Monday, July 29, 2013

The Victory Of God's Word

In your seed all the nations
of the earth shall be blessed,
because you have obeyed
My voice.
Genesis 22:18

            We are to be concerned with the authority of the Holy Scriptures and our conversation should have this as our topic so that we engage with our minds, in advancing our faith, and our ability to defend the truth. What is the most often topic of your conversation? How often we celebrate those who in warlike defense of our country with hymns, and praises, even lessons and do not do the same with those martyrs who did not make any such defense. They simply spoke the word of God wherever they traveled, and yet they are so little spoken of in our Churches and in our conversations. This is probable true, often not taught to us in our Sunday Schools, or from the pulpit. The question that comes to mind is: “If God’s Kingdom is truly one of peace, or charity, and of brotherhood, one of devotion, and truth, justice, and meekness, and those in this Kingdom have resisted warlike bloodthirsty barbarity; as this is a good definition of war, why then do we celebrate those involved in such barbarity, as war, and have received such illustrious remembrance in God’s Church and not those who have resisted such a war and were involved in a war spreading the Gospel of God: Why?” This is a good question so I will attempt to give an answer. I will use the world of Rupert of Deutz (? To 1135 A.D.), in his response to this question spoken to him by Abbot Cuno: “Their struggle and their military might have, with God’s help, been of inestimable profit to us and to the whole world. For the devil was working through Antiochus Epiphanes (c. 215 BC – 164 BC), to destroy all memory of and all hope and faith in the promise of God to Abraham that in his seed all nations would be blessed. What was it that Antiochus did? He erected on god’s altar the detestable idol of abomination; throughout the cities of Judea his men erected sanctuaries; at the doors of homes and in the streets they burned incense and offered sacrifice; the books of God’s law they tore up0 and cast into the flames. And if anyone was found with the books of God’s covenant or if anyone was found observing God’s law, him they put to death according to the royal edict.[1] All this was done in an effort to annihilate the Jewish people, so that in Abraham’s seed, that is, in Christ, all nations should not be blessed and so that God’s purpose and promise might be of no effect. But, thanks be to God, good Cuno, the foundations was successfully defended and from it have come great results. God’s truth has been mightily fulfilled and the Maccabees were the ones who accomplished that feat. For that reason they can rightfully claim an illustrious renown in God’s church.[2]
            God’s purpose to bless all nations according to the promise given to Abraham will be accomplished by all sorts of means, especially true is the mean of using such barbarous wars that often stop the flow of Satanic influence upon people. It was and is necessary for God through His word protect the people through whom he intended to become incarnate for the salvation of the human race. It is this I write about: the victory of God’s Word!. Great and powerful is God’s Word, who has prevailed, but great also is the enemy who was conquered, conquered by the death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven by Jesus Christ. God uses today forces that are not Christian to ward off those who would hinder and if possible, to annihilate the Word of God and His people. God uses Christians to do the same although often we are not engaged in open warfare, our war is silently done in our workplaces, our homes, with our neighbors and in our Churches. Satan is defeated, but he is not destroyed and he still in the ways he can devise attempt to stop this promise of God to Abraham: “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world” (1Peter 5:8–9. If you are not at war with sin, and this means to be at war with Satan, and his hordes of demons, who have but one thing in mind, to destroy God’s children, to rule this world. And if Satan can do so, then he believes that God will give to him this world for he would then have usurped God’s authority over mankind. This is the battle Satan has with God, not power, it is authority, who will be the ruler of man is at stake. God has decided and has adjudicated this by His Son, the Only Begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ.
            This war, wherever it is being fought by God’s children is filled with terror, suffering at times, especially so for those in countries that are openly opposed to Christianity and will kill Christians, and it may seem difficult to carry out this mandate to live as God has commanded, then, remember the promise of God to Abraham, for God will bless all those in all the nations that turn to Him and live for and by Him. You are already winners in this war, personally, you are legally in heaven, and in God’s timing you will reap the reward of eternal life, no Satan, not demonic hordes to try and destroy your faith; “But may the god of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you. To Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen” (1Peter 5:10–11).
If you are reproached for the
            Name of Christ,
Blessed are you, for the Spirit
            Of glory and of God rests
Upon you. On their part He is
            Blasphemed, but on your
Part He is glorified.
                        1Peter 4:14

Live Victoriously

Richard L. Crumb

[1] I Maccabees 1:54–57
[2] Rupert, On the Victory of God’s Word, a letter to Cuno

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