Monday, June 30, 2014

Learning The Role Of Women In The Church: Part II

For God is not the author of confusion
but of peace, as in all the churches
of the saints.
1 Corinthians 14: 33
To woman he got the said:
....  Your desire shall be for your husband,
and he shall rule over you.
Genesis 3: 16b

            Authentic Christians should care what God has said and seek to teach and defend it.  This must be an honest search enabling Authentic Christians to accomplish what the word of God teaches and do not allow or be subject to personal feelings or social pressure.  God is not a God of disorder and is not a God of confusion and He gave us His written Word so that we can apply His dispensation and economy in our lives.  When I speak of dispensation I am not speaking of the error of dispensationalism that is taught in some churches.  So what is dispensation?  Dispensation is the act by which there is a dispensing, or distribution or a giving out, a certain order system, or arrangement, or administration or management.  This is God's world forHe is the creator of all things that exist.  Therefore, this being all His, then, He has that right to distribute, to order the affairs of this world and to install things are to be arranged, or distributed.  God’s economy is His management of all of His creation and of all the resources within His church especially to have the view as to its productivity.  The economy of God is His organized system.  Eve disregarded the economy of God and took upon herself to dispense her own will and free choice as though she did not like the dispensation of God's arrangement and that man who was created by God, and woman from man, and desired to be as a man, that is to have the same authority.  God condemned Eve, also condemned him for going along with this usurping of the will of God, because it was and is against His dispensation that He installed and we are required to follow.  Right from the beginning of time God's commands were violated and this error has led to countless other errors: remember error begets more error.  This corrupted nature of mankind; is to resist the truth of God.  Because we have this nature to resist God's truth, we need to be careful as we can about scriptural revelation.  This issue of women becoming ministers and elders in the church must be examined carefully and even critically without allowing secularism to impose its values upon the church and upon Scripture.  It does not matter whether this maybe well intentioned to not allow what Scripture speaks and to allow us to be in contradiction to the will of God for by that intention we are subjecting Scripture to secular culture. That will allow in time for apostasy to slip into the congregation: Jesus said: "I tell you that He will avenge them speedily.  Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really faith on the earth" ( Luke 18:8) Jesus was clear that if error continues apostasy will lead people away from the truth and destroy their faith.  When there is a hole, and in this case, the loss of faith, then that hole will be filled with another kind of faith.
            The teaching of Scripture is at stake as well as a health of the church.  Error undermines the authority of Scripture.  And when it comes to this contentious subject we must carefully examine Scripture and remove error when Scripture teaches us the truth.  Unfortunately, many people do not want to remove what they have come to believe is some sort of "right."  Paul in writing to the Ephesians wrote: "Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord" (Ephesians 5: 22).  Now, that statement is in direct contradiction to what has been and is the movement that women are to become autonomous and have their own authority, to be some sort of success.  I think it's pretty clear; this submission to your husband, is the same submission that we must have to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  To not do so is to speak against Jesus Christ.  Here is another one of Paul's statements that runs against secular opinion: "Let a woman learned in silence with all submission.  And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.  For Adam was formed first, then Eve.  And Adam was not deceived, but a woman being deceived, fell into transgression" (1 Timothy 2: 11 -- 14).  Oh boy, once again apparently I've gone to meddling and removed myself from preaching, that is what some would say, but remember, I did not say this, I only repeated what the Holy Spirit inspired the apostle Paul to write so that we would understand God's dispensation and His economy for His elect.  To do otherwise is to refuse to follow what God has commanded.  Let's see how error begets error: it is very common that a denomination that holds to women as pastors also support "abortion rights" and homosexuality as only be an alternate lifestyle.  This is done because when you do not hold to the actual teaching of Scripture, you undermine its authority.  When God's authority is undermined then liberal ideas come into the church.  This may not be true in a universal way or the norm in every denomination that holds to one doctrine that will hold to the other, but it is interesting to note that these issues seem to be related.
            A question we must all answer for ourselves is going do we really believe the Bible to be the absolute inspired truth of God and that the Bible is the guide for every aspect of our lives?  Your answer will determine your theology and will determine whether or not your theology is in error or contradicts what God has set forth as His dispensation of the church and for the economy of His church.  Or, you desired to have your own authority, as did Eve?  If so, God condemned Eve, do you think He will not also condemned you?

Behold, the eye of the LORD is
            on those who fear Him,
on those who hope in His mercy.
                        Psalm 33: 18 

Repent and receive God's mercy

Richard L. Crumb

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