Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Taking Off the Blinders--Facing The Truth

Beloved, do not think it strange
concerning the fiery trial
which is to try you, as though
some strange thing happened to you;
but rejoice to the extent that you
partake of Christ’s sufferings,
that when His glory is revealed,
you may also be glad with exceeding joy.
If you are reproached for the name
of Christ, blessed are you, for
the Spirit of glory and of God rests
upon you. On their part He is
blasphemed, but on your part He
is glorified.
1Peter 4:12-14

            There is an old saying: “Everyone wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die.” That is understandable for nobody wants to die, man in his human nature desires to live, man was made to live, to live eternally: but that is not the case, men die and sin that has plagued the world since the fall in the Garden of Eden takes its toll. Wait a moment! Do you believe the Bible? God elected some to live eternally with Him and He will not allow for any of those elected to go into the Lake of Fire. Our eternity began officially, or physically when we were conceived, the question is: where will you spend eternity? By our lives God is glorified so then we must ask: Are we glorifying God or are we not? Let us look at the state of contemporary Christianity.
            There are two major forms of Christianity; we shall examine both forms. One form is Authentic Biblical Faith based on the Bible, that Doctrine of the Reformers in the sixteenth century who returned to the Bible as Sola Scriptura. The other form that has the name “Christianity” is termed, cultural Christianity. I have discussed the problem with the rise of Islamic religion and the influx of Muslims who are gaining in population in every country, both Europe and in the United States; but we must examine how a country that began its independence and wrote the greatest documents ever written; the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, based on the Bible is being succumbed by other religions. The problem that needs to be addressed is the faulty ideas regarding the importance of Authentic Biblical Faith. Many people that claim to be Christian do so on the basis that they consider themselves to be a “good” person, and are against “bad” things, that their faith is adequate. Yet, this cannot be the signet that a person is really “good” and is a Christian. It has been shown that all religious people, and even those who don’t claim a religion have a faith. The question is whether or not they (you) have Authentic Biblical Faith. Many think that they demonstrate Christian when all they are is a person who is morally good. A person might understand what constitutes Authentic Biblical Faith, and they even might know some of the basic facts about Christianity, but do not have any idea how those facts should be applied in their daily lives.
            It might be assumed that I am being harsh in my treatment of cultural Christianity. Don’t assume; look at the facts. Don’t be ignorant nor be indifferent, it is the facts that we must examine and not assume anything. Let me ask this: “Do cultural Christians hold to the viewpoint that Christian faith is important enough to make it a priority in their lives by teaching their children and their spouses what they believe and why they believe it?” Or, is there a greater emphasis on their children to get a good education than that they should learn about the things of God? How many of you would be embarrassed if your children did not possess Authentic Biblical Faith, but did possess that they must “get ahead,” go to college, to get an education as more important? Many children believe they are Christian because their parents are Christian. For the most part, and this is documented that the younger graduated child who attended Church while young leave the Church, but if they have any understanding about Christianity they have acquired that knowledge on their own. It is not because they have studied the facts, and have come to the place of intellectual conviction.
            Authentic Biblical Faith cannot be inherited and if this is the position of a person, those intelligent and energetic persons will, without a doubt, reach a point where they question the truth of Christianity and when challenged they will abandon this “inherited” faith, that which cannot put forth a defense. What happens so often is that these questioning persons will begin to associate with unbelievers. The next problem they face is that they cannot respond to the objections to Christianity. But, if they had been taught, if they had the ability to defend the Christian faith, their faith would not be shaken.
            I personally have great fear due to the fact that we live in a time that we all, in one way or the other, have been influenced by the current climate, a climate that allows the cultural and educational elite, those that propagate an anti-Christian message, so that this cultural paradigm shift has had a major impact upon Christianity, that is Christians. There is a successful campaign attacking Christians, marginalizing Christians, and this paradigm cultural shift has affected those who are unable to defend their faith, even when those who are attacking Christianity are deeply flawed. The alarm should be sounded that many so-called Christians, who are cultural Christians because Authentic Biblical Faith instruction has been neglected, in some case even eliminated, in our schools, universities, and even in some Churches.
            Why are we amazed that spiritual condition is of little concern to those who don’t even educate their own family, their children about true Christianity? Is it that we are so intimidated by our lack of knowledge, or is it due to indifference; that we have succumbed to this cultural shift whereby many have succumbed to the need to be entertained, to having themselves “feeling good”, that their (yours) is not Authentic Biblical Faith, rather it is cultural Christianity? There is a need to communicate the truth, Authentic Biblical Faith, to our children, our spouses, the Church, and to the rest of the world. This is the study, a communication to help those who are truly seeking the truth, who see this paradigm shift that is causing Christians to not know or be able to defend their faith, to be able to do so.

If then you were raised with Christ,
     seek those things which are above,
where Christ is, sitting at the right 
     hand of God. Set your mind on 
things above, not on things on the earth.
                                         Colossians 3:1-2 

Place Your Devotion On God

Richard L. Crumb

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