I know thy tribulation, and poverty,
(but thou are rich) and I know the blasphemy
of them which say they are Jews, and are not,
but are the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 2:9
The opening verse is short compared to other open verses and this is by design. God knows your trials, your poverty and if, and He does know this, then you can be assured that you can overcome them if you allow Him to lead you and this leading is found in His word. The word "poverty" has a greater meaning than to be without money or means. It does mean to be destitute and by being destitute it may mean to be without money or means, to lack in things, a lack in substance. It means to be devoid and from the Latin word, "destituere" it means to abandon, to be deprived of support. Jesus Christ experienced poverty and this on our behalf (2Corinthians 8:9). Destitution was experienced by the Christian as to their condition in Judea (2Corinthians 8:2). This was also the condition of the Church in Symrna. One thing we know from this letter to Symrna was that they were facing persecutions, tribulations, and poverty. Poverty could be a lack of life's needs, or a lack of true Gospel and this due to those who were and are today, blasphemers. What is a blasphemer? It is one that speaks impiously, or to speak evil. Blaspheme is to use speech to bring down another's value, honor, due-respect, and to injure another's reputation. How does a blasphemer do this? This is done by speaking of non-Scriptural doctrine: i.e., speaking in gibberish tongues and calling it true when Scripture does not even allude to this without twisting Scripture, words, to prove your belief. These blasphemers were of the Church, as it is today in some Churches, who held and taught doctrines of man, as it was with the Gnostics, the Judiazers, the Nicolaitans, the neo-platonists, and others who were teaching a gospel that was not and is not Gospel. Those who teach false teaching and are blasphemers are of the synagogue of Satan. Run from them, leave a Church that teaches this even if it means leaving behind friends, even family who will not leave. What is more important to you? Is it how you feel or is to become morphed into the Image of Jesus Christ? If you run from such you are an overcomer and you have the crown of life and you will not be hurt by the second death.
We have many examples of those who ran from sin. We have Moses who forsake the pleasure of being and adopted son of Pharoah and all the pleasurable things that come to a ruler, he forsake the love of pleasure. Micaiah refused to prophecy things to king Ahab even though he knew he would be persecuted if he spoke the truth. Micaiah overcame the fear of a life of ease and acceptance. Daniel refused to give praying even though he knew that the den of lions would be where he would go due to his refusal, so Daniel overcame the fear of death. Matthew as a tax collector and the riches that came to one who handled this money and could receive for his wages some of that collection, overcame the love of money. Peter stood boldly before the council and shows to us that it is possible to overcome the fear of man. Saul gave up being a Pharisee and the praise that would come to him for doing the work of protection for the Pharisees, he over came the love of man's praise.
How could they do this? The secret of their victory: their faith. They believed Jesus to be the promised Savior, not in name only as there are nominal Christians in our world today claiming what they are not, no, the believed, converted to Jesus Christ and forsook all else and in their tribulations they were rich as was the Church in Smyrna. You too are rich all you have to do is live the life of Jesus Christ and allow yourself to become in His image. By the grace of God you can be an overcomer.
In the Churches, at least in many, there is so much fighting among themselves, against other Churches of a different denomination, all this fighting and there is no sign that they are fighting the cause of Jesus Christ. Their victory if they have one is a shallow victory. Their victory is to become at peace with their enemies. Jesus never did this! They have no quarrel with sin: and this we see in Churches where homosexuals are allowed and abortion is allowed, and even more non-Scriptural practices. This is not Authentic Christianity and it is not the way to heaven.
Be an overcomer and you will have the crown of life, eternal life, a life that you cannot begin to imagine. A new body, incorruptible, immutable, and not sign of sin that can draw you away from God and all that He has prepared for His children. He that that has an ear: let him/her, hear!
Yet ye have forsaken Me, and served
other gods: wherefore I will deliver
you no more. God and cry unto the gods
which ye have chosen; let them deliver
you in the time of your tribulation. And the
children of Israel said unto the LORD,
We have sinned: do thou unto us whatsoever
seemeth good unto thee; deliver us only,
we pray thee, this day.
Judges 10:13-15
Be thou faithful unto death
Richard L. Crumb