Monday, February 25, 2013

The Reward Of Truth: The Tree Of Life!

Do not be carried about with various and strange doctrines.
For it is good that the heart be established by grace,
not with foods which have not profited those who have
been occupied with them.
Hebrews 13: 9

            The interpretation of Scripture has been adduced to have several different meanings which may or may not have been responsible for either correct understanding of Scripture's or to have led to corruption of Scripture.  A first rule is that interpretation of Scripture must be interpreted by Scripture.  In line with the first rule is that interpretation of Scripture depends on discovery and meanings.  This is to be undertaken through dependence on God's aid.  Keeping this treatment of interpretation in good order I must first treat the mode of certainty, then to make known the meaning which is an arduous task, and cannot be carried forth in my own strength.  I must apprehend the aid promised to all Christians; the Holy Spirit.  My hope in accomplishing this task, rest on Him through supplies that He has supplied me with and my many thoughts on this subject.  I am not speaking of some special revelation as is done in such churches that have a theology of charismata, Pentecostalism, or some form of supernatural revelation that a person receives outside of Scripture.  This supply from God is given when I or you begin to use what He has already given: The Holy Scriptures!  To share what you have from God is not to have His supply diminished through the sharing of it with others, for this is what Jesus commanded: "For whoever has, to him more will be given, and he will have abundance; but who ever does not have, even what he has will be taken a way from him" (Matthew 13: 12).  When we impart understanding through proper interpretation watch is shared is grown by God which leads a person to be able to rejoice in this marvelous wealth.
            To began this search and to be able to obtain correct and proper interpretation we must be stern between what a thing is, and why it is a sign.  Due to misuse of these two elements, things, and signs, many have fallen prey to private interpretation and have corrected true Authentic Biblical Faith.  Wrong interpretation leads to wrong discernment: "He answered and said to them,' when it is evening you say, ' It will be fair weather, for the sky is red;' and in the morning,' It will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and threatening.'  Hypocrites!  You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern that signs of the times.  A wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sighing shall be given to it except the sign of the Prophet Jonah" (Matthew 16: 2 -- 4).  When instruction is given it is either about things or signs.  What is a thing?  In the strict sense it is that a thing is never to signify a sign of anything; i.e., would, Stone, animals, and other things of that kind. Can those things be used as a sign?  Yes, and examples of this are; though would thrown into bitter waters making them sweet by Moses, or the stone used as a pillow by Jacob, or the RAM cock in the thicket when Abraham offered up his son as a sacrifice.  These are things, and they were also used as signs of other things.  There are signs of another kind, i.e., words or example.  Words are used as signs of something else and we understand them as signs indicating something else.  Now, every sign is also a thing.  How can this be except that for what is and if not something, then it is nothing at all.  However, everything is not a sign.  Keeping this in proper order it must be remembered that what is now being considered is about thing and what they are in themselves, not what other things they are signs of.
            Proceeding in this subject we must understand that by not using certain rules the door is ajar allowing for personal interpretation by means of our presuppositions, ideologies, philosophies, and theologies, which our contradicted in Scripture, this leads to improper exercise of faith and an incorrect worship of God.  History testifies to this fact, that false worship of God can be consigned to such religious groups as, Gnosticism in its various sects, Montanism which may be found in some form and certain churches, Manichaeism that led to asceticism, the practice of celibacy by religious leaders, and other forms of religion that are not Scriptural.
            Moving forward in our study and to reach an understanding of things we must first understand that some things are for use, and some for in enjoyment.  By not understanding the difference between the two is to become hindered in our attainment of true happiness.  There are those things which are objects of enjoyment that make us happy.  As for me, an object or thing that I could in joy, and be made happy, is a new candy apple red Corvette: you may desire another thing.  There are things which are objects of assistance, and support us in some way in our efforts to attain happiness.  In my example of a Corvette, a thing which would make me happy, and give me enjoyment, may be misused.  If the Corvette is a thing being used so that I am seeing, or think I am, a person to be held in high regard, then I am using the things (candy apple red Corvette) for a purpose other than a thing in itself to be used for enjoyment, to be used for watch it is intended and not to be used for what it is not intended: this is misuse!  Misuse will turn us back from our person can of the real and proper use of objects of enjoyment.
            These next few blogs are designed to establish the rules and our understanding as to how misuse of the rules of interpretation, and the understanding of things, and signs, have been anathema to the Christian religion.  Follow me closely as we take this time to gain proper certain rules by which we could hold fast we will find a way to avoid falling into any euros of absurdities.

Blessed are those who do His commandments,
            that they may have the right to the tree of life,
and may enter through the gates into the city.
                                                Revelation 22: 14

May God bless your study of  Him

Richard L. Crumb

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