In the beginning was
the Word,
and the Word was with
and the Word was God.
He was in the
beginning with God.
All things were made
through Him,
and without Him
nothing was made
that was made.
John 1:1–3
The apostle
John, the one who was loved especially by Jesus Christ, the one who leaned
against His bosom (John 13:23), exhibits a true testimony that Jesus Christ is
indeed the Son of God, in fact that Jesus is God, the Creator, not a
co–creator, rather the creator, and that He, Jesus was there when all things
began. When it is said that John leaned on the breast, or the bosom of Jesus we
must come to understand how that could happen. Unlike us here in the United
States where we sit in chairs separated from one anther, the way they ate in
the days of Jesus was to lay on couches, feet towards the rear, and leaning on
their left arm. Unlike the painting of the Last Supper, a late
15th-century mural painting by Leonardo da Vinci in the refectory of the
Convent of Santa Maria where the table is elongated with Jesus in the Middle
and the disciples around the back of the table, the table in Jesus day was a
square “U”. the Narrative of the last supper, and faced the door. On each end
of the table would be a man who would have a sword for protection and they arte
with their right hand. Often one would dip a morsel of bread into a broth and
give it to be eaten by the man on the left. The Greek words: ἐν τῷ
the bosom” does not mean bosom as we do which is the uterus, rather that it is
the front of the body between the arms, therefore when a person is reclined at
the table that his head covered, as it were the bosom of the one next to him.
When it is said that Jesus “loved” John, the Greek word was agape, a
principled, God–like love, a special love. Homosexuals would like to point out
that was a homosexual admittance, but this is far from the truth, if it were
so, as the homosexual likes to say the word would have been used for love:
phileo, a brotherly love. Jesus loved all His disciples but the Scriptures are
clear that He had a special love, a special principled love for John and this
is clear when the Books of John are read.
Jesus Christ was in the beginning,
not the beginning, there s no place in Scripture that says that there are two
beginnings, so Jesus had to exist before anything else existed, and was with
God, that is that the Greek word, pros, is used to indicate location and that
Jesus was in the same direction as God, the Father, and then the Greek is clear
on the last part of verse one. “and the Word was God.” The Greek word, theos,
is nominative without the definite article and often the article “a” is place
in front of the noun, that is, when it is not describing a noun which it is
doing so in this verse. The subject is Logos, and Theos, is a predicate
nominative participle, and does not require the letter “a” for “Theos” is
describing the subject “Logos.” This then makes clear that the Logos is Theos.
Jesus Christ is God. The Jehovah Witnesses place the letter “a” in front of
Theos because they are Arian in theology and believe that Jesus was not God,
rather a god. This is like Mormonism because this admits to there being more
than one God.
Jesus Christ was a man. He had
physicality. He need rest, food, sleep. He met all the requirements to pay the
debt that a man, Adam, owed to God and had passed down to all his progeny. It
is said that Jesus is the Only Begotten Son of God. This is true for Jesus is
God, the Wisdom of God: “But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for
us wisdom from God––and righteousness and sanctification and redemption––“(1Corinthians
1:30). Jesus the Wisdom of God was made manifest to the world by His
incarnation as foretold from all time: “to the intent that now the manifold
wisdom of god might be made known by the church to the principalities and
powers in the heavenly places, according to the eternal purpose which He
accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Ephesians 3:10–11). All Scripture, being divinely inspired, bears
witness to this truth. John defends this fact by setting forth that proposition
in particular and does so in an especially lucid manner. This was necessary for
at this time Emperor Domitian after Nero persecuted Christians and heretics
entered into the Church. They came with good sounding words, advice, and
analogies, but like wolves that entered into the sheepfold, they invaded the
Church and deprived the Church of its Shepherd. Jehovah Witnesses were not the
fist to deny that Jesus was God, and neither was Arius. Marcion, Cerinthus
(Gnostic follower) Ebion, and other antichrists dented that Jesus existed
before Mary and they stained this simplicity, albeit hard to understand in all
its mystery, the simplicity of evangelical faith by their false teachings. This
then led John to pen this letter. The Holy Spirit inspired him because the need
was urgent. John the one loved especially by Jesus, and we can assume that it
was because John converted wholly to Jesus Christ, wrote this to dispel the
obscurity the heretics attempted and with some success, to quell the light, and
that light was Jesus Christ the Light of the world (John 1:7–10).
says the LORD:
“Heaven and earth
My footstool. Where is the
house that you will
Me? And where is the
place of My rest?
all those things My hand
Has made, and all those
exist,” Says the LORD…
the Light of God shine in you
L. Crumb
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