Then after three
years I went up to Jerusalem
to see Peter, and
remained with him fifteen days.
But I saw none of the
other apostles except James,
the Lord’s
brother. (Now concerning the things
which I write to you,
indeed, before God, I do not lie.)
Afterward I went into
the regions of Syria ends Cilicia.
And I was unknown by
face to the churches of Judea
which were in
Christ. But they were hearing only,
"He who formerly
persecuted us now preaches
the faith which he
once tried to destroy."
And they glorified
God in me.
Galatians 1: 18 -- 24
journey into the Arabian area that is mentioned here and it is not shown in the
book of Acts, shows that there existed no correspondence between the various
writers. Yet, we find that this book,
Galatians, exhibits many coincidences with the book of Acts, and the zeal of
Paul that he had for the Jewish religion, is persecuting Christians, and then
his journey to Damascus after his first visit to Jerusalem. Paul's residence was in Antioch, also was
the residence of some of the apostles at Jerusalem. There are some who purport that there was collusion between the
writers of the Bible so that they were attempting to get their stories
straight, black, as we study the Bible we find that this collusion never
occurred. Each writer wrote, as the
Holy Spirit inspired each Bible writer to write: no collusion. Paul states that he was wonderfully turned
from the error of his ways. And brought
to the knowledge and faith of Jesus Christ, and then appointed to the office of
apostle showing that God separated him to this work and in time this change in
him cause him to pursue the divine purpose for which he was appointed to do by God. Is this event, or case
of Paul, peculiar? Yes! It was peculiar in both the suddenness and
in the greatness of the change in him, and also in the manner how it was
effective, like Christ personal appearance to him, and then Paul's immediate
operation to preach Jesus Christ, upon him. There is something
to tell us that we must understand: if Christ is not revealed to us to avail
that it has not happened, that is, if Christ is not also revealed in us. Paul's conversion seemed to have the
pleasure of God to bring him to the knowledge of Christ and his Gospel, and
this by special in immediate revelation.
Paul not only embraced Christ Himself, but preached them to others, so
that he was both a Christian and an apostle by revelation. The question before us is: it's Jesus Christ
being revealed in us, in all that we do, what we say, and how we interact with
others, especially those of the Christian faith? When Christ is revealed in us, that revelation of Christ in us is
shown by our obedience. When God calls
us by his grace, we are to do as Paul did, and that is not to go and consult men for advice and direction as to whether or not Christ is been revealed in
us. If Christ is revealed in us we show
that revelation as stated by our obedience and this does not require us to go
and find some sort of advice and direction. Does this mean that we never go and get advice? No! But, and this is important, listen to what may be said, and then compare this with Scripture.
Far too many Christians today followed men rather than following the
clear and plain words of God in His scripture.
God has revealed Himself to us in Scripture so we are without excuse if
we are not being obedient to what He has revealed. Paul did not need for someone to approve him a as though he was
not converted to Christianity and then to receive instructions or four key from
them, no, Paul went into Arabia, as a retirement to every proper place for
receiving divine revelation, or to preach the gospel there. When God reveals himself to you and this is
done by means of God leading you to scriptures tell that you His will. Then you can study them for yourself, find
out what God commands and demands. Then
to go to Him in prayer quietly and privately not for personal doctrine but to
allow the Holy Spirit to guide you as you study His word. There are those running about seeking for
personal revelation outside of Scripture.
I've spoken to many of them backed go to the Bethel school of the
Supernatural. Where I find that they go
about speaking about God personally revealing things to them as special revelation from God, and far too often,
they don't go about spreading the gospel but some sort of unknown revelation to
others that they are the only ones who are knowing what God revealed in this
outside of Scripture. Also far too
often, they don't even carry the Bible.
So how do we know then that Paul who received his personal revelation
from Jesus Christ was nothing more than some sort of mental gymnastics leading
him to be able to teach a different doctrine.
Well, all one has to do is examine what he just Christ taught, the
doctrine that Jesus Christ taught, and we'll find that Paul talked to say
doctrine that agrees with all that Christ had taught on earth. What a matter of thanksgiving and joy it was
to the churches of Christ, when they heard that Paul no longer persecuted them,
but, had now become one of them and was now teaching the gospel. They gloried in the fact of God's grace
shown in the life of Paul. This glory,
their glorification of God was for His power and mercy in saving such a person,
also for all the service to His people.
The question then is begging us to have an answer: "is this true of
you?" My prayer that it is and as
we study this book, we will find what God requires not only of all his people
but for you and me personally.
Because he has set his love upon Me,
therefore I
will deliver him;
I will set him high, because he has known My name.
He shall
call upon Me, and I will answer them;
I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor
With long
life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation.
91: 14 -- 16
May God's mercy be upon you
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