If therefore ye were raised with Christ,
seek the things above, where Christ
is sitting at the right hand of God.
Put your mind on the things above,
not the things on the earth;
for ye died, and your life has been
hid with the Christ in God. When
the Christ may be manifested in our life,
then also ye with Him shall be manifested
in glory.
Colossians 3:1-4
(Literal translation from the Greek)
The Greek word for if is not one that is subjective, that is maybe yes, maybe no, for it is a strong word, "if," so if you say that you are a Christian and have converted to Jesus Christ then (the word in Greek is aorist passive, second person plural) you were raised with Jesus Christ. This word is aorist, something that occurred in the past so when did this occur? When Jesus Christ was raised from the dead so you also were raised with Him. Therefore, having been raised with Jesus Christ, not by anything you have done or will do, only that you have converted to Him, then live as you have been converted to Him, not anything on this earth. Your life has been hid in Jesus Christ. What does this mean? You cannot be taken from the hand of Jesus Christ, Jesus saves, once and for all time. How else can this be for if Jesus does not save once and for all time how would know if you at anytime are saved? We all do things, say things, that are not according to God's word and are in need of repentance, but that repentance is not to be something that we have to continually do for Hebrews 10:26 is clear that if we continue to sin after coming to the knowledge of Jesus Christ there is no longer any sacrifice for you. This sacrifice of Jesus on the cross has no real meaning for you and you live as any other sinner who has not converted to Jesus Christ lives. Authentic Christians are to manifest Jesus Christ in our life and when we stand before God we will hear the words well done faithful and discreet bondservant. We are not to bring glory to God.
The Holy Spirit witnesses to our spirit that of the simple security for a life hid in Jesus Christ in God. This is what is to be found throughout the epistles. How we often are in fear as how to live a sanctified life, it is so precarious as thought by one in fear, yet, this life hid in Jesus Christ is not to bring fear for it has security because it has the Almighty God in and behind it. What is precarious is to attempt to live a life without God. A born again person, one who does more than just believe in God, who converts to Him and then lives a life in right relationship to God and then will find that it is a most difficult thing to go and do wrong. This is only possible if a person will heed God's warnings and keep in the light of His word.
When you see Jesus, not in this world, but when you arrive in heaven, you will not doubt Him. The only way in this world to see Jesus is to live for and by Him. This sight is not some supernatural revelation by God, it is a sight that you have by experiencing Him in your life as you face trials, tribulations, persecution and have found that this contact with Jesus Christ, this personal contact with Him, you will find that He was always there with you. You do not need to see Him physically, you see Him in your manifestation of Him. Here is where peace is found, and here is where is irrepressible confidence, your life has been hid in Jesus Christ and all you have to do is stay hidden in Him. This world cannot go where you are hid, but you can exit this hidden place and the world will find you.
How can this all be done? It is up to you to live this hidden life: "Put to death therefore your members which on the earth, fornication, uncleanness, passion, desire for evil, and covetousness, which is idolatry" (Colossians 3:5). Manifest Jesus in your life and this impertubable pease of Jesus Christ will be imparted to you.
Go gather together all the Jews
that are present in Shushan,
and fast ye for me, and neither eat
nor drink three days, night or day:
I also and my maidens will fast likewise;
and so will I go in unto the king,
which is not according to the law:
and if I perish, I perish.
Esther 4:16
Fear not men: Fear God
Richard L. Crumb
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