Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Our Highest Object Of Our Worship And Faith

O foolish Galatians!  Who has bewitched you
that you should not obey the truth, before
whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed
among you as crucified?
This only I want to learn from you:
did you receive the spirit by works of the law,
or by the hearing of faith?
Are you so foolish?  Having begun in the Spirit,
are you now being made perfect by the flesh?

            As we study the history of the early church it is clearly demonstrated by the many false teachings, and heresies, that Paul must address this problem that some Christians were being bewitched.  The Gospel, which is simply that Jesus Christ came down from heaven, God himself, the very Wisdom of God clothed in human flesh, Who suffered, and died upon the cross, was resurrected from death after three days, and ascended bodily into heaven in this site of many witnesses, so that the debt of sin was paid in the result of his death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven could now be applied to all of God's children.  The question that was asked years are you so like to once by faith believed upon this gospel to have now returned to the works of the flesh?  This is what was happening in the early church and is happening in many of those churches who claim to be Christian.  Yes, we walk by faith and not by sight but this faith is the faith in that which is real, that which is the highest object for our faith and our worship.  Therefore the question for each of us is simply this; watch or who holds the highest estimation in our lives and has our faith?  What holds the highest enjoyment in our lives?  For us to enjoy a thing is to rest solely upon and four the sake of the thing.  When we employee they use of a thing is to use what ever means or at our disposal enabling us to obtain that which we desire, that is, if it is a proper object of desire, for if not, then it is to be called abuse.  If while I was in a foreign land and became homesick desiring to go home I am a properly used an object of my enjoyment; i.e., a candy apple red Corvette. Ha!  While I was traveling to my desired destination, in my candy apple red Corvette, a destination which is my home, and I became in Hamburg by the surrounding lands due to their beauty and began to desire of them causing them to become my objects of enjoyment, I may become unwilling to continue towards my destination and be diverted from my home which is my true happiness, I am misusing a thing, a candy apple red Corvette in this case.  Is this not the condition in which this life which is immortal?  We desire to turn to and return to our Fathers home, yet we have wandered far from our desired destination.  We have allowed other objects to become the highest priority for our enjoyment.  This enables us to be diverted from our destination, our return to the Fathers home.  Yes, we must use this world, we are a part of this world, and what the world can offer is for us to be able to use and enjoy.  But we are not to enjoy this world in such a manner as to turn us aside from our destination, causing us not to see the invisible things of God who is to be understood by the things of this world that are made by God: "For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even he is eternal power and Godhead, so that they are with out excuse" (Romans 1: 20).  Our proper use of the things of this world, those things that are temporary material we are able to a whole upon that which is spiritual and eternal.
            A question that must be asked at this point in this discussion is; What Clark threw objects of our enjoyment?  Is it the Trinity?  It is the Trinity that is our crew object of enjoyment, the father That, the Son, and the Holy, who are all at the same time the Trinity, one Being, Supreme above all, all the same essence.  It is the Trinity that is the common object of our enjoyment.  This is true if He is an object and not simply the cause of all objects or even if he is the cause of all things.  How do we express the One of such excellence?  It is impossible unless we speak of Him this way, the Trinity, one God, of Whom all things are and exist, maintained, and controlled by his providence.  The Trinity is not three separate god's for Scripture speaks of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, as God at the same time, not as the Donatists say, then each is God and there is no separate Person's that make up the Trinity rather they believe and teach that God operates in separate modes.  Scripture is clear on this fact, that God in three Persons, the same substance.  The Father is not the Son, nor is the Holy Spirit Son.  The Son is not the Father, nor the Holy Spirit: the holy That Spirit is not the Father nor a Son.  The Father he is the Father, The Son, The Son; the Holy Spirit is the Holy Spirit.  Each poll belong to eternity and they all have the same unchangeableness, the same majesty, and the same power.  And they Godhead, The Trinity there is unity in the father That, the quality in the Sun, and in the Holy Spirit so that all our harmonious of unity and equality, and these three have all the same attributes and each have attributes that are displayed towards man, and are all one.  Before closing this particular discussion allowed me to use Tertullian’s argument in favor of the Trinity where he was the one who first used the term Trinity.  His argument is by way of illustration using the sun, the ray of the sun, and the power released by the sun.  All three of those separate parts of the sun are the sun, and all are of the same essence, therefore all already the sun; three in one.
            Let me ask this question in closing: who or what is your highest enjoyment?  I pray that God of the Scriptures is that object.

Those who forsake the law
            praise the wicked,
but such as keep the law
            contend with them.
                        Proverbs 28: 4

Praise God for He is Good

Richard L. Crumb

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