Let your women keep
silent in the churches,
for they are not
permitted to speak;
but they are to be submissive,
as the law also says.
And if they want to
learn something,
let them ask their
own husbands at home;
for it is shameful
for women speak in the church.
Or did the word of
God come originally from you?
Or was it you only that it reached?
1 Corinthians 14: 34
-- 35
I wrote
about the contentions and divisiveness caused in the church by such things as
the exercise of spiritual gifts and how that exercise so often is outside
of, and contradicts Scripture. Now, I
reach another one of those contentious doctrines that divides the church;
and that doctrine is the role of women in ministry. There will be some who say: "he's gone from preaching: to
meddling." Well, say what you
will, don't take anything from me that cannot be confirmed by Scripture. Remember, it was the apostle who Paul wrote
the above words. Now, we must learn and instruct in light of context both within the letter that Paul wrote and by
other writings by Paul and others so that we can come to the truth on the
matter of this doctrine. Let us first
clear up the italicized words so that we don't let them lead is often do some
rabbit trails to keep us away from actually discerning the truth. First, the italicized words: they are, is applied because
the subject is plural, that is women, and therefore it is proper to put those
words in and for clarification in English, good grammar. Now for the word: originally,
it is added because the Greek is written with a question mark. Now we can move on. Due to the various opinions in regards to
the role of women in the ministry this subject will take a bit of time to
discuss and discover so that the truth is revealed, so we need some questions
that will lead us into the discussions.
Once again, why should I write a blog on women in ministry? Well the reason is first of all due to the
pressure of society that is forcing error into the church and allowing women to
become elders and pastor. We must then
see whether, or not this is truly an error and if so make the necessary changes. Another important aspect, that must be
discussed is that so often women are undervalued and under appreciated in the
church therefore they need to be encouraged and supported in this Biblically. In fact in the secular
world for many years now there has been a major push to elevate the position of
women in society. And in some cases this
push was necessary and is also necessary within some churches. I personally, hold the position of fidelity
to the Scriptures, for in Scripture is held the complementarily and position,
that God gives to whomever He wishes to give a gift, and calls men and women
differently in the church. As I spoke
about the error with the misuse of spiritual gifts both in the Corinthian
church and presently in such churches practice that misuse we must not be led
astray and understand that error begets more error. Therefore, the teaching of Scripture is at stake, and not only is
Scripture at stake but also the health of the church is at stake. While the secular world struggles with his
problem of the unappreciated and undervalued positions of women, the question
for the church still remains, that is, what is the biblical position, or is
this simply some holdover from ancient, patriarchal, chauvinism? The answer is crucial in that for the above
stated positions and error.
Christians, and I must state that is that it is Authentic Christians that I
refer to, and I don't expect those who are not authentic to agree that they
might be an error in regards to the role and position of women in church
ministry. Authentic Christians don't
care what the secular world says or states in regards to that which is in
opposition to God's Word. Authentic
Christians share what God has said and seek to teach and to defend it. Now it is true, that we must admit, that we
may be wrong in various areas of Biblical understanding, but that does not be deter us to honestly seek to accomplish what the Word of God teaches and not
subject the Word of God to our personal feelings or social pressure. If we do not do this, even if it is well
intentioned, this is only an error begetting error and leads toward apostasy. We have seen such apostasy in mainline
churches such as the Presbyterian USA, where they allow homosexuals, same-sex
marriage, and allow women to hold positions of pastors, and to be
elders and etc. and in the least it is confusing to other Christians, and more
importantly it's extremely confusing to non-Christians. As Authentic Christians who have been saved
by God's grace, we will stand on the truth of God's Word even if it means to us
that we are in opposition to the whole world.
This leads me to a question: "Do you really believe that God has
revealed His truth to his children?"
Or, are you one of those who are only a Deist who believe that God
created and then sits back and allows things just to happen? Or, are you one of those who believe that
the Bible is a "good book," and that parts of it are only
metaphorical or allegorical but are really not God's Word for they were just
men writing what they felt? Or, do you
put your faith in God that He has not left us as orphans and that we have what
He desires for us to have in completion.
And that is in the complete Word of God, inspired by God, written by men
who were inspired by God to write to what ever was occurring that needed
correcting or in instructing and made this available for us today as it was
written or all Christians in all kinds of history? Your position in regards to God's Word will determine your
theology. Your worldview will determine
your theology. Your ideology will
determine your theology. However your
theology is formed will determine how you demonstrate that Christian
faith. Now, if ever, it is time to fall
down on your knees and pray to God for guidance and to study his word and study
these doctrines that are contentious and possibly in contradiction to Him. Will you do it?
My people are
destroyed for lack of knowledge.
Because you have rejected in
I also will reject
you from being priest for Me;
because you have forgotten the law
of your God,
I also will forget
your children.
Hosea 4: 6
Are you preparing
now for the Sabbath?
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