For we know that the
whole creation groaneth
and travaileth in
pain together until now.
And not only they,
but ourselves also,
which have the
firstfruits of the Spirit,
even we ourselves
groan within ourselves,
waiting for the
adoption, to wit,
the redemption of our
Romans 8:22–23 KJV
Adam dared
to show repugnance to the command of God by his incredulous to God’s words. By
restraint to his affections Adam would have been led to cultivate righteousness
by obeying God’s commands and then to know that the highest felicity was to be
loved by God. This did not happen for Adam was carried away by his listening to
his wife, who had been misled by Satan who’s very utmost was to annihilate the
glory of God. Adam’s disobedience to God was more than a corruption of his
physicality so that he would die; it was more than that for it was a corruption
of his spiritual life, therefore this estrangement meant death of his soul.
Adam’s sin was a perversion that perverted and corrupted the whole order of
nature in heaven and earth and by his revolt deteriorated his race, and all
creation. Man is the highest order of his creation who was given to whole
universe for him to govern, cultivate, and enjoy, but now, due to Adam’s sin: “…the
whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together…” (vs. 22). Paul is
making clear that the whole creation, not willingly, rather had forced upon it
the corruption due to Adam’s sin, for Adam’s sin ruined what was given to him
causing, without doubt that creation bears part of the punishment deserved by
man for whom all other creatures were made. It was and is man’s fault that this
curse was extended to the heavens and the earth, therefore it is not to be then
doubted that this corruption, this perversion has been extended to Adam’s progeny.
Man had been made by God, given by God the image of God with the attributes of
God so man could communicate with God, but, by Adam’s refusal to remain
faithful to God, to keep the single command, to not eat of the Tree of Good and
Evil, the attributes were now withdrawn and replaced, substituted, by such as
vanity, impurity, and unrighteousness and this perverted nature involved Adam’s
posterity and plunged them into the same wretchedness. Original sin is what it
is by means of this hereditary corruption, a depraved nature that was formerly
good and pure. This doctrine of Original Sin has been of great discussion and
debate due to the apprehension caused by this doctrine that the fault of one
man should render all guilty and be guilty of a common sin. Men in an attempt
to remove the guilt of sin from God by ensuring through their theologies so as
not to make God the author of sin devised doctrines that seem good and
acceptable but was not in conformity with Scripture. Pelagius was one such
person who taught that the sin of Adam only affected Adam, but not Adam’s
progeny. Others, the Semi–Pelagians, Jacobus Arminius attempted the same, to
ensure that God would not be the author of sin, but this craftily designed
theology is not what Scripture proclaims. Satan is good at his attempt to hide
the disease of sin, and often men who take up such a position as to be found in
Satanic doctrine are only attempting to render sin incurable by doing so. After
a person who held to Arminianism, or Pelagianism found that Scripture does
teach that the sin of the first man was passed to his progeny they cavil at the
idea and proposed that sin was passed to man from Adam by imitation and not by
propagation. Augustine who wrote much in regard to the doctrine of Original Sin
showed from Scripture that man is not corrupted by acquired wickedness, rather
that man is sinful from the womb. To deny this is to be impudent and deny
Scripture: “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother
conceive me” (Psalm 51:5 KJV). King David was not throwing the blame onto
his mother, no, for King David was commending that God extend His goodness to
him, and properly reiterated the sinfulness that he had from the womb, form his
conception. It is then to follow that man, the whole common lot of man comes
into this world tainted with corruption, this contagion of sin. Can man, as the
Arminianism theology teaches that man can save himself if he so desires? “Who
can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? Not one” (Job 14:4).
It is clear
and plain that the impurity of parents is transmitted to their children,
therefore all are originally depraved, are subject to the Original Sin. Looking
back into history and the fall of Adam and see if not there is depravity in
this world; there is and we can point to the root of this depravity to Adam.
Adam was more than just a progenitor of sin, he is the root of sin and by the
sin of Adam the whole human race has been vitiated. Paul makes this even more
plain and clear: “For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners,
so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous. Moreover the law
entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much
more abound: that as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through
righteousness into eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 5:19–21,
KJV). If then by imitation sin occurs in man, then the righteousness of
Jesus Christ which gives eternal life is also then an imitation, that this
righteousness of Jesus Christ is not available to us in fact, but as an
imitation. Can anyone believe that imitation is true? If righteousness was lost
in Adam and only by the righteousness of Jesus Christ can there be eternal life,
sin is abolished in Christ there is not obscurity in the words: “As by one’s
disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be
made righteous” (vs. 19). Thus, by the sin of Adam man, all creation was
ruined, and by the grace of Jesus Christ, His righteousness man is restored: “For
as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive” (1Corinthians
15:22). This testifies to the truth that original sin is the sin of Adam
and Adam’s sin corrupted his progeny. The soul of man was corrupted and by
means of this corruption does not desire for Godly things. Only by God given to
a man the faith to believe will man come to believe and restore that which was
lost; eternal life.
That which is born of the flesh is flesh;
And that
which is born of the Sprit
Is spirit. Marvel not hat I said unto thee,
Ye must be
born again.
To Follow God Is To Be Saved
Richard L. Crumb
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