Let two or three
prophets speak,
and let the others
But if anything isn't revealed
to another who sits
let the first keep
For you all can
prophesy one at a time,
that all may learn
and all may be encouraged.
And the spirits of
the prophets
are subject to the
For God is not the author of confusion
but of peace, as in
all the churches of the saints.
1 Corinthians 14: 29
-- 33
continues to address the use of spiritual gifts and as before in regards to
this speaking of "tongues" that one was to speak and then others
would speak when that one was finished, in other words there would be order in
the use of that gift. This is true also
of those who would wish to speak to the congregation, and remember to be a
prophet one must be speaking the words of God, and not necessarily speaking of
some future event, and this also must be done in order, one at a time. Remember the goal is to edify the
church. So that we will not be confused as our English language does not always carry the finer nuances of the
Greek language, and this would be true when we are using the word
"Judge." For this is what the
apostle Paul said was to be done that there would be those who would judge what
the other was saying and this judgment was to be based upon what the Scriptures,
that is, the Old Testament recorded by the prophets that spoke for God in olden
times. To help us in understanding this
word "Judge" I will once again give you the Greek word in what they
Greek word meant when a Greek speaking person heard the word: λαλείτωσαν, this
word is present, imperative, active, in the third person. First, and foremost, it is to be presently
acted upon, for this is a direct command, a directive that should be actively
pursued and in this case by those who were hearing what the other was revealing
as a prophet. The Greek hearing person
would understand that by the tense used that a person would make a declaration,
to give utterance to that which was spoken and in this case, to reveal what was
spoken, therefore one who heard the other would judge by the foundational basis
from the old scripture as to the truth of what was being spoken. This we also ought to do today, for our work
is to ensure that the congregation is not only edified, but also to reveal those
who are teaching falsely, possibly even heresy. God is not a God of confusion, and we are to ensure that
conflicting statements that cannot be confirmed by scripture do, not confuse
the congregation. As Authentic
Christians who are studying God's Word, and have the responsibility for the
congregation and what is exercised, what they, or you hear, ensuring whether or
not those things are of divine inspiration or not. Once again we are to be reminded that we are not speaking about
those outside the congregation, those who claim to be atheists, desire nothing
to do with Christianity. We are talking
about those who claim to be Christian and are even using scripture to prove
their points making themselves seem to be speaking Divine words when in
actuality they are false prophets, or simply pretenders to Divine inspiration
and act as true prophets of God. As Authentic Christians we are to judge. We are not to simply sit by and tacitly
approve whatever is said or done even when it is said that it is Christian. Now when Paul speaks about the spirits of the
prophets he had in mind those spiritual gifts that powerfully influence those
to whom the Holy Spirit had given a gift, and to understand that by our judging
we must ensure that they are not simply lost in their theological possession by the leading from them their
reason. When God by means of divine
inspiration, that inspiration is not to cause people to be like those
diabolical heathen priest, ungovernable, that only prompts to act as if
they were beside themselves; no, those who have actual divine inspiration are
to be sober, calm, and capable of regular guidance. Therefore, the man who is inspired by the Spirit of God will
observe order and decency in delivering his revelations. Today we are wonderfully gifted by God to
have His word for us to read and study.
God divinely had men who were inspired by Him to record for us what we
need to live accordingly to His commandments, principles, and precepts. There is no need, as was in the early Church
before the Bible, to have this special divine revelation. Yet, there are those churches who believe
that God is supernaturally revealing to people what He would have them say or
do and this is outside of scripture. Why
would God have need to do that if His word is complete in all that we need? To think otherwise is only to say that
God's word is not complete. This is
blasphemous, this is heresy, this is only spoken by those who are false
prophets, for as an authentic Christian we follow what God's Word says and it
tells us that the perfect when it comes is all we need. And, as spoken and written about earlier in
my blog that the Greek word used there in the context that the word lie is in
is not speaking of a person, rather it is speaking about a thing, and that
thing can only be a complete canon, the Bible.
So why would we go running around looking for special revelation will we
have all we need?
Well beginning
tomorrow, we will have completed Paul's writing an admonition in regards to
spiritual gifts and I will enter into a subject that has been and is very
contentious. Therefore, I will go slow and
examine scripture, the Greek words and tenses, using were ever the Bible speaks
about this subject, or has given us how to understand this subject.
My son, give me your heart,
and let
your eyes observe
my ways.
Proverbs 23: 26
Be wise and strong
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