What is crooked cannot be
made straight, and what is
lacking cannot be numbered.
Ecclesiastes 1:15
For in much wisdom is much grief,
and he who increases knowledge
increases sorrow.
Ecclesiastes 1:18
So I said in my heart
"As it happens to the fool,
it also happens to me,
and why was I then more wise?"
Then I said in my heart, "this also
is vanity?"
For there is no more remembrance
of the wise than of the fool forever,
since all that now is will be
forgotten in the days to come.
And how does a wise man die?
as the fool!
Ecclesiastes 2:15-16
To everything there is a season,
a time for every purpose
under heaven:
Ecclesiastes 3:1
The goal of this blog was to aid others to increase in their faith and to walk in the authority of God. To obtain Authentic Biblical Faith. In writing this blog I was greatly impressed by the study, the preparation, and then the writing of the blog that I was the first recipient of knowledge that can only be found in the Bible. Secondly, I prayed and hoped that others would increase in their knowledge and faith, and grow in their sanctification. Whether or not I accomplished anything in the second desire, I do not know, what I do know is that it was much helpful to me in the first place. But as the writer of Ecclesiastic wrote: there is a time for everything. How do you know what the time is and how you may be affected, often comes in ways that you did not think would happen: it did! Sometimes all it takes is a reminder that you are nothing more than a hypocrite: so shut up! At first one might be mad at the proclaimer(s) but then after much thought you realize that the message was that the time has come. A change is needed whether you like it or not. Sort of like moving from a heretical theological religion to the Scriptures that condemn them, you aren't sure at first, but you do believe that God's word is the truth and slowly you make the needed changes. Then you find the peace that you have been looking for and the pain of changing is somewhere located in the dark corners of the past. But there will always be those who only see your past. I am not the apostle Paul who had to deal with his past, a past that caused people to fear him due to the authority he had over them to jail them, to kill them if need be, to be a persecutor of Christians. Paul went on the amaze due to his preaching of the gospel (Acts 9).
I am not Paul, but I also am the recipient of my past. If this causes others to shrink back then a change must be made. so I am making this change. It has come to my attention that I don't have the right to speak on issues concerning the Bible and that I should not place myself in a position to do so. This advice has come and so I will heed the advice for it comes by way of those who see what is better and I must listen to them. It is by counselors who by their word are to be listened to and if not then why have counselors?
What does this mean? I am stopping my blog! I am going to remain quiet and just study and prepare for whatever the future may hold. It saddens me when I know that there are those holding on to a religion that believes in a book that does not have any factual basis, that says and teaches that God was once a man, etc. or those who have so corrupted the Scriptures by rewording those verses that will give some validity to there heretical religion. And for those who are lost somewhere in between, that is, that they aren't sure which way to turn, I suggest, turn to the Bible. Those who have been affected by cultural and liberal theology and do what is not taught in the Bible, that they too will take courage and live by the Bible and not by some man's theology.
I hope and pray that you may have been encouraged by these blogs and that you will become intentional by living for our Savior Jesus Christ.
And now, little children,
abide in Him, that when
He appears, we may have
confidence and not be
ashamed before him at
His coming. If you know
that he is righteous, you
know that everyone who
practices righteousness is
born of Him.
1John 2:28-29
Pray, Read His Word, And Glorify Him
Richard L. Crumb
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