Friday, June 8, 2012

Love Is Contrasted With Hate--The Hallmark Of A Christian Is Love

I will betroth you 
to Me forever;
Yes, I will betroth you
to Me In righteousness
and justice,
in loving kindness 
and mercy, 
I will betroth you to Me 
in faithfulness,
and you shall know the LORD.
Hosea 2:19-20

     How often has man attempted to bring heaven down to earth? How often has man attempted to do the work of God? Religions have fought against the will of God by attempting in many ways to cause people to believe in God. Islam is but one such religion, even within the history of Christianity there was a time when the Church attempted to force people to believe in God. This can easily be seen by examination of the Inquisition period. This attempt to force people to believe in a religion is so evident within Islam that no one can not see that this is true. but don't forget that other ideologies, i.e., Communism is one such ideology that has as its goal total domination of the world. Therefore, with Islam and with Communism we have two groups of people that have the same outlook for the earth: total domination. When the Church has fallen prey to such ideology and make their theology to be of such that they force people to belong to their Church, their religion, they are as wrong as Islam or any other false teaching. Yet, this is not what the Church was from the beginning. 
     After the death of Jesus Christ, His appearing to the disciples and some 500 people, and His visible ascension into heaven bodily, Christianity was born, the Church was instituted as a body of people who believed that Jesus Christ was all that He said He was; God in the flesh, the Son of God, the very Wisdom of God, and the Savior for all of God's children by destroying sin. From that beginning in Acts where some 3000 people converted to Christianity, although at that time this was not what this belief was called, they only found in themselves that they were in need of a Savior and by God enabling them by giving to them faith they responded to the preaching of Peter. These travelers to the Passover, and Pentecost festivals took with them this new belief and spread it to those from whom they came, and at the same time the Apostles began preaching to the Gentiles, and some went to foreign lands, according to tradition, some went to India, and beyond, others to Africa, even the Ethiopian who was baptized took his new found belief to the African land of Ethiopia. Christianity spread into northern Africa and into Greece, and Italy, Spain, and France, and beyond. This spread of Christianity did not occur by force, rather that those who put their faith in the Doctrine of Jesus Christ as Savior and as God come to earth to destroy sin, and that fact that they knew who despicable their were lived a life according to the teachings of Jesus Christ and the the Apostles. This did not come without persecution and death to these Christians, not because they warred against unbelievers, rather due to the rulers who despised this sect for other reasons. 
     Pliny the Younger on "Practices of Christians (Sections 7-10) states: Pliny then details the practices of Christians: he says that they meet on a certain day before light where they gather and sing hymns to Christ as God. They take various oaths not to do any crimes such as fraud, theft, or adultery, and then dine together. However, Pliny says, all of these practices were abandoned by the Christians after Pliny forbade any political associations (hetaerias or “club”). These clubs were banned because Trajan saw them as a “natural breeding ground for grumbling” about both civic life and political affairs. One such instance of a banned club was a firemen’s association; likewise, Christianity was seen as a political association that could be potential harmful to the empire.However the Christians seem to have willingly complied with the edict and halted their practices. Pliny ends the letter by saying that Christianity has spread not only through the cities, but also through the rural villages as well (neque tantum...sed etiam), but that is will be possible to check it. He argues for his procedure to Trajan by saying that the temples and religious festivals, which before had been deserted, are now flourishing again and that there is a rising demand for sacrificial animals once more – a dip and rise which A.N. Sherwin-White believes is an exaggeration of the toll Christianity had taken on the traditional cult.   Trajan (was Roman Emperor from 98 to 117 A.D.) replied to Pliny: Trajan’s short reply to Pliny overall affirms Pliny’s procedure and details four orders: (1) Do not seek out the Christians for trial. (2) If the accused are guilty of being Christian, then they must be punished. (3) If the accused deny they are Christians and show proof that they are not by adorning the gods and such, then they may be pardoned. (4) Pliny should not allow anonymous lists of accusations. Leonard L. Thompson calls the policy “double-edged,” since, “on the one hand, Christians were not hunted down. They were tried only if accusations from local provincials were brought against them. But if accused and convicted, then Christians...were killed simply for being Christians.”Therefore Pliny’s view of Christians was not necessarily persecution but rather Christians were only executed when they were brought before him at trial and confessed; however, pardons were also given to those who denied such charges. de Ste. Croix says the recommended course of action “was ‘accusatory’ and not ‘inquisitorial,’” so that it was never the governors themselves but instead private, local accusers (delectores) who brought forth accusations.
     The contrast is so evident between those, Islam especially, between hate and love, those who drive people to believe through some form of hate, and those, Christians that show the love of God, not only to other Christians but also to pagans. In the face of persecution and death the contrast was not one of hopelessness and fear for the Christians showed their faith and how to live this life according to God's word. During the plagues that occurred many times in the Ancient world, these epidemics was an opportunity for the Church to give a witness to the hope that was within them. Instead of fear and despondency these early Christians expended themselves in works of mercy, causing pagans to be dumbfounded for most of them when a plague or disease would come upon a city would leave that city leaving behind those who were sick, this was not true of Christians who stayed behind and helped those in need. These Christians expressed the Love of God in deeds of compassion. Christians did not just bury their dead, rather the provided funds for pagans who were without funds so that they could have a proper burial. They supplied food on a daily basis. Further the Church provided funds so that slaves could be emancipated. During the Plague in Alexandria when nearly everyone else fled, the early Christians risked their lives for one another by simple deeds of washing the sick, offering water and food, and consoling the dying. Their care was so extensive that Julian eventually tried to copy the church’s welfare system. It failed, however, because for the Christians it was love, not duty, that motivated them. These things the Christians died at the risk of their own lives, and by doing so they saved an immense number of lives. They reduced mortality, and gave simple provisions and water allowing the sick who could not cope for themselves to recover instead of perishing. Pagans took notice that these Christians were willing at their own risk to their lives to aid those who were ailing. Interesting, that those Christians who stayed to helped became immune and were able to aid those who were afflicted. Therefore, instead of fleeing disease and death, these Christians went about ministering to the sick, helping the poor, the widowed, the crippled, the blind, and the orphaned, and the aged. The Roman empire was forced to recognized and admire their works and dedication: "Look how they love one another."
     Can you see the contrast between a religion of hate, and one of love? It is easy to see that Christianity did not spread due to force, rather it was the lives of Christians that appealed to others, and by means of this love shown to all, Christianity spread, and the Gospel reached all who are of God's family. The Question for us: Do we exercise this love, do we live the life that Jesus presented as the way for His people? Or, are we so self-consumed for pleasure and entertainment, that we leave this humanitarian approach to others? The People of Islam are not won over to convert to Christianity by any other means than the Gospel, being preached, and lived out by Christians. So what if we are persecuted, and killed? Do you believe that the promise of God is true, that you will upon your death be received in heaven, that is your soul, awaiting the time when God will send forth His Son to bring to Him all Christians and this He will do bodily, removing Satan and sin for all eternity, whereby we will live in this world that God has prepared for His family. The difference between Islam and Christianity is a wide chasm, for one is a doctrine of hate and the other is a doctrine of love, agape love, that is a principle God love. The Muslim people do not need Christians to shrink back from them, they need the Gospel, and they need to see, as those in Ancient times did, a living Gospel.

Go therefore and make disciples 
     of all the nations, baptizing
them in the name of the Father
     and of the Son and of the 
Holy Spirit, teaching them to 
     observe all things that I 
have commanded you and lo,
     I am with you always, even
to the end of this age.
                           Matthew 28:19-20

Allow Your Faith To Be Seen In Your Works

Richard L. Crumb

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