But He turned and said to Peter,
'Get behind Me Satan! You are
an offense to Me, for you are not
mindful of the things of God,
but the things of Men.'
Then Jesus said to His disciples,
'If anyone desires to come after Me,
let him deny himself, and take up
his cross, and follow Me.
For whoever desires to save
his life will lose it, but whoever
loses his life for My sake will find it.
For what profit is to a man if he gains
the whole world, and loses his own soul?
Or what will a man give in exchange
for his soul? For the Son of Man will come
in the glory of His Father with His angels,
and then He will reward each according
to his works.'
Matthew 16:23-27
So often men will take a Scripture or a set of verses and make a doctrine out of them without determining the context: it is the context, context, context, that determines what the verses are actually saying to us. Not only should the immediate context be considered but the the teaching of the Bible as a whole, the chapter, the book, the people to whom it is written, and then the life of the Scripture will be truth and not falsehood; but Satan enjoys the fact that men will not do this and will make Scripture say what they want Scripture to say and to its meaning. Satan is the corrupter of truth and the trouble maker of this world for him to accomplish his fight for authority over man, this world, he uses man to do his fighting by instilling in them false teaching. Jesus when addressing Peter He said; "Get behind me Satan...." (Matthew 1623a). Notice this, He did not say get behind me Peter and it was Satan that was an offense to Him because it was falsehood that was coming out of the mouth of Peter by the workings of Satan and by means of this falsehood blasphemy was strewn against God. God will be victorious over Satan and all his hordes: do you believe that? Do you believe in the promises of God that there is no fear in you only a waiting on the day that He comes with His angels to redeem His chosen people and put an end to Satan and the Spirit of truth will reign eternally without having the spirit of falsehood to try and draw men away from the truth? We are not to be complacent and apathetic, we are to take the cross, this is not the cross upon which Jesus died rather it is the Gospel: "For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel, not with the wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of no effect. for the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God" (1Corinthians 1:17-18). We are to deny ourselves, not as the Muslim does in their jihad, or the destruction of innocent people to further their cause, rather to place Jesus Christ first in our lives, in everything we do, and take notice of the things we think we should have, the right to things that would make us happy in this life, things that might give us some feeling of piety, no, rather we are to have first in our life Jesus Christ and the love of Jesus Christ towards men and women, teaching children the truth of God's word..
Mistakes are being made by the government when they align themselves with those they consider to be "dove" like, not so radical, to use them to combat the "left" or the more radical idealist who are causing havoc. The government officials believe that the silence of those Muslims that reside in quietude in this country are "OK" and harmless, but how can this be for when "push comes to shove" those who follow the Qur'an will align themselves with Islam in all its purpose to rule the world with Islam as the only religion and with all the Shiara laws to be enforce. This seemingly quiet invasion of people into the nations, to increase themselves in number, to push for reforms that are for their benefit, to teach our children at universities that Islam is a peaceful religion, and to have mosques adjacent to universities, and with the liberal teacher teaching such things that all people have the right to their truths, it is no wonder that those who have succumbed to such teaching are allowing this country to be invaded and overtaken by such ideology as Islam. Many are just complacent and apathetic, they just don't want to be bothered, to be left alone and let them just enjoy life (the Humanist Manifesto #12: "Believing that religion must work increasingly for joy in living, religious humanists aim to foster that creating in man, and to encourage achievements that add to the satisfaction of life), this calms the need to fight against any religion and to view religion as being some sort of crutch and then to avoid addressing religion, allowing the fostering of Islam to any who may seek to know: where are the Christians? We are doing many things, that is correct, but what about you? Love of Christ starts at home, and then to the local Church, then to the community, we seem to have it backwards, we address community issues, then we do some things for the Church, and at times, maybe, we teach our children. This is not so with the Muslim people, they teach their children at home and encourage them to be good Muslims. Islamic principles are instilled into these children and how they should act towards others so that the real Islamic beliefs are hidden from view. Christians should be teaching their wives, their children first, at home, intentionally leading them in the ways of Jesus Christ. But, we have fallen prey to the idol of entertainment, to having the joys of life, and we miss teaching them that this temporal world is just that temporal and that we have a responsibility to live as Jesus Christ instructed, and to live for Him, to make disciples, to allow Christ to lead in everything a person does, then and only then can we have influence that will stave off the infection of Islam or other heretical ideologies, theologies, that attempt to subvert Christianity.
I will next show the contrast between Christianity and Islam. This will give us the impetus to not become what Samuel Adams (1722 - 1803), a founding father of the United States and a signer of the Constitution who said: "No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, no can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and Virtue is preserved. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauched in their manners, they will sink under their own weight without the aid of foreign invaders." (Italics mine). For the most part, the people of Islamic faith are patient, they will will wait, and do all they need to do under the spotlight of people who are so involved in their own happiness that they cannot or will not see the threat. The question is how are we as Christians to address this threat, this will now be addressed.
For it is written:
'I will destroy the wisdom
of the wise, and bring to nothing
the understanding of the prudent.'
1Corinthians 1:19; cf. Isaiah 29:14).
To God, alone wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever, Amen
Richard L. Crumb
For it is written:
'I will destroy the wisdom
of the wise, and bring to nothing
the understanding of the prudent.'
1Corinthians 1:19; cf. Isaiah 29:14).
To God, alone wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever, Amen
Richard L. Crumb
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