Now I say that the
heir, as long as he is a child come
does not differ at
all from a slave, although he is master of all,
but is under
guardians and stewards until the time appointed by the father.
Even so we come when
we were children, we were in bondage
under the elements of
the world. But when the
fullness of the time
had come, God sent forth His Son,
born of a woman, born under the law, to
those who were under the
law, that we might receive
the adoption as
sons. And because you are sons,
and God has sent
forth the Spirit of His Son
into your hearts,
crying out, "Abba, Father!"
Therefore you are no
longer a slave but a son,
and if a son, then an
heir of God through Christ.
Galatians 4: 1 -- 7
Did you
read those scriptures carefully? Paul
plainly wrote that due to the fact God the Father sent His Only Begotten Son
into the world you can be come one of His sons. God adopts you into His family and you no longer are a slave,
rather, you are an heir, and will receive all the promises of God for His children.
If you will catch on to this and inculcate that into your very being your life
will change for the better no matter what ever the circumstances may be, you are
a son of God. There is no need to
return to any form of legal observances to find some sort of
justification. Remember, justification
comes by faith, and not by works. As
children, guarded, protected, and stewarded, by your Father, and that Father is
God Himself. This change in your life is
a happy change and this change comes about by your conversion, and that
conversion means that you remove yourself from anything that is an idol. An idol can even be a false teacher whom you
hold in high esteem, it could be your car, your home, your job, or any other thing
that is being put in place to hold a higher priority than for you to live for
God who adopted you and is your Father.
The apostle Paul dealt plainly with those who urged these Christians,
especially new Christians, who were returning to the Law of Moses not to return and you can return from any law that separates you from Jesus, that law, with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
When you converted to the Lord Jesus Christ your life changed and that
change came about by your effort to follow the Gospel and yet so often you have
been misled by those who are teaching a false doctrine, and Paul says it is not
the gospel at all. Paul makes this
clear: "But then, indeed, when you
did not know God, you served those which by nature are not gods. But now after you have known God, or rather
are known by God, how is it that you turn again to the weak and beggarly
elements, to which you desire and begin to be in bondage? You observe days and months and seasons in
years. I am afraid for you, lest I have
labored for you in vain" (Galatians 4:8 -- 11). Too many Christians are seeking for
happiness and some sort of validity to their acceptance of Jesus Christ by
placing themselves under bondage and that bondage is a requirement of works and
those works that are often manifested are not works commanded by the
Bible. The tutors that these early
Christians found themselves in tutorage was and is even this day false teachers
who were attempting to bring Christians and that means you if you're not careful,
into a dispensation of darkness. These
observances, can be called the elements of the world. Yes many have been taught the first principles of religious
knowledge, but the sacrifices, festivals, and rights, when their typical
meaning was neglected, in many respects agreed with the gross apprehensions of
the world at large. What did I just
say? you heard the word of God, the Gospel, and came to know that you were a
sinner and in need of a Savior so that when you heard this Gospel, the true
word of God being preached to you that faith that God has given to you as a
free gift caused you to convert to Him.
You were a child and in need of nourishment so that you can grow in the
knowledge of God. Unfortunately, there
are those who will take advantage of your situation as a child and teach you
what they believe is a better way for Christians to act and practice. You believe them, so you follow them, and
often you will have closed ears when the truth of God's word presented to
you. You become indoctrinated! You have a feeling of happiness in some sort
of bliss, but this happiness is simply an external happiness even though you
may think that you feel it within yourself, but this is not the happiness comes
to an Authentic Christian. The
happiness that comes to an Authentic Christian is when that person comes under
the Gospel as taught in the Bible without any addition. it is simply because by the will of God that God
sent forth His Son, His Only Begotten Son, to come to this earth to die for the
debt owed to Him which was sin and could only be paid by a just act and that just
act was a sinless man was to die for a man who brought sin into the world. It was the sin by the first man that
brought upon all mankind sin, and that only pays one reward: death! By the death of a sinless man the reward is:
life! Don't be adding anything to the
Gospel for this is wrong in every way and misleads people who believe they are
doing God's will when in fact they are not for they are pleasing themselves
and focusing upon the works and not upon the one who gives them life, Jesus
Christ. They may say they are, but an
examination it will be found that doing the works as a higher priority than
living a virtuous and moral life no matter the cost. They may say they are virtuous, they may even say they are moral,
and this may be true, at least in their minds, but when we see many of them we
find that the girls wear dresses just covering their thighs, men wearing hair
that looks like some rock star hippy, tattoos all over the place, and much of
this has occurred after they say they have accepted Jesus Christ. There is no way to reason this to be a good
thing for that person(s) is living a dichotomous life. Brothers and sisters you may have been a
time in which you were tattooed, or dressed in ways that were unchristian, but
you are a son of God and this brings a responsibility to act as a son of
God. My prayer is this will happen in
your life!
An oracle within my heart concerning
the transgression of the wicked:
there is no fear of God before his eyes.
Four he
flatters himself in his own eyes,
when he finds out his iniquity and when he hates.
The words
of his mouth our wickedness and deceit;
he has ceased to be wise and to do good.
Psalm 36: 1 -- 3
The loving kindness of God is precious
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