate as to how He comes, and to whom He comes and when He comes is to not have faith that He is coming and we know when: on the Last Day! Spend your time speculating may be fun, and even give a person some sense of belief but that is not true faith and does not hold fast to Scripture, Jesus comes and all will know of Him, about Him and be judged by Him. Every person will have had an opportunity to know about Jesus and to believe upon Him and you, as and Authentic Christian have the responsibility to be the means by which this knowledge of Jesus Christ is made available.
Now, Jesus is called the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the One who was, Who is, and the One Who is coming. Jesus is the beginning and the end. Furthermore, Jesus is called, not the might, but the Almighty an attribute only God has and Jesus is said to be the Almighty. Jehovah Witnesses who do not believe that Jesus is God and who hold to an Arian theology have to work their way around this verse where Jesus is called the Almighty. For all of God's children this is comforting to know that Jesus is God, and as God all that He has done is firmly, and truly everlasting and true. We will come back to these verses as we go into the last chapter of Revelation. Your faith, your defense of your faith will have firm foundation. Until then, go and spread the Gospel.
My substance was not hid from thee,
when I was made in secret,
and curiously wrought in the lowest
parts of the earth. Thine eyes did
see my substance, yet being unperfect;
and in thy book all my members were
written, which in continuance were
fashioned, when as yet there was
none of them.
Psalm 139: 15-16
Clouds of knowledge are yours: if you study His word
Richard L. Crumb
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