So it was, that while
they were there,
the days were
completed for her to be delivered.
And she brought forth
her firstborn Son,
and wrapped Him in
swaddling cloths,
and laid Him in a
manger, because there
was no room for them in the inn.
Luke 2:6–7
Some people
do and have this day complain that to say that God had to go through the pains
of birth, that Mary in travail by giving birth is unfitting for God, and in
fact it may even evil to think that God would undergo such a thing. They should
consider this: our first parents Adam and Eve the parents of mankind would have
to be phantom beings, not real beings, since they had no real parents. So out
of sync with nature as we know it that a human would be formed from the earth
those inanimate and insensate matter that are for the most part inert, than to
be begotten without the copulation of male and female. Is not the making of
Adam and then Eve miraculous? Is not the now normal birth process worshipful? The
forming of Adam and Eve, was this not an act of God’s might? Is not the
birthing today a work of God’s grace and of His might? Some are so averse to
the belief that the Most Holy God would endure such a natural birth, enclosed
in the womb some nine months. Maybe, you too are confused or in the least have
a problem with this event: the conception and birth of Jesus Christ who is God.
What is the quality of this aversion, this aversion that shrinks from reason,
and shrinks form perception? Here is an example: By the basis of reason, we
shrink, even tremble at vice in contrast to virtue, yet according to perception
we enjoy vice more than virtue. By the basis of perception we shrink from
touching a snake more than touch a stone, yet we value more highly the snake
over the stone. How is then that a person is averse to a woman’s womb? By the
basis of perception or by the basis of reason: surely, it is perception, not
reason, for reason cannot shrink from any substance or nature; in fact we
cannot shrink from anything that God has made. Therefore, when we speak of the
Logos being God incarnate; to be both God and Man, two natures in one body we
must understand that God or His Word. It is that His Wisdom is reason itself
and not influenced by any of our feelings and does not hate or avoid any
creature He has made, that is to hate one and love the other. Therefore, it is
more appropriate to say that Jesus the Word of God, the Reason of God did not
abhor the inviolate womb of the virgin. By this act of being born into this
world and to be and live, as man and so being placed into the womb of Mary for
nine months were He sojourned without the taint of sin for Adam was not His
father for His Father was God. It is then appropriate that Jesus, the Only
Begotten Son of God call God, the first Person of the Trinity, Father. When the
Son of God was born, it was like the bridegroom leaving his chamber and going
forth to receive his bride, to set up a home for her. Jesus Christ dwelt among
us, developed in tender flesh as child even uttering cries of infancy, born
under law, subordinate to Joseph and Mary, circumcised and purified by sacrifice
according to law like any sinner. He endured hunger and underwent the many artifices
of the tempter, suffering persecution at the hands of mad men, and put to death
as an innocent man, One who went from place to place, and at all times was
obedient even unto death.
What does
al this mean? John answers: “…and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the
only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14b). With
all the humiliation and weakness, and John explains to us that he has seen it
and we can bear positive witness to it. From the beginning, the signs of His
divinity at the wedding in Cana where He changed water into wine at time when manifested
to be the Messiah. Showing Himself to be the One who the Israelites awaited. The
One hoped and now in this time were looking intently for His coming: He had
come and by other signs; i.e., the healing of blind eyes, leprosy, fevers, and
even raising the dead, making dumb men talk, and walking on water, calming
raging seas, His glory was revealed and manifested to His disciples and all
that say these miracles. Think of His manifestation in the events of taking a
few fishes and loaves of bread and feeding 5,000 or more people, all this showing
us His glory and that He is the Son of God, the Only Begotten Son of God, the
One in whom we can with full assurance place our faith, our lives. All other
sons of God are adopted, that is you Christian, and this adoption is secured by
Jesus Christ through His life, born of a woman, died as a man, and rose from
the grave to ascend into heaven making intercession for all those His Father
had placed into His hands.
John the
apostle, the one whom Jesus especially loved, the son of thunder, the one who
was with Jesus even at His death is a first–hand witness and he wrote his
letter so that we can know Him and have assurance of our faith in Him as the
One who paid our debt of sin. Jesus Christ, our faithful witness. Are you seeking
this glory that belongs to the Only begotten Son of God? It is gold, it pure
gold, a price worthy for us to captivate and assimilate into our very beings.
Lay hold of Him; He is not dead: He is alive and awaiting the time to come
again and this time to receive His bride, you Christian, and to never allow
again sin to destroy that which He has created.
There shall come forth a Rod
From the
stem of Jesse,
And a Branch shall grow out
Of his
roots. The Spirit
Of the LORD shall rest upon Him,
The spirit
of wisdom and
Understanding, the Spirit of counsel
And might,
the Spirit of
Knowledge and of the fear of the LORD.
Isaiah 11:1–2
Fear not: God salvation is secure
Richard L. Crumb
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