Monday, August 19, 2013

Living By Faith: Faith In The Invisible God

But without faith it is impossible to pleas Him,
for he who comes to God must believe that
He is, and that He is a rewarder of those
who diligently seek Him.
Hebrews 11:6
But he who doubts is condemned if he eats,
because he does not eat from faith;
for whatever is not from faith is sin.
Romans 14:23

            What a dichotomous people we are so often for we divide our thoughts and words making one to be contradictory and wrong and the other to be believed or held as a truth when a single word is spoken. One word used in this manner is: faith. It seems that some will object that we should believe in God or a god by faith and if we say we do then we are wrong. Some even will even turn to other religions in order to avoid the plain fact of the Bible: “But without faith it is impossible to pleas Him,…”, and then turn to another religion who is also a from of religious faith. This turning to another faith was suggested by a person who objected to the Bible and to the fact that it is by faith that we receive the written word; in fact he suggested that another turn to Buddhism. Why? Is it due to the fact because the Bible is more than just a book of suggestions? Why should we have to come to God in faith? Well, have you seen God? Were you there when the foundations of the universe put in place? Were you are the cross when Jesus Christ was crucified? Furthermore, have you been to Paris, Bangkok, or any place in the world so that you can say with surety that they exist? If not, then you must believe by faith that they do exist. You may have pictures, or books, or even testimony that they do exist but you have not been that place and you must believe by faith that they do exist. When you drive your car, do you have faith? Yes! Your faith is in your tires, and that the person making those tires made them correctly and they will stay inflated and you will be safe: but this is all faith. When you go out to eat do you do so by faith that the person(s) making the food have not done something terrible to our food, as has been reported that this has happened, yes, you do this all by faith. Faith is necessary in this life for we live by faith. We have written for us a book, many books, written by 40 men who were eyewitness to the many things about which they wrote. Archeology has shown often that Scripture is correct. A well known retraction that was necessary by those who opposed what written in the Bible, and that was the Hittites and they would not believe that that nation of people ever existed therefore the Bible was wrong. What Archeologist have discovered is that the Hittites were a real people and in fact a large and prosperous nation. Now, we do not have faith when we have fact, we have then knowledge and that knowledge may aid us in our faith, faith in other Scriptures. Yet, we must come to God by faith for faith is the root of our believing, believing in anything, but more especially in God who has revealed to us Himself. This is nothing less than what we do in our lives everyday. To know is one thing, but our knowledge if we wish it to have any truth must come by our study and this is what I am doing in this blog. I hope to drive you to be so curious as to check out what is being written.
            The Trinity is another such word that has confused many and made cause for some speculation trying to reconcile from a secular and man view as to whom God is and how we are to perceive Him. Scripture is plain and even those hard to understand verses when studied will give light of understanding to this doctrine. Why is this important anyway? Can we not just believe in God and that He saves and stop there? No! this issue of the Trinity is soteriological (salvation) in nature. There are questions that to be answered: i.e., could Jesus Christ save a man if He were a demi–god, that is less than true God, or of a different essence or even a possibly be only to have similarity to God? If Jesus was a created being, as do Jehovah Witnesses teach that he is a god, but not the true God, a created being by God and that salvation does come through him. Sounds good on the surface, yet, Scripture never speaks of Jesus Christ being anything other than the creator, the Wisdom of God, and the Son of God. Let me ask this: Would God create a being who could sin, and do as Satan did, refuse God and then by his refusal salvation could not come by God? Would God leave salvation to chance? No! If God will a thing, then that thing will happen, and if God does not will a thing then that thing will not happen. God is God, and His purpose stands forever: “The LORD of hosts has sworn, saying, ‘Surely, as I have thought, so it shall come to pass, and as I have purposed, so it shall stand” (Isaiah 14:24). This controversy over who Jesus is became bitter as a major person in the church asserted that Jesus Christ was not the God, rather a created being and that Jesus Christ had a special relationship with the Father and yet not the same essence as the Father. Arius was condemned and sent into exile, which he did by fleeing to an old friend and schoolmate, Eusebius, the bishop of Nicomedia. This dispute had gone well beyond just an internal church dispute for it by being centered in Asia Minor threatened the empire, the unity of the empire therefore Constantine tried to settle the dispute but the dispute went beyond his powers therefore the Council of Nicaea (325 A.D.) was called to settle this dispute.
            I will address this in tomorrow’s blog. Knowledge will not save you. Knowledge will aid you to make your salvation and election sure. Is this important? Yes! We will live by what is in our minds and in our beliefs and yet, in the final: we live by faith, an assured faith, and this assurance come to us as we study the Scriptures.

Moreover the LORD answered Job, and said:
            “Shall the one who contends with the
Almighty correct Him? He who rebukes God,
            Let him answer it.”       
                                                Job 40:1–2

Live by Faith: Faith in the true God

Richard L. Crumb

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