If then you were
raised with Christ,
seek those things
which are above,
where Christ is,
sitting at the right hand of God.
Set your mind on
things above,
not on things on the
For you died, and
your life is hidden
with Christ in God.
When Christ who is
our life appears,
then you also will
appear with him in glory.
Therefore put to
death your members
which are on the
uncleanness, passion,
evil desire, and
covetousness, which is idolatry.
Colossians 3: 1 -- 5
These words
of the apostle Paul are often ignored, which is to be expected by those who do
not, and have not converted to our Savior Jesus Christ. If a person has not set their minds on
things which are above, we who are converted to our Lord Jesus Christ should
not be amazed. What is amazing is that
for many who claim to be converts to the Lord Jesus Christ are doing much the
same things as those who are unconverted.
This failure of converted Christian to set their minds on things above
is cause for the calumny used by the unconverted to chide the profession that
is made by some Christians because they say but do not do those things which
are true Christianity, which are not an actual part of their life. Many Christians write and post Scripture and
give some credence to the Lord Jesus Christ.
This may be a sincere effort to spread the gospel and that must be
commended and applauded; yet for many it is only a means to hide the actuality
of what is occurring in their lives. To
say that you have love for Jesus Christ may be the truth. Is this love based on the fact that your
life is hidden in Jesus Christ and God or have you died to Christ which is to
die from the things on the earth? Is
your love of Jesus Christ more than just the notion, or some hope, that Jesus
Christ will appear a second time upon the earth and His children will appear
with Him in glory? Have you put to
death those things on the earth which is to be found among the unconverted
which are fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness? If not then what you are doing is condemned
in God's Word and that condemnation is idolatry. There are two things mentioned by Paul mentioned in the. above
scriptures which: first you must die to yourself in a hide your life in Jesus
Christ; secondly you are to put to death your members which are on the earth. A person may say they'd love Jesus Christ
and yet their lives are lived as though they our adherence to Satan for they
have accepted worldly cultures. Some of
those things which are worldly and accepted by some Christians are such things
as; same sex marriage, homosexuality, abortion, passion for self-realization by
attempting to reach out and "find themselves," and this done by being
entertained by those who act and dress without respect for another and only to
claim that they have the right to do what ever they want and covet to be a
celebrity or to have those things which are considered by the world to be
successful. Many have fallen prey to
movies and television shows that promote those very things that Paul as stated
in the above opening Scripture. Out of
such desires to be led by the cultures, philosophies, ideologies, and her false
theologies come heresies; many have not yet died to Christ and have accepted
problem is not new for this was the fight that the early church had to fight
against those who would promote philosophies and ideologies that were not
founded upon the truth of God's Word or any of the teachings of the apostles
that is, they design for themselves what would be pleasing to their minds their
presuppositions and those things which they attempted to draw people away from
the truth and this is going on in our world today. Reading the books of Irenaeus, Against Heresies, show us how numerous were the Gnostic
groups and how varied where of their ideas.
Marcion who became influential in the Roman Church (not the Roman Catholic
Church as we know it today) and gave much money to the church around the year
138 A.D. posited two gods, the first God was considered evil which was the God
of the Old Testament and the other God was created to be good in order to be
able to read being man. What Marcion was
doing was simply pandering to the anti-Semitism that could be found in some
churches. Marcion rejected the deity of
the human Jesus Christ. Arius would
hold to that belief as well and at the Council of Nicaea in 325A.D was
condemned for such and can be found today in such religious groups as Jehovah
Witnesses. This is to ignore the
writings of Paul to the Colossians Church which was inspired by God for us today
and all who will go after us: "For it pleased the Father that in Him the fullness should dwell... For
in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily" (Colossians 1: 19;
2: 9). Marcion gave developed his own canon of
Scripture which included the gospel of Luke, Acts, and that 10 letters
associated with Paul. Due to his heresy
he was expelled from the church and then he founded his own church. Many churches today are founded on false
teaching and heresy as was with this man Marcion. With men such as Marcion made cause for the early true Christians who had died to
Christ, who set their minds on things above and not on this earth, who had a
love for Jesus Christ and the Church that nothing of this world, its teachings,
would keep them from helping Christians to avoid heresy.
The question for all of us who say
we have the love for our Lord Jesus Christ is this: Will we die to this world
and hide our lives in Jesus Christ who is God the second person of the Godhead
who will come in his own time on the last day to redeem His bride? Due to these many heretical teachings came
the need to have scriptures which are the other for taking doctrine for our
lives and four creeds by which we can test orthodoxy in all this was for the
events to Christian then and now this will be the thrust of the upcoming blogs.
Yet in deed I also
count all things
loss for the excellence
of the knowledge of
Christ Jesus
my Lord, for whom I have
suffered the loss of
all thing, and
count them as rubbish,
then I may gain
Christ and be
found in Him, not having
my own
righteousness, which is
from the law, but that which is
through faith in
Christ, without righteousness
which is from God by faith;
Philippians 3: 8 -- 9
The Grace of our Lord
Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen
Richard L. Crumb
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