Brethren, I speak in
the manner of men:
the goal it is only a
man's covenant,
yet if it is
confirmed, no one
annuls or adds to
it. Now to Abraham
in his Seed where the
promises made.
He does not say,
"And to seeds,"
as of many, but as of
"And to your Seed," who is Christ.
And to this, that the
which was four
hundred and thirty years later,
cannot annul the
covenant that was confirmed
before in Christ,
that it should make
the promise of no
Galatians 3:15 -- 17
Often, I
make mention about the differences between the various translations: i.e., ESV,
NIV, ASV, and other translations that follow what is deemed to be critical text
which doesn't exist at all, but rather is a consensus of text, and far too
often have a low estimation and presentation of Jesus Christ. Galatians 3: 17, represents a furtherance of
lowering the position of Jesus Christ by the popular NIV, and other translations.
I find it rather interesting that even in Nestle-Aland, Novum Testamentaum
Garece, the word in Christ is omitted.
A study in this book in Greek by them with all the variants cited it
makes one wonder why omit because they even cite these references which
represent the majority text that has the status of consistently cited as a
witness of the first order any of these documents the Greek word: είς Χρίστον,
in Christ is found in the documents: D, F, G, I, 0176, 0278,
(Majority text), it, Sy (Syriac), Eus (Eusubius), Ambst
(Ambrosiaster; all which represent hundreds of documents. It is important and to use a translation
that is not encumbered by simple consensus in a lowering of the Christology
that the majority of manuscripts represent.
When God's Word is left to the presupposition of those who are translating
and do not hold to the truth of what was actually written and preserved by God
then we have the door open for heresy and in the least false teaching. Paul wrote that this covenant given to
Abraham some 430 years before the law had been confirmed before by God, not
just God alone, rather, in Jesus Christ and by this the promise has full effect
even unto this day, our present age.
With this being said, I will move on to the end devoted time to
understanding what Paul wrote. For some
areas difficulty respecting this passage because of the words translated
"seed," and used in the plural form in the Old Testament, when
referring to the posterity of man. Is
there a problem? Yes, we do use the
word "seed" to represent all the descendents of different men,
however numerous even though on certain occasions when we speak of the
descendents of different men we do use the plural. It is true upon investigation, in the case of Abraham, that there
is a remarkable difference between the two lines of descendents which came from
him, and that if the divine promise that extended to both, the apostle seems to
intimate the plural would have been used.
This is a fact, there were not different progenies that should
inherit the promise to Abraham, one by the works of the law, and the other by
faith, for there was but one seed, which is Jesus Christ, and those which it
claimed in an under him by faith then will receive that promise. The law having its institutions some 430 years
after Abraham did not disannul the covenant given to Abraham for Abraham was
justified by faith. It is true of you,
it is faith by which you are justified, not works, not some form of legalism,
nothing more than simple faith in Jesus Christ. When God enters into a covenant as he did with Abraham in this
covenant was a firm covenant. Do not we
also hold man's covenant with each other as firm, then, therefore, it is true
much more of God and His covenant. Paul
uses the singular number alone to imply that Jesus Christ is what is primarily
meant, and the others are only related to him, and regarded as one with
him. We are to be as one with Him, and
that Him is Jesus Christ. A covenant
with Abraham is still in force, and are Christ’s forever in His Person, and in
His spiritual seed, who are His by faith.
We have come to learn by the words of Paul to the Galatians written for
them and for us that there is a difference between the promises of the law and
those of the Gospel. The promises of
the law are directed in made to the person of every man particularly: the
promises of the Gospel are first directed and made to Jesus Christ, and then by
consequence to those who are by faith engrafted into Jesus Christ. The law in the promise must be carefully
distinguished. They are closely related
as they are going together in the soul, but as to their office, they ought to
be separated far apart, so that the law may have dominion over the flesh, and
the promise me sweetly and comfortably reigned in the conscience. As I began this blog, we must rightly
dividing the word of truth. This is
possible it is important with these verses is well, majority to put a great
difference between the promise of the wall, as to the inward affections, and
the whole practice of life. Paul came
into a time when Judaism was to generate and corrupt among the masses, yet the
Old Testament economy was a divine institution preparatory to the Christian
redemption, and as it was for the apostles of Jesus Christ, it is for us to be
the deepest reverence in regard to Jesus Christ. May this be true of you and you fall the Gospel, and by your
conversion deny your self, pick up your cross, and follow Jesus Christ.

one is Holy like LORD,
for there is none
besides You,
is there any rock like our God.
Samuel 2: 2
God bless you as you study His word
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