...blotting out the handwriting
of ordinances that was against us,
which was contrary to us, and
took it out of the way,
nailing it to His cross:
and having spoiled principalities
and powers, He made a show
of them openly, triumphing
over them in it.
Colossians 2:14-15
The law could never save a person, in fact, the law was not given to save a person, it was given to manifest that man was a sinner and in need of a Savior. Obedience is required of God, not obedience to one's desires or some self-made theology, rather obedience to the law freely. This God will recognize and account this obedience to you. God saves, God saves in His way and in His dispensation according to His economy, we cannot condemn God for not doing it our way. This world is His creation, controlled, maintained, all by His power and might, therefore He and He alone has the right to how this world is governed. So, how has God governed His creation? The good news is: He did it Himself by sending into this world His Wisdom, the Only Begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ to satisfy the debt of sin owed to Him. Man could not do this even by his or her obedience. Man is fallen, man does not desire the things of God unless man is drawn, and enabled by God to have the faith to believe and that faith is given to God by hearing and obeying His word: "Consequently, faith comes from hearing the (the Greek word: άκοής: Hearing, report, preached, or that which you heard) and hearing by the word of God (the Greek word or word is by spoken word and is used of the Gospel). Does this mean only by someone speaking? No, for the Holy Spirit brings to mind remembrance of what was formerly read, and as anyone knows when we think we think in words and them as spoken. This fact then is a prerequisite for a person to read and study God's word. How can the Holy Spirit recall what is not in a person's mind.
The Old Law was contrary to man but the Good news that the Old law, full of ceremonies and requirements above the Mosaic, law that never diminishes (Ten Commandments), Jesus Christ set them aside and gave a forever lasting covenant and this He did when He died on the cross, an innocent man, dying for speaking, (this is being done by Muslims, today, even was done when people were forcing Christianity upon others against the will of God) and by this propitiation your sins now can be forgiven without anything you must do other that to believe and convert to God, to Jesus Christ, God in the flesh.
The question we all must answer is will we hear the words of God, apply them in our daily lives? Will we be a witness for Him? Or, is this world all that there is and if you are saved why then must you do anything, God will do it. No, God will not do it! God gave you and me the responsibility to bring to our world the Gospel. If we are not part of the spoken word, living the words of God, why then would anyone see Christianity as different from any other religion? Christians do not save anyone, God does, but I am to be a witness for Him, to be obedient and allow all the consequences to be handled by God. Will you be an Authentic Christian, demonstrating Authentic Christian Faith? I pray this is true of you!
I am the LORD; that is my name!
I will not give my glory to another
or my praise to idols. See, the former
things have taken place, and new
things I declare; before they spring
into being I announce them to you.
Isaiah 42:8-9
There is peace for God's children
Richard L. Crumb
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