Tuesday, July 18, 2017

The Current State Of Christianity: Part 10

Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. 
 For there is no power but of God: the powers 
that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore 
resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: 
and they that resist shall  receive to themselves 
damnation. For rulers are not a terror to good works, 
but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid
 of the power? do that which is good, and thou 
shalt have praise of the same: for he is the 
minister of God to thee for good.
Romans 13:1-4 

     The mistake that has caused a deplorable current state of Christianity and a chasm between Authentic Christian Faith and Cultural Christianity is one of patriotism.  In this current state of affairs many, if not most, young people see patriotism as a bad thing and demand another type of government and another type of patriotism.  Yet, when these young people are asked to define patriotism they often do not have an answer or their answer it is more of some sort of socialistic idealism and far removed from what the founding fathers established in this nation.  It is true that if patriotism is defined in such a way that it is really nationalism, and that means to have a devotion and loyalty to one's own nation, and in that sense it is not necessarily a bad thing, but it is a bad when it becomes excessive patriotism, to have a policy of asserting the interest of a particular nation over the interest of another nation.  We are not here thinking about the difference between democracy where the government is run by the people, and this is something that has become a limited due to a shift towards socialism and to have an excessive type of nationalism ports that particular political ideology and has led to the current state of affairs that is so evident.  A nation is not supposed to put their will over the another nation although it is to ensure that if necessary to protect people if that other nation is doing harm to their people.  If patriotism becomes a love for the national government been Authentic Christian Faith will become an enemy because Authentic Christian Faith is one of principled and godly love and the devotion of an Authentic Christian is first to God and in second to others and that includes government.  Paul is very clear that we are not to resist higher power is in the Greek word there speaks of the authority and it is plural so it is not speaking about just leaders of the church, rather than leaders of a nation.  If Petrie Chisholm is a love for one's country and a desire to seek justice, peace and goodwill portal man prevail, then faith is not an enemy but the best form and friend of patriotism.  You cannot arrive at this unless you have come to grips with the county of the teachings of Jesus Christ for it is taught to us that His teachings are for the health and strength of a nation.  How?  Because Authentic Christian Faith leads to a betterment of society where ever it exists.  All one has to do is look around at the nations that at least adhere in some way to Christian faith and see that that nation is in a better place and then to look at others who do not hold to that Christian faith that was preached to us by the apostles and Jesus Christ where they have a life that is one of hardship, servitude, and the cruel governments that control over the people.  Authentic Christian Faith does not limit human freedom for it recognizes the role That Authentic Christian Faith plays to keep the universe intact.
     Jehovah's Witnesses are a poor example of Christianity and furthermore a poor example of Authentic Christianity.  They want all that they can receive from the government without having to do anything to ensure that this government is following the principles of God.  They don't vote, they do not join any military, not even so much as to be in hospital where, and yet they want all the blessings, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, welfare, and anything else that the government is willing to give them and they do this but having to have any responsibility for the governing of the government.  For them to say that they are True Christians is ridiculous for Paul above is very clear as to the role of an Authentic Christian towards government and the role and authentic plays to keep intact our universe.  Unfortunately there are other Christians who are not Jehovah's Witnesses who fall into that same mistake and seemed to speak against patriotism.  They don't even keep the speed laws.  They do not show respect when attending church for they look like they're going to some sort of outing at the park instead of coming before a Holy God who created all things. talk in the congregation be best served if a person does not show respect and good ethics?  How can a person say that they are an Authentic Christian and they can't even keep the speed laws.  Patriotism runs deeper than most people allowed to run, not that type of devotion whereby evil is allowed by a government or by being a patriot, no true patriotism with Authentic Christian Faith recognizes that society and all its numerous elements are best served when the general welfare of the greatest number of people becomes the great objective of all its people and not to have a selfish pursuit of personal peace and affluence by any individual.  Authentic Christianity as a proper response to the call of Jesus Christ's to love all men, not just to love as a friend, but to have principled love of God towards others, even to one's own enemies.  Yes, we are to have love towards an enemy but not so to give them a freedom to do harm, but rather to bring to them the love of Jesus Christ that is found in the Gospel and the road to salvation that is found in the Gospel thereby improving the current state of affairs for themselves and for their nation.
     Authentic Christianity is a river of life flowing so that anyone who wants to taste of this life-giving water can taste it, and drink it, and by this good influences their immediate surroundings, their immediate life, will become better and this will spread out as in concentric circles.  You can be the one that throws to walk into the water and see these concentric circles or you can be the one that allows the harsh ways of blowing evil winds to affect your life and your relationship towards God and His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ.

The LORD hath brought forth our righteousness: 
      come, and let us declare n Zion
the work of the LORD our God.
                         Jeremiah 51:10

Be a godly patriot

Richard L. Crumb

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