But to the wicked God
“What right have you
declare My statutes,
or take My covenant
your mouth, seeing
you hate
instruction and cast
My words
behind you?”
“These things you
have done,
and I kept silent;
you thought
that I was altogether
like you;
but I will rebuke
you, and set
them in order before
your eyes.”
Psalm 50:16–17;21
the centuries men have attempted to declare God’s word and at the same time
hating His instruction. By means of this hate they have developed a theology that
is not of God: God will in His time set things straight and those who are
teaching such false theology, filled with worldly philosophy, will be rebuked
and in His time will answer before His throne for all that they have done. This
is serious and must be taken serious for there are many who are true seekers of
truth but have fallen prey to these false “Christian” leaders and pastors. The
truth must be preached: “How then shall they call on Him in whom they have
not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?
And how shall they hear without a preacher” (Romans 10:14). It takes faith
to believe and by hearing the word of God this free gift of faith (Ephesians
2:8) from God invigorates the heart, and by this aroused faith they believe:
“So then faith come by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans
10:17). Authentic Biblical Christianity has as its base in Scripture that
teaches that Jesus Christ, His work on the cross, death, resurrection, and
ascension into heaven is our foundation upon which our faith is founded. The
Brotherhood of true Authentic Biblical Christians find their expression in the
Church, those who constitute the Church, the ekklesia. Any examination
of a Church, whether liberal or Authentic, will expose flaws in both. The
question in regards to those flaws is: are those flaws heretical, that is, are
they or are then not have as their foundation in Scripture? When those flaws
are exposed do they immediately remove from the Church those flaws and reestablish
Authentic Biblical Principles? It is true that the visible Church has not in
every case produced the changes needed for men, women, and children. Whey?
There are many reasons, we can observe easily their weaknesses and that they
are troubled and having difficulty in development of the redeemed. Why? an
obvious cause is clearly seen; the Church, the called–out ones, and are
unfaithful to the Lord. How? They are admitting many persons into her
membership who is not truly converted. Those coming into the Church may have
made a decision, often based more on emotion that by anything else, the music
touch them, the message touched them, but God has not called them and the
Church is too ready to accept them into membership. These unconverted people
act as they did in the early Church: “He claims that certain person (who do
not wish to either give or receive a reason for their belief) keep saying, ‘Do
not examine; just believe!” and “Your faith will save you.” (Sound
familiar?) He claims that such person also says, ‘The wisdom of this life is
bad. However, foolishness is a good thing” (Running through tunnels of
fire, thinking that whatever comes into the mind is from God, etc.) To which
we have to answer… that in the Christian system it will be found that there is…much
investigation into articles of belief” (Origen, c.248). In many churches
today men and women are given positions of teaching, leadership, musicians,
etc., without taking the time to learn whether or not they are truly converted
or just need to have more knowledge of the doctrines of God. This was not true
in the early Church, a Church that was confronted by many heresies, and waged
war with them, and ensuring the purity of the Church by instruction and testing
of an individual who professed Christ: “Christians test beforehand the souls
of those who wish to become their hearers. First, we instruct them in private.
Once they appear to have sufficiently demonstrated their desire towards a
virtuous life, then we introduce them [to other Christians]––but not before.
Next, we privately form one class of those who are beginners. These are the
ones who are receiving admission, but who have not yet obtained the mark of
complete purification. And we form another class of those who have manifested
to the best of their ability their intention to desire no other things that
what are approved by Christians. Among these, there are certain persons
appointed to make inquiries regarding the lives and behavior of those who join
them––so that they can prevent those who commit acts of infamy from coming into
their public assembly. However, those of a different character, they receive
with their whole heart, in order that they may daily make them better” (Origen,
If this was
so important to the early Church when heresy was present, are we not to do the
same since much of those heresies still are confronting Authentic Biblical
Faith? We are admitting into our school, universities, seminaries, person that
are not converted to Christ, even though they give lip service that they are
Christian. Liberalism is the main thrust of teaching, a denigrating of
Scripture by accusations that are unfounded and they teach not true historical
Biblical doctrine of God. These men and women seem to have a genuine confession
of faith but their fruits deny their claim; they are not Scriptural.
What is
badly needed in this present age is men who have backbone, those who love God,
His Son, and the Holy Spirit and are willing to even if need by die for their
faith and stand on the truth. There are some, but are you one of them? I ask
myself the same question! Revival! Not just any revival! A return to Authentic
Biblical Faith.
Therefore say to them, “Thus says
The LORD of hosts: “Return to Me”
Says the LORD of hosts, “and I will return
to you,” says the LORD of hosts.”
God Is Merciful: He will accept your return to Him
Richard L. Crumb
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