Thursday, June 5, 2014

Learning That We Are The Body Of Christ

...  that there should be no schism in the body,
but that the members should have the same care
for one another.  And if one member suffers,
all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honored,
all the members rejoice with it.  Now you are the body of Christ,
and members individually.
1 Corinthians 12: 25 -- 27

            The Christian Church from its inception to the present day has had to fight schisms and the various contradictions that often led to heresy in the most, and a separation among the churches in the least.  As I have pointed out the contentions, and contradictions, among our present-day churches and are we not to present ourselves a body of believers that are honoring our Savior Jesus Christ, and our God, and  be led by the Holy Spirit?  This suffering that the Church is engaged in seems to have no solution, or people are not looking for a solution rather hanging on with a tight fist to doctrines that they have not yet examined according to Scripture.  In our examination of these doctrines that are contentious among Christians we have found that we receive the Holy Spirit, not as a second event, rather, that the Holy Spirit is given to a believer upon their conversion.  We have further examined Scripture and found that it is God who decides to give a gift(s) to whomever He decides to give it and for His purpose and His purpose only.  As anyone who has attended most churches who believe in the speaking tongues, even calling them angelic tongues, they need to answer this question: was the gift of tongues something that every believer was given?  Also, the question is: was the ability to speak in tongues something that every believer was expected to do?  In our study of the 12th chapter of the First Corinthians we have learned that every believer has a spiritual gift(s) but not every believer has the same gift.  When Paul asked the question in verse 10 of First Corinthians we find that this is a rhetorical question that requires a negative answer and that answer is: NO!  Therefore, what we have learned is that in the New Testament times the ability to speak in a language that they had not learned, "tongues" was not given to all but to some and also there will be found that there was a mode of operation for those who had this ability to be used in the church and the why it was necessary to use this method.  So why is it then that in some churches, particularly the Pentecostal, and Charismatic Churches, there is a strong encouragement and persuasion for every one to speak with "tongues?"  Why then recommended at all if it was only given to some and, because a gift was only given by God, according to His pleasure, and will?  If, then, we are to speak in a "tongue" then we must do what the Bible has told us to do and that is to examine all things said, and printed, and to look into the Scripture to find out if there is such a command that gives warrant for such a doctrine.  As hard as I have tried, and as many theological books that I have read, and all the word studies that I have done over the past many years, I have never found there to be such a command.  There is a command that we can find that applies to Christians: "and do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but being filled with the Spirit" (Ephesians 5:18).  Paul in writing to the Galatian churches also wrote: "I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh" (Galatians 5: 16).  If such a command existed in God's revealed an inspired holy Word would we not been also expect to be able to find that command for God would not command us to do something that He has not revealed to us or has gifted a believer to do.  Allow me to enter into this blog what some charismatic leaders have instructed so as to help people to learn to speak in tongues.  Well, where have we ever been instructed that we needed to learn to speak in "tongues?"  Here is an example:
Determine not to speak a word of English at this time (for you cannot speak two languages at once). Lift up the sound of your voice and the Holy Spirit will give you utterance in a new language supernaturally. Do not be concerned about 'what to say,' as the language is spoken supernaturally and does not come through the mind or intellect but through your spirit quickened by the Holy Spirit. In faith, put your speech faculties into operation (vocal chords, tongue, lips) as in speaking any language, and the Holy Spirit, now indwelling you, will give the utterance." (From a tract published by Dr. Hobart Freeman, Faith Ministries and Publications, Warsaw, Indiana.)
What?  A person is to not think about what they are saying and not to be able to use their mind?  What kind of advice is this?  I am afraid that there are many people who have become disillusioned in regards to the truth and have accepted that which is not Scriptural.  I pray that this is in the least making a cause for you to look into Scripture and to remember that as an Authentic Christian we are the ambassadors for our Savior Jesus Christ, therefore, we must be living, doing, and saying, those things that are truthful according to Scripture.  We are to live this life that we have, and to love our God, and then to cause our life that loves God to bring this love, a principal God love, to our neighbor.

For you all are all sons of God
            through faith in Christ Jesus.
For as many as you were baptized into Christ
            have put on Christ.
                                    Galatians 3: 26 -- 27

Hold fast to your confession of faith

Richard L. Crumb

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