Friday, November 14, 2014

Praising Our Redeemer

Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law,
having become a curse for us
(for is written "Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree")
(Deuteronomy 21:23),
that's a blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles
in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise
of the Spirit through faith.
Galatians 3: 13 -- 14

            By the death of Jesus Christ upon the cross became a curse for us; not separated from God.  It is easy to look upon this death by Jesus Christ upon the cross and the fact that He was made a curse for mankind and in some sort of sympathy say this was a horrible thing that God did to His Son.  To say this, to feel such sympathy, is to stand in the way of the work of God for this is the very reason Jesus Christ came to earth, and that reason was to die a perfect man in payment of what a perfect man lost.  All of this in the providence of God came about because of the mercy and love of God and with out the death of Jesus Christ on the cross we would all be left in our sin.  Yes, it is horrible that there was such a need for God to pay this debt through His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ, but it had to be done if anyone was going to be saved for eternal life and live in eternal life with God the father.  As horrible as it may be, that is a fact: man sinned, and man brought upon this earth for horrible thing called: death.  Now, this act to save man is accomplished in by that accomplishment all the children of God receive salvation and eternal life.  This should bring great joy to you, for as a child of God as one who has eternal life not by what you have done, rather, by what God has done.  Is there a struggle? Yes!  Sin still abounds in this world and that sinned by Adam passed down through all of his progeny affects you and me and without the help of the Holy Spirit we will be left in our sin and continue to struggle and live a fatalistic life: no hope!  But you have a hope, and that hope is in Jesus Christ who died and paid the debt of sin.  Allow me to use this account by Augustine in his book, The Confessions, Book IV, section 15: "I was struggling to reach you, but you thrust me back so that I knew the taste of death.  For you thwart the proud.  And what greater pride could there be than to assert, as I did in my strange madness, that by nature I knew it; for if I wanted to be a learned man, it can only mean that I wanted to be better than I was.  All the same I preferred to think that you too were changeable rather than suppose that I was not what you are.  This was why you thrust me back and crushed my rearing pride, while my imagination continued to play on material forms.  Myself a man of flesh and blood I blamed the flesh.  I was as fickle as a breath of wind, unable to return to you.  I drifted on, making my way towards things that had no existence in you or in myself or in the body.  They were not created for me by your truth but were inventions of my own foolish imagination working on material things.  Though I did not know it, I was in exile from my place in God's city among His faithful children, my fellow citizens.  But I was all words, and stupidly I used to ask them, ‘If, as you say God made the soul, why does it err?’ Yet I did not like them to ask me in return, ‘If what you say is true, why does God err?’ So I used to argue that your unchangeable substance, my God, was forced to err, rather than admit that my own was changeable and erred of its own free will, and that its errors were my punishment."  (Italics mine).  Even Augustine struggled in his Christianity and for a time followed a heretical sect.  But when he came to know the truth he turned from his errant ways and followed the Lord Jesus Christ.  Augustine was used by God record for us his books so we can learn how we too can turn from our errant ways and follow Jesus Christ who has read Dean bus from the curse of the law and poured out upon us the blessing of Abraham so that we can receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.  What is this promise of the Spirit through faith?  Salvation!  Eternal life!  An incorruptible and immortal body!  God never tells us that He will take us out of trouble and struggles, but it does say that He will take us through.  Do not put yourself back under the law, and to some sort of group or person who demands legality in your Christian walk.  Put your faith slowly in Jesus Christ for you are a gay person of God and an air of the promise.  We often sink into misery due to sin for we are under the curse in combination of the law, but notice this and observe this, the loving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ towards us; has He not submitted to be made that curse for us, so that we could be read Dean from the curse of the law?  Yes!  It is only through faith in Him we can hope to obtain this favor.  It is not through material things, or some sort of success in this life, albeit those things may be good, but they will not give you salvation and freedom from the curse of the law.  Only faith in Jesus Christ will do that so we must flee from the wrath that is to come God did not spare His Son for you so why should we spare our life for ourselves?  Jesus Christ freely invites sinners to take refuge in Him.  The question is will we flee to the city of refuge? at me in with another quote from Augustine, The Confessions, book 5, section 4, paragraph 1: "O Lord of truth, if a man is to please you, surely it is enough that he should know facts like these?  Even if he knows them all, he is not happy unless he knows you; but the man who knows you is happy, even if he knows none of these things.  And the man who knows you, and knows these things as well, is none the happier for his knowledge of them: he is happy only because he knows you, and then only if he has knowledge of you and others you and give you thanks as God and does not become fantastic in his notions" (italics mine).  It is faith and that faith is a gift to you from God.  As you prepare to worship on the Sabbath turned to Him, cleanse your heart and praise Him for choosing you.

Our help is in the name of the LORD,
            Who made heaven and earth.
                        Psalm 124: 8
Those who trust in the LORD
            are like Mount Zion,
which cannot be moved,
            but abides forever.
                        Psalm 125:1

Cry out: Lord hear my voice!

Richard L. Crumb

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