Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ
from the rudiments of the world,
why, as though living in the world,
are ye subject to ordinanous,
(touch not, taste not; handle not;
which all are to perish, with the using;)
after the commandments and doctrines
of men? Which things have indeed a shew
of wisdom in will worship, and humility,
and neglecting of he body; not in any
honour to the satisfying of the flesh.
Colossians 2:20-23
This question posed by Paul is a most important question that all who consider themselves to be Christian must answer: "Wherefore if you are dead with Christ..." Here is another question, are you dead to this world in Jesus Christ? Have you and are you denying yourself to this world with all its trappings, ideologies, worldviews, and even theologies that are inconsistent with Scripture? Are you trying to "keep up with the Jone"s," having the currant fad, to be similar to the celebrities, to have, to have, to have...., is this nothing more than self-aggrandizement? Does not all this make you, if you are not "dead to the rudiments of this world," to be under subjection to this world that is passing away? Many think that this wisdom that the world purports is so good, so important, and fall prey to this culture that God is somehow put on the back burner, called upon when things get tough, otherwise a person is attempting to be autonomous as though he or she is the center of their world.
Paul was writing against those Judiaizers that were attempting to bring into the Church those old ceremonial laws and some were fallen for what they believed was the way to worship God. Paul was reminding them that they were dead to those ceremonial laws, so why be subject to them, you see, that was the past, done away with by the death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven by Jesus Christ, they are under the New Covenant. Application for all times is that when a person has not denied himself, or herself to just follow Jesus often looks back upon those times and begin once again to follow that old world wisdom as though it was better. Where is devotion? To whom or what is devotion given? Is it to those "good ole times?" Or, is it to Jesus Christ, His people, to be a "light" in the darkness? How do you see yourself? Is it as an ambassador for Christ? Do you see yourself as a new creature in Jesus Christ? Is this world seen as what it is: temporary?
How foolish is it to try to stay alive by the wisdom of this world. A person may ignore all this and continue to live a life by being autonomous but that is so foolish for God has come to save you and to lead you out of this world and all its subjection, and to lead you into life everlasting. We must never depart from the simplicity of dependence on Jesus Christ and devotedness to Him. Become dead to this world and willingly bear His yoke, you will find that with all the trouble that may come by your departing from this world is hard, but in actuality it is light for Jesus has hold of the yoke with you.
Remember, this world is passing away, the nature of this world is passing away, the freedom, (which is reality is slavery), is passing away, so, let go of earthly things and endeavor to glorify God in the use of the things of this world, not for ourselves, rather to be of use for God as His ambassador, His witness to the Gospel, and to glorify God. There is peace and blessings by becoming dead to this world and alive to Jesus Christ.
Do not put your trust in princes,
in mortal man, who cannot save.
When their spirit departs, they return
to the ground; an that very day their
plans come to nothing.
Psalm 146:3-4
Living For Jesus: That Is Our Call
Richard L. Crumb
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