Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Issues Are Eternal Issues And The Stakes Are High

Behold what manner of love
the Father has bestowed on us,
that we should be called
children of God. Therefore
the world does not know us,
because it did not know Him.
Little children, let no one
deceive you. He who practices
righteousness is righteous,
just as He is righteous.
1John 3:1-2, 7

            Recently I was chided for my brashness that faith is not something private, that it is a faith that can be seen by others, but I was told that I should not speak so publicly, and that their faith is their concern and not necessarily mine. I could not wonder: what is in their hearts? So often those who will only admit to faith being a private matter usually don’t have a concern for faith in the privacy of their interior lives. There is no trace of Authentic Biblical Faith. They might go to Church, smile, laugh, and seem to have a hold on their faith, that it is what they put forth so that others may not know that deep inside God does not have a place, or is a source for their hopes, fears, joys, or sorrows. Yet, they admit and are thankful for their health, success, wealth, and possessions, but they don’t have a thought to any possibility that these things are all signs of God’s provisions. Some so-called Christians have swung so far into signs and wonders, and miracles, and hearing the voice of God, that they believe that they are holy, pious wonders for God. Some as did many of the ascetics, those who lived in monasteries, (I am not condemning them totally for the monks did much to preserve Scripture, and they did many good things), and they thought that by living in poverty they were pleasing God. For those who do admit that God provides, it is done in a perfunctory manner, there is no real sincerity.
            How can I say such a thing? Speak with those who are more culturally minded with a serious discussion and soon it will be apparent how little Christianity has anything to do with their faith, that faith taught by Jesus Christ. Everything becomes subjective. Their conduct is not measured by the standard set forth in the Bible. They have developed their own philosophies, that which they attempt to teach others as Christian faith. We see this subjective form of Christianity in such Churches that teach signs and wonders, and miracles, and other forms of liberal Christianity, especially can it be seen in our local “Church” Bethel. The conclusions they have reached is not by any study of the Bible, or if they do use the Bible they misuse Scripture so that Scripture says what they want Scripture to say, this is isogesis, this is false teaching. For many the Bible comes out only when the go to Church or if they happen to attend a Bible study, and most of the time the Bible sits on a shelf. How do I know? Let ask you to do this: check how many people come to Church with the Bible? When they are asked question concerning the Bible they are seen to be illiterate, their knowledge is limited, even only as high as a little child.
            Another question: “Would there be a difference in our world if our system was based upon the Bible? Or would it be different is the standards for morality were devised by cultural Christians? Some Churches allow homosexuals to be pastors, or Bible study teachers, elders, deacons, etc. and even allow for women to be pastors, or to teach men. Read the Bible on these subjects! One such moral dilemma is that of divorce and Christians do not do well for the stats on divorce is appalling, more than 50%, and the reasons for divorce cannot be found in the Bible. For some of us who divorced, or were divorced, find that the grass is not really greener on the other side; in fact if your grass is not as green as on the other side of the fence, then you need to fertilize your lawn. You see; the standards set by cultural Christians are not the standards of the Bible. Some leaders of the Church have attempted to bring light on this problem, the fact that much preaching is superficial, in fact often it is nothing more than some psychological babble. They feel that if they could just give more information on how to live and this they do by using the same techniques that the secular world does, but this inadequate faith is serious for it is eternal issues that are being dealt with: the stakes are high.
            I wonder: What does God think about all this? The Bible is clear: we all must give an account as to how we have lived, and what we have done with what God has given us. If God is concerned about these issues; shouldn’t we? We will be held accountable for there is potential instruction available so that we all can learn Authentic Biblical Faith. Will God hold us accountable for our voluntary ignorance?
            OK! It is hard; it takes effort to understand Christianity. You must be intentional so that you seek the truth and not just acquiesce to someone’s teaching, to the good feeling one gets when the serve, or hear of great signs and wonders, miracles, etc. Even the natural world, the secular world teaches us this principle that we must work and study if we are to improve ourselves so that we may understand what it is we do. God has provided but it takes effort to enjoy all that God has provided. No one expects to reach their full potential, to reach the heights of success in education, the arts, finance, or athletics without a great deal of hard work and perseverance. I guess it is true: “You must really want it!” To grow in your faith, to learn Authentic Biblical Faith it will require the same. God is not going to just pour knowledge into you without study. He has given us a revelation that is filled with information; this information is not accessible by the natural mind. We cannot master this true Authentic Biblical Faith without diligent effort.
            When we carefully study the Bible we soon come to know how ignorant we are. We will be challenged to reject a superficial understanding of Christianity. This study will reveal to us that it is imperative not to just be simply religious or moral, but also to master the Bible intellectually, to integrate its principles in our lives so that we live morally, and then this faith will be demonstrated by our actions derived from that faith: we will put into action what we have learned.
            Other religions, especially Islam, feel that they can overcome Christianity because so many Christians do not practice what they preach. Many Christians cannot be seen as different. If the shoe fits wear it! We do not have to remain indifferent, ignorant, we can take off the gloves, remove the blinders, and begin to study and teach our families, to be involved in the Church, or hold home Bible studies, and we can walk away from idle gossip and jokes, we should be seen as a Christian, not by us saying so, but by our lives.
The question: Are you willing?

This I say, therefore, and testify
     in the Lord, that you should
no longer walk as the rest
     of the Gentiles walk, in the
futility of their mind.
                     Ephesians 4:17

Live Life: Love God

Richard L. Crumb

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